Dying joke of a game general

Dying joke of a game general

How the mighty have fallen
And I had so much hope after oryx addon


Jesus fucking christ, please tell me this is a photoshop


Why do people still protect and play Destiny 2 after what they did with the EXP shit?

Did that just blow over? That was in the game for months before one person blew the lid and bungie all like "oo we sorry, it didn't work as planned""""""""""""""

nope, they even showed it of in the gayme awards as a feature

Stockholm syndrome

lmao I remember that at the game awards

What am I supposed to be angry about? The anime writing? amazon?

>waste $60 on empty shell of a game
>wait for friends' interest to die out
>finally dies out after the expansion, only want to go back to do weekly raids (why)
>GTAV gets new expansion the same week
>have to wait at least one more week before I can play VIDYA GAMES with acquaintances

Whats the appeal of GTAV online?
I played it for 5 hours but couldnt get into it

That's actually kinda cool, if not for the fact you have to buy a needless peripheral for it.

Please explain to a brainlet what is going on.
Is just vocal commands by using an amazon thing?

This actually makes me mad.

Its really better with friends

but hey bro you ask alexa for help and she'll invite your friends for you

Everyone I know plays it on Ps4 or xbone, not a single soul plays on PC. I dont play it on PC because "le epig master race", just because aiming with the controller is so difficult for me.

everything is better with friends

It's literally this, and only this. The game by itself isn't enjoyable enough to justify playing casually, and it's a damn shame because I used to pop in to GTA:SA Online from time to time and there was always something for everyone. Now it's the video game equivalent of waiting in a bread line.


Alexa, who is Mohammed

Alexa, how many genders are there

Alexa, who is Jesus Christ

My wife

why cant videogames be my friends

Kill yourself you normie tier faggot.

Nah senpai somebody explain this shit

This image reminded me of the Borealis. Now i remember the epistle again. Man, fuck that shit

I actually really likes this idea, though having to ask Alexa first is kinda a bummer. Couldn't they just bypass this and have the trigger word be "Ghost"?

Not like I bought Destiny 2 anyway but if such systems started popping up in games where they're justified (and where you only need a goddamn mic and it's not a DLC) I'd be down for this.

Its on youtube, but I'm not gonna give them the clicks. Some nigger breaks into a a guy's house then starts playing on his PS4. He asks alexa if there are any mission for him, but realizes the guy who's account he's playing on is a cuck. So he asks alexa for help and she invites the guy's friends to carry what they think is the soyboy's ass. The girl then realizes she's talking to a nigger and not a soyboy so she asks alexa for a private party with him.

They will never top TTK. All downhill from here.

watch your fucking mouth

Guardian, that weapon is too powerful for you. I can't let you equip it.

You can ask Alexa where to go in the game or to equip weapons for you. Saw the commercial watching football and laughed my ass off.

>Bungie spent more on football ads than dlc content
I mean it took until late 2017 for mainstream consumers to finally start getting mad at this bullshit but at least it's finally happening.

I was about to post this exact same thing. Screw giving gamers more content. What they really want is to be able have Alexa do things for them.

Playing basically any game with friends is enjoyable

>hate this game
>bring back my favorite exotic with 2
>it's shit because it doesn't translate well at all with the way the super works
I hate bungie, hate that my friends convinced me to buy this shit with the expansion and I hate myself for wasting time on something I fucking hate.

Your friends didn't get bored with the shit pile that was destiny 1?
Pirate something like return to castle wolfesntein if you want a great older fps.
Maybe even painkiller black.

>"We want the ability to switch loadouts faster"
>Ok here you go, just buy just this overpriced speaker

Let me guess, Saint-14?


I like D2, but I feel that's only because I never played D1

I don't have it yet, but what the fuck is the point is the point when sentinel is a fucking roaming super and ward of dawn is fucking ass.

>People bought Destiny 2 despite all the fuckery with Destiny 1
>They managed to pull off the same exact shit that they did AGAIN
>Only now people are complaining about it

Why are people who play video games such faggots?

A friend bought a copy for me to play together despite my warnings that there were already signs it was going to be a shitshow.
Now I'm stuck doing Nightfalls and shitty Cawaadooty tier "pvp" every week while he insists on defending everything Bungie does even after this whole expansion fiasco.
The sad thing is I used to actually like Bungie. It hurts knowing most of the talent there is gone and the company is just a corporate Activision zombie now.

People were expecting them not to completely shit on all the good quality adjustments and remove features made by the end of Destiny 1 with a sequel

Because the exp thing was literally nothing. The new expansion was the final nail in the coffin with the whole locking people out of content the could play before


The funniest thing is a 3rd party app does this and more much bettet than Alexa

>The new expansion was the final nail in the coffin with the whole locking people out of content the could play before

It would be nice to be able to do it without stopping and having to press some buttons on an app and be able to do it in game, but this speaker shit is too far

How is the alexa thing? It's only 50$ I might get one because my phone's alarm sucks

They shut you out of content that you had already paid for, demanding more money to unlock the content again.

how did a western dev come up with that hot piece of ass Mara?

I think they went back on that after people started to complain.
Not that it saves the game from being a dumpster fire though.

>just tern yer brain off bro lol

I just saw a fucking ad for it on TV.

Just get an alarm clock. Then you aren't giving Amazon more private info.

these "at home AI's" are a big waste of money, you can accomplish the same feature just talking to your phone.

Probably by accident.

>Never play destiny 1
>See it on sale
>figure i'd blow they cash on it and a copy for my buddy
Its pretty trash, but its kinda like popcorn for someone with a grinding addiction. It'll saves me 15 a month for a couple months at least.

Some things that are fun with friends are more fun than other things that are fun with friends.

The game is empty compared to its predecessor for how long both had been out. Destiny maintained a much larger playerbase for much longer. A lot of AAA western games did poorly this Christmas. It's the mounting controversies for things like ingame currencies and exchanges and politics and shit. I saw Shadow of War already marked down by like 30 dollars in GameStop, no other game that young was marked down that far, closest thing was Andromeda sitting at 19.99 USD.

I'd bet money that Destiny 2, Shadow of War, Battlefront II, Wolfenstein, and Andromeda all cost people either jobs or put them at risk. It's been a shit year for western AAA titles, people are tired of it.

Still have no idea why D2 got a pass from all the gaming press, it's a really, really fucking lazy sequel.
Sure the gunplay is still solid, but I have a hard time believing that anyone played through the campaign and the few end-game strikes and sincerely loved it. "ahh yes, such an improvement over the first game". What the shit.
Nevermind the copypasted classes, trash build options and same weapons.

Most reviewers don't play more than a few hours of a game. They gotta move onto the next one. During the campaign D2 looks like a quality game throwing loot and bright engrams at you left and right.

It's the hype machine, man. They can't help themselves. Every time one of these big AAA shooters comes out, it's always the same thing. You see publications and people saying it'll be the biggest thing ever, gaming is all about HYPE HYPE HYPE. They can't carry a fair opinion of anything when they've been covering the shit for years and hyping it the fuck up.

anything can be fun with friends

Im not defending this as a reasonable excuse but I didnt enjoy The Division until I played it with friends,