Which one should I get? What's the difference?

Which one should I get? What's the difference?

legacy collection has mgs4 and more trophies

one on the left has mgs4 and a download for mgs1

If youi have a 360 get the HD collection on 360 because it performs better

The legacy collection has download codes for MGS1 and VR Missions and also the MGS4 disc

Legacy has MGS4. So avoid that one and get the HD Collection instead.

holy fuck dude
do you expect anybody to actually read that?

tl;dr? What the fuck who reads this

how did this never come out on ps4?

It's just a review, not sure why you guys are freaking out at the sight of words.

Konami don't care

Why did SH 1-3 didn't get a proper HD and then port to PS4?

answer is always Konami

It looks like it's written by a teenage nerd trying to sound charismatic

They are porting ZoE HD for some reason and even giving it Playstation VR support.

Because ZoE2 is still one of the best games ever made and one of the few PS projects Kojima touched that's actually good. Even Konami can see that.

No one's forcing you to read it, but know that it is pretty accurately boils down the game's flaws.

Legacy Collection. It has the entire mainline series, so get that.

I should give ZoE a second try

tried 1 and dropped it pretty quickly


You wrote it didn't you?

The former has MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 and Peace Walker
The latter has only MG1, MG2, MGS2, MGS3 and Peace Walker - no MGS1, no MGS4.

>ZoE2 is still one of the best games ever made
whoa nelly
>ZoE2 is still one of the best Mecha games ever made
acceptable statement

the article is 12 years old retard

>shilling your 12 year old article

It's not ZoE HD, it's just ZoE2 and it's not a port, they're giving it a complete texture overhaul, new lighting and shader effects.

>2.67MB png instead of just posting a text paste bin
some people are just dumb as shit

from what i remember it's pretty short and easy, at least for a single play-through. give it a go when you're having a slow day or something.

If you ever get MGS 4, get the older version so you can fix the multiplayer.

I didn't know MGS4 came out in 2005

The writer surely likes to rant about seemingly offtopic stuff but in fact, it's like one of those movies where they put the ending at the beginning, then they tell everything that happened in between, then you realize all those scenes actually had a connection within the plot.

He used to write at Kotaku, some of his stuff was great.

>MGS3 is super deep and thought out
>lol MGS2 stupid and has no meaning
What did they mean by this