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I'm sorry what?
The only good thing about JSR is the music. The game is shit. Take of your goggles pleb.
I love the idea of a JSR revival, but these designs need to be simplified a lot. Too many random blue lights.
Good thing we are talking about JSRF, then.
what is the concept of love
Jazz best girl
JSR is the best game, need a JSR2 instead of more future shit
this. future was so fucking boring
Anyone? does anyone understand?
>Bunch of whos pitched a sequel to a series that always sold like utter shit
>People still surprised Sega didn't fund it
Sega refused to fund Bayonetta 2 and 3, and took years to localize the Yakuza series, you guys really think they'd waste money on Jet Set Radio of all things? Yeah, it sucks they didn't fund the game, but this is Sega, we should expect them to fuck everything.
They pitched it because Sony showed direct interest in it. Not to mention that JSR didn't sell "like shit". It just sold "okay".
JSR would sell MILLIONS today
They'd have to actually market it, but I agree. JSR would definitely do really well.
I do prefer the original aesthetic more and I think Ive come to appreciate the time limit on stages actually providing a challenge
>those designs
JSR is one of if not my favorite series of all time, but I don't want it like this
too bad skates arent in anymore. Unless they switch over to Hoverboards, I dont see any sort of sequel happening
Shit logic.
Overwatch just ripped off JSRF with Lucio and everyone went fucking nuts over his design, especially his sci-fi skates.
If they released JSRF2 now they could easily get that cashgrab from Overwatch fans. They just have to make the skates a more high tech design.
And for Sega, okay has never been enough for anything that isn't Sonic. Bayonetta sold okay and they didn't fund the sequels, Yakuza sold okay on the west and they didn't localize the games, Valkyria Chronicles sold okay but they decided to make the series on portable, Resonance of Fate sold okay and it's dead, Vanquish sold okay and they didn't do shit with it for years other than a PC port.
For Sega, selling okay is selling like shit.
This,keep it the same style of cell shading. would be nice to have another similarly cell shaded game that isnt JSR or XIII tho.
yeah everyone loves the guy, dunkey or some other fag made a vieo of Jet set lucio and now fags always do something related to JSR. remember how they said hero shooters would never sell yet here is overwatch and R6 siege
I feel sort of bad for Sega sometimes
>Literal who nobodies make a nothing proof of concept off your IP expecting to make dosh
>turn them down because you have your own teams to work on stuff and the concept was a bunch of nothing by literal who nobodies
>Fanboys suddenly start going off on how DUMB you are for turning down the project when their was no real indication the people who made the concept had the ability to actually make it real anyways
No seriously who the flying fuck are Dinosaur games? you google that shit and you get actual games about Dinosaurs
While you're right, and the few seconds of "gameplay" in the trailer looked way too slow, people can still be mad at Sega for not making a JSR game themselves after all this time.
Eh. I don't know if I agree with that either. It's easy to point to fan demand online and see a handful of vocal people complaining about it but ultimately it's just a question of business and economics. How many people whining actually DID buy the original at launch and how many people WOULD buy a new one at launch?
Yeah it sucks they didn't make a new one but when you think about it from a business standpoint there's probably a good reason for that. At least in Segas eyes. As much as fans want one they don't OWE us one. The only thing they OWED us was the games we originally bought when we bought them
Wait, what's going on?
>Defending Sega business practices
Come the fuck on, they've been doing nothing but fucking up and sabotaging themselves for decades.
Nothing. A bunch of fag nobodies made a short video for a new JSR game but it was two minutes of shit.
Im less defending Sega's practices and more pointing out how the fanboys demanding aren't really a whole lot smarter and crying WHERE'S THE SEQUEL TO MY NICHE TITLE!? Isn't helping
nothings stopping you from making your own jet set radio clone in unity/ue4
>I feel sort of bad for Sega sometimes
I absolutely don't.
Fanboy crying or not, Sega pretty much always deserves the shit they get.
I'm pulling this straight out of my ass, but I think Sony wants JSR as a PS4 exclusive. Perhaps Nintendo's recent success actually pushed their buttons and now they want their own colorful platformer game in the style of 90s Japan to counteract Splatoon. Jet Set Radio would be perfect for the job, and that's why they were so enthusiastic about that proof of concept. Maybe we'll see something on the next year's E3.
A dev team created a JSR Pitch for Sega after Sony (yes, Sony) was interested, was turned down by Sega, and that same pitch was released to the public yesterday.
Personally I love these designs, and I think with some touch-up it would be a really nice-looking game.
It looks good but those animations are terrible.
If I was sega I wouldnt give an IP to a literally who company like that regardless.
Pitches tend to look a bit cheap and are hastily created. We just don't see enough of them to get that perspective and rarely are they actually playable. Only exception I can think of was Sanzaru creating a working Sly prototype to pitch to Sony out of the blue, which they accepted.
If this is actually happening, I hope Sony funds the project, makes a shit ton of money off of it, and Sega chokes on it.
I'm not even a big fan of JSR or anything. Just fuck Sega of Japan.
>When I stimulate him orally, I move down with my tongue to his balls
>The testicle is an egg, and I must be extremely careful not to crack the shell
What did they mean by this?
If they're gonna have a story, they should really flesh characters out more.
I don't think we need any story more complicated than the standard gang wars. The characters should express themselves through gameplay - their graffiti, animations and phrases.
sad this IP died
sad there's no actually good fan art
sad there's no real merchendise. i want a cool JSR tshirt or something
also sad because with today's tech they could make an actually fun as fuck game with the concepts from the other games and improvements
beats shirt is pretty popular
The saddest part is that JSR is literally the only game of its kind.
What did Sega do so wrong??
I don't think they look bad at all to be honest, family.
There's a big as fuck hole that needs to be filled by somebody. Stardew Valley was off-brand Harvest Moon and it did gangbusters, and here we have Jet Set Radio just sitting here waiting for some one-man team to make bank.
thats what zenith and hover tried
But the song is good, bro.
Don't you love it, bro?
remaster when?
I dunno what Zenith is but Hover had fuck all to do with JSR. They tried to emulate the feel of the game (mostly JSRF) but it ended up being something completely different because it's not Japan and there aren't even any rollerblades. It's an extremely floaty parkour game with sci-fi and rudimentary rail grinding that involves no physics. It didn't feel like JSR at all.
Never, because licensces are a thing.
There was Hover, but it was awful.