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I like gta 3´s msx fm

I don't think Dark Souls is particularly hard or compelling. Gothic was better.

I don't get all the hype and praise about Pokemon. I always found it boring when playing them as a child.

I don't understand how do people enjoy video games, but I still lurk this board for no reason.

Hyper Light Drifter was the best game of 2016

When I went to Disney in Florida in 2008 I shit myself because I was taking diet pills that make you shit liquid. The day before I had a pizza hut not thinking of the consequences.
I went back to the hotel and decided to chill for the rest of the day because I needed my own space. I decided to have a wank, and stuck a used alchopop bottle in my ass. Feel the glass grind against the ceramic in the toilet felt weird but I was horny as fuck 'cause I couldn't wank.
After I finished up I went outside and played on my DS by the pool.

i think this is the funniest thing ive seen of Sup Forums in years

I think people who argue Ridley can't be on the Smash roster are retarded because the damned roster is full of just toys/figures. Anything should work in Smash due to the very nature of it. If the character is important to a franchise, shows up often, or is just highly demanded and debated, there's no real reason to exclude them.

I say all this because you're just putting restrictions in place to exclude a bunch of different possibly interesting additions. Nobody cares about tweaking design, size, or powerlevels. I've seen people cite Doshin the Giant could be playable with this logic. That's true. You just make them a bit taller than Ganondorf as an example.

People just assume you're a Ridleyfag if you think this way though. No, I'm a "wants the roster potential to not be held back by stupid nonsensical reasoningfag."

the based anal vore meme makes me giggle like a fucking madman

I sucked a fat dick my first time through Dark Souls 1. I had a buddy walk me through Sen's Funhouse and Anal Rodeo as a summon. I did a second dex playthrough and stomped the game, but my first time mid rolling was pretty damn hard.

I feel like 95% of the people saying "DaS isn't hard" aren't accounting for the fact that they have 100+ hours into the game. It's fucking dumb to think of your last playthrough and not your first.

Outside of the shitty exploration elements I loved this game. Still, some areas barely being visible by being behind a door that was signified by a single pixle indent on a wall is just annoying. Immortal Planet did it's level design and exploration way better.

I've only played the 3DS Monster Hunters for a couple hours each before dropping them. A big part of the reason is because I don't like the designs for your character, they're incredibly ugly.

On the other hand, I played the shit out of Stories and am still playing it now.

>It's fucking dumb to think of your last playthrough and not your first.
I wasn't born in the 00s, so my first playthrough was pretty banal as well. Once I realised that the AI absolutely couldn't deal with circlestrafing, I quite literally walked around every enemy in the game. Taurus did give me some trouble at first (since you're supposed to stand right in front of him, not walk around), but he ended up randomly jumping off the wall and dying anyway.

All in all, Dark Souls is only hard if you've never played a game before 2007. I can't see anyone brought up on 90s games having problems sussing out the AI in Souls games.

Bethesda has NEVER made a good game (yes that includes Morrowind.)

Nier Automata was a terribly boring game and among the worst games from Platinum.

MGS is overrated.

STALKER sucks ass as a game, the only thing carrying it is the atmosphere.

VTMB is through and through a mediocre, shallow, RPG.

Brainlet Wojak too. So dumb and over the top it's funny.

>VTMB is through and through a mediocre, shallow, RPG.
It's an action RPG, so that's a given. I don't really see your point. Do you also complain about DOOM not having customisable weapons? It's just not that kind of game.

I just spent nearly 7 days in a row just straight up playing video games because I had time I needed to take off work or i would lose it.
I could have done nearly anything that normal people usually do on off days but they all sounded boring as fuck, so I just sat around and occasionally lifted to stay decently in shape. Got through almost two full total war campaigns though.

I feel like I should be feeling more upset about playing so much but I don't. I think I'm broken.

They're hard in a way, but it's a lot around being very cautious and taking it slow. First time I played Dark Souls I had no fucking clue where to go. I kept trying to make my way through the skeletons. Got stuck down in a bon fire somewhere down there unable to get my way back out. Had to ask a friend what I was doing wrong for it to be so difficult, and he told me to look for a path going upward if I ever got back out of the tombs.

I don't really think of them as hard so much as forcing the player to stay on their toes. Which to some is hard, but it's not too terribly bad. Now some bosses are bullshit and to this day I don't think I've beaten Beavis and Butthead alone. I just can't do it. Maybe I've done it on playthroughs where my build and gear is all decked out, but I just can't do it after starting a new game. I just fucking suck I guess.


Few days ago I've finished a videogame, the first in almost a year. Felt like an achievement.

I can't get over it with Bennett Foddy.

I started gaming with the NES and DOS and Dark Souls gave me more trouble than 90% of games released before 2000. Its reputation is fully deserved. Good for you if you are a gaming saint but pretending it's some casual snorefest is a retarded elitist meme

If people need a break from work or life and get enjoyment out of gaming then don't feel bad. Games take my mind off taking care of my elderly fading grandmother. Hardest thing I've ever done and games let me just relax for a bit and do something else until she needs help doing anything. If you feel bad about trying to keep from going crazy, you'll just make yourself worse.

2b not being the focus of Nier Automata and is forced into a romance sub plot actually killed my interest for future Japanese games. Nothing kills my interest more than forced romance.

>pretending it's some casual snorefest is a retarded elitist meme
It is exactly that if you resort to circlestrafing. I'm a powergaming faggot, so I can't resist using the most effective strategy every time, but circlestrafing is still pretty fucking simple as far as vidya strategies go. On the other hand, games like Kingdoms of Amalur with no clear-cut combat strategy kick my teeth in.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Gothic was both more compelling and more difficult than Dark Souls, even though it had a much simpler combat system. The "hurr durr so hard" meme is just an effect of a very smart marketing campaign.

I'm extremely attracted to games with deep and complex mechanics, but I'm too retard to understand how the vast majority of the ones I tried works.

The AI has a ton of attacks that just track your movement though, I specifically remember the Tarous demon having a big overhead attack that looks dodge-able to the side, so I dodge sideways and he just spun in a circle and hit me with it regardless.

Granted, once you understand the game mechanically it becomes easy it still throws a lot of mechanics at you that can be confusing. Trying to beat shit while under-leveled, under-geared, and mid rolling can be brutal.

>Dark Souls is only hard if you've never played a game before 2007

I was born in 88, DaS is still harder than most PS1 titles.

>Now some bosses are bullshit and to this day I don't think I've beaten Beavis and Butthead alone.

I felt like they were pretty trivial once I went full dex with the flipping ring. Trying to tank them sucks though.

Nobody enjoys the pokemon story. They're raving about the depth of the multiplayer battles.

wat r u talking about? There's so much variety that surely something appeals.

I genuinely agree.

Are you me? I adore Quake 3 and movement based FPS games but I have no idea how to strafejump. I also think high level Guilty Gear seems awesome, but I'm total dogshit at all fighting games.

I'm a weeb but even I don't understand how anyone can remotely enjoy the maximum overweeb games like Tales of _ and Xenoblade

i jerk off to engine sounds in Forza Horizon 3

I look up maps or walkthroughs as soon as I get stuck for longer than 5 minutes in a game, and speedrun the fuck out of everything. I fully realize it's wrong and is ruining my immersion, but I can't stop doing it. My attention span no longer allows me to spend hours wandering aimlessly looking for ways to progress

I cheated in Final Fantasy 7 and 8 to finish both games

I play JRPGS to see what characters I can ship together.
Kill me.

I liked all the different team combinations i could do with pokemon, plus their own unique strenghts.

Same. I like fucking love anime and stuff, but actually playing them is just so boring. I'd rather watch 12-24 episodes of that shit instead. Especially since a lof of these games have such boring combat that serve only as a padding until you get to the next major cutscene.

>The AI has a ton of attacks that just track your movement though
Unless you're talking about DaS2, which admittedly did have some retarded ass tracking that looked stupid to boot, there is not a single non-giant enemy in Dark Souls 1 that can track you if you keep strafing at an optimal distance. I know because I did that shit through the entire game the first few times around. Off the top of my head I can name the giant centipede (AKA camera jitter boss) and the 4kings (AKA the run-in-and-wail-wildly-fuck-strategy boss) that can't be strafed around. And Taurus, I guess, but you can just stand in front of him and he can't hit you, so why move at all?
>Trying to beat shit while under-leveled, under-geared, and mid rolling can be brutal.
Having worse gear or throwing away your XP to gimp yourself only makes shit take longer. The AI remains the same. The most effective strategy remains the same. Nothing changes except the time investment. It's boring. I wish From made the enemies act differently depending on what type of gear you employ, but I suppose that's too much for a company that can't even program its AI to realise it can't walk on thin air.

>Brainlet Wojak too. So dumb and over the top it's funny.

I mean, I'll admit some of the armor looks really cool I just don't like the face, hair, body, etc. I'm so used to attractive anime/cartoon-y characters so I can't really connect with the hunter.

Maybe I'd change my mind if I got some good armor and a helmet to cover their disgusting face.

Shit gameplay. Looked great.

This so much, my god was the combat dull and there only to fill the gaps in stories i had already seen 100 times in anime.

Yeah, I was talking exactly about Guilty Gear and fightning games in general, but also a lot of incredibly appealing RTSs, cuhrayzee stuff like Ninja Gaiden and uber deep JRPGs like The Last Remant and SaGa.

I have zero recollection of what any of my hunters have looked like because you cover them up half an hour in

not a weeb, so i have no awareness of whats weeb or too much weeb in those games. its just a wacky Japanese novelty for me.

I spend the whole day shitposting on Sup Forums instead of playing games

Same friend. To be honest, I dont even play (or intend to) any of the franchises being talked about here. I'm just a very bored and lonely man.

i enjoy both japanese and western games
no AAA tho

I used to quick save a lot on skyrim. After learning from my shitplay, I no longer quicksave and tend to choose difficulties where such saving is not allowed.

I can't do that stupid hat jump dive trick in Odyssey that lets you get all the extra hidden moons. I've watched so many videos making it look so easy but I can't do it.

>tfw hated angie and ignored talking to her whenever possible because I thought she was evil
>finally do her free time events in salmon fishing after completing the game

all she wanted was a bit of attention and a husband

I kinda wish I did this. If I get stuck in a game I will try to figure shit out on my own for hours, and I see looking up info as admitting defeat.

Granted once I do look something up and find out that it's working on some flawed logic I start to hate the game for wasting so much of my time. I can't fucking stand puzzles that don't really follow any logic or gameplay that's purely trial and error.

>Having worse gear or throwing away your XP to gimp yourself only makes shit take longer.

Limited mobility and low health are a huge hindrance in DaS, both those factors can result in a ton of deaths due to

The Last Remnant isn't all that hard to get into, unless you're one of those people who needs to get everything in an RPG.

I grew up in the 90s playing Vidya
I find souls hard, it's to do with the fact it's reaction based though, it's why I can do great on some FPS online but suck balls at arena shooters or even CoD
Different games can be difficult for different reasons

I always end up loving things i initially hate.
JRPGs in general
tabeltop games
It always goes that way user, don't judge books by the covers.

Jump and throw out your hat, holding the button so it stays out in front of you for a little longer. While still in the air from the jump, hold the crouch button and quickly tap Y. You should dive into the hat and bounce off of it. It helps if you're running beforehand so you can carry some momentum for the dive

I had to look up a guide to find the last few Purple Coins in SMO.
97/100 was hurting my soul and I didn't have the Bowser amiibo that lets you find them

I loved X and Y. I thought the games looked and felt fantastic. Mega Evolutions are fucking badass. 3D models are fantastic.

I bought Dominions 4 but I was too much of a brainlet to play it. Then I bought Dominions 5 for $40 thinking that I would force myself to learn to play, but I'm still too stupid.

Sorry, I just refuse to believe someone over 10 years old can't wrap their head around locking on and holding a stick to one side.

My name is Sam so people keep buying me Serious Sam games. It's become a thing. I own every single "Serious Sam" game on steam.

Thing is I don't really enjoy the franchise beyond the first entries and have never played any of these things people gift me.

The First and Second encounter are really good, everything after that is mediocre really.

There are extremely few souls bosses you can just beat by circlestrafing.

Fantastic until you look at them in motion moving at 15fps.

it's a /fit/ meme

Cheated how

I bought 3 3DS systems

I played through all of Dark Souls 3 with my boyfriend co-op on my first run as a Sun Bro. I had beaten both Dark Souls 1/2 solo on my first run, but by the time I got to 3 I found co-op made the game more enjoyable then I could have ever imagined. I am still not sure If I have beaten DS3 solo yet, and any thought to play it again makes me want to play more co-op.

The combat in that game is fantastic, and the fact that the charged sword move will always result in a unique death animation for an enemy made it so much more satisfying to land. Watching an enemy rip in half after landing a massive hit feels good.

I miss PlayStation Home

Circling the enemy with no other input is not a guarantee to avoid bosses or even enemies in souls games you fucking retard, it applies to DkS1 the most
Dumb generalising cunt, neck yourself you stupid cock sucking spastic

I put peanut butter on my dick and have my dog's new-born pups lick it off because they don't know any better

my nigga

Father Wojack.... in a-another thread t-today, I defended visual novels, as legitimate video games.

I have more than 200 hours in borderlands 2 and i don't regret anything