>you will never be so absolutely shit at your job that some literal who amateur makes you look like a massive trash heap in every aspect
Feels fucking good lads, post yfw
>you will never be so absolutely shit at your job that some literal who amateur makes you look like a massive trash heap in every aspect
Feels fucking good lads, post yfw
Eh, left looks like a tranny
>tfw you aren't Anthony OR Ashley Burch
what's with your obsession and this game
>Feels fucking good lads
this is what makes you feel good? geez man, get a life
based Ashly Burch living in your head rent-free
While she didn't get an award the the dorito awards, she will go on to her career where she will be well paid and well respected, while YOU stay here and make threads about her
shouldn't you redditors be speed running gone home together?
>Gets btfo
>Hehe you are a redditor hehe
Pathetic. And don't (You) me ever again
She's only in the industry because of the connections her brother made while working at Gearbox and I'm pretty sure she alienated a lot of those connections by being a spokesperson for the voice actor strike. Not to mention alienating gamers by being a spokesperson for various anti-gamer causes
Even PS fags forgot about this game, why can't you?
>you will never be so absolutely shit at your job that some literal who amateur makes you look like a massive trash heap in every aspect
what is this even referencing?
>Senua's mocap and VA is not only an amateur but a pretty white woman
Shes pretty attractive dude, of course they make her video game character look retarded.
ninja theory is incompetent and all their characters have kinda fucked up faces. i think it's partly because the lighting doesn't hit right?
it's honestly possible that senua was supposed to be hot and this is the best they could do
posts like this proves that actual retards visit this site
I just finished Hellblade about 20 minutes ago and I actually was pretty impressed with the face capture they used. It did make the actress' performance stand out a bit more. I can see why she won that VGA award. I found the game pretty boring overall though. Nice concept, nice setting, but generally really uninteresting to me for some reason.
>Anthony: "Hey sis! wouldn't it be funny if I wore your underwear? hahahaha!!"
why dont you just shut the fuck up and make a cuckold porn with your brother already ashley.
What's with this place's obsession with this game? Is it because it has a girl that looks somewhat pretty and that's basically white genocide and emasculation of straight men and Jewish propaganda combined into one?
Ashley stop letting your brother wear your panties.
kek why are you so butthurt?
I liked the game, but not even my favourite this year and I don't talk about it that much at all, you underage fags on the other hand just can't shut the fuck up about it, and I find it pretty pathetic and a bit funny
>hey ash wouldnt it be funny if i got an erection watching you suck your b/f's cock and i joined in
wew you sure showed me
Ashly was cute before she went all sjw haircut
But Burch is also a literal who amateur.
Holy fuck my heart...
I'm so alone, Sup Forums.
>completely btfo'ing yourself