Two of your greatest developed childhood heroes are now cowards. How does this make you feel?
Two of your greatest developed childhood heroes are now cowards. How does this make you feel?
MGSV ending is pure misinformation in classic Zero's style, 2+2=5 and whatever.
Just wait for Chapter 3:Survive.
>Big Boss
He was the bad guy in the 2D Metal Gears. He was never meant to be a hero.
lmao no
>Big Boss
This is a troll, right? This means your childhood was MGS3, your first console was a PS2, and you are barely 18 as of this year. Please kill yourself.
user, if somebody was 14 when they played MGS3, they would be 27 now.
In fairness, what happened to Luke is a lot worse then what happened to John.
I’d be pretty cowardly too if the last time I tried to do anything proactive was trying to kill my nephew and getting my entire fucking school killed.
You do realise is most likey 14 right now.
MGS3 came out in 2004, user.
Like it's hard to tell who is the bigger hack.
nice edit...
the scene would have been better.
user, 2004 + 13 years is 2017
14 + 13 years is 27 so user is right
In what way? Kojima utterly fucked up his opportunity with MGSV, it was supposed to be THE game that showed Big Boss' fall, but in the end he was too much of a bitch to do it and used the game to answer a question quite literally no one fucking asked.
>MGSV was supposed to be THE game that showed Big Boss's fall
>implying MGS3 wasn't enough on its own to show why he became disillusioned and eventually corrupt in MG1 and MG2
>implying PW didn't expand on it by making recruiting child soldiers and building a nuke seem completely logical from Big Boss's perspective
>implying GZ didn't reinforce it by having him try to hide that nuke
>implying TPP didn't finalize it by making him perfectly willing to sacrifice a hospital and go through with using a body-double as a human shield to keep the corrupt side of Cipher distracted
there's only one hero from metal gear solid and it's solid snake
annnnnd... /thread
why is big boss a coward?
can someone spoil this for me? i don't care about nu-star wars so just give me all the plot i need to understand this webm
the force is female
you're a fucking white male
porgs are adorable
You're completely correct.
However, a lot of us really wanted to see Big Boss actually create Outer Heaven in this game. So many of us wanted the game to end in Outer Heaven in Africa with a (un-winnable) boss sequence against Solid Snake. We wanted to see THAT turn.
What? I wasnt replying to I'm aware someone who was 14 when they played it would be 27 now.
The other user was complaining about people barely being 18.
dude you're still under the bosses command as solid snake in metal gear, that would make no sense
Shlock vs Kino.
It's just retards mad hat BiBo didn't kill niglets in africa, it's probably the same people that enjoy star wars after the classic trilogy.
>wahhh why didn't kojima make mgsv: revenge of the sith
I mostly agree, the Big Boss games should have honestly stopped at MGS3 but Kojima couldn't stop. And when TPP happened it was supposed to be the turning point and Kojima bitched out.
Leia gets blasted into space when the command bridge of her ship is destroyed by the First Order, she uses the force to bring herself back into the ship. The explosion is from pink hair not-Leia performing a hyper-drive kamikaze on Snokes ship after the Resistance members have been evacuated.
Haven't seen it but I think she gets blown out of an exploding ship and uses the force to pull herself back in.
Pretty good because it makes them even more relateable for me
Good thing those two were not my childhood heroes.
How's Big Boss/Venom Snake a coward?
God that movie was crap and illogical. The baddie was hot, though.
Big Boss was always a coward, are you retarded? He wanted perpetual war just so he could feel good about himself.
>it was supposed to be THE game that showed Big Boss' fall
Kek, was it now? When was the last time Kojima delivered the exact main MGS game he seemed to be delivering before it came out?
A game about that would have been unnecessary because we know what we need to know. Not saying V as it is wasn't unnecessary though because holy shit 99% in it was entirely irrelevant.
That doesn't make sense.
He wanted a purpose in life because he was the cold war's greatest soldier. After nukes were disarmed, he didn't want peace because that made him obsolete, so he used Outer Heaven to fuel conflicts around the world to inflate his own ego.
Venom did nothing wrong btw.
Yeah that makes him some kind of psychopathic though, not a coward.
>Devoting yourself entirely to a cult leader obsessed with war
>Devoting yourself enough to take a missle for him, and be completely ok with being his doppelgänger once you figure it out
Venom was a tragic villain, but a villain nonetheless.
>tfw playing MGSV today
>its fucking boring
>all the added content is online only
>tfw cant get tiger stipe unless i wait for an event and spend points
>cant get some accessories for weapons that are locked behind a shit tonne of resources
>weapon count is extremly low with 3-4 different guns per type (pistol, SMG,etc) and are just bloated by some small differences
>mfw MGS3 DLC that should have been unlockable content
>have to use mods and "cheat" to even get half the stuff or even use it without going bankrupt
what went wrong? other MGS games gave us cool stuff and a few different guns, PW and MGS4 gave us a shit tonne of guns and some player customization
why? how do i make the game fun so i can 100% it?
>enough to take a missile for him
He's a medic, he saves lives. Duh.
>can't get tiger stripe unless i wait for an event and spend points
But tiger stripe is the first camo you get in the game. It's literally what you wear throughout phantom limbs, and you could equip it again at any time.
>have to use mods and "cheat" to even get half the stuff or even use it without going bankrupt
You mean you can't take the twenty minutes to grind an FOB event and have a couple million GMP and either a good ten-thousand of every processed resource or a good thousand of every medicinal plant?
theres another version of tigerstripe which is just the MGS3 version
>20 minutes to grind all that shit
im too shit at and hate FOB
>all those points
its like 5k points per camo and they didnt even give us a weapon to unlock this time
>childhood hero
>im too shit
Git gud?
Or buy online like the cancer you are.
This scene would've been much better if that actually happened but as it stands it's just "Leia could use the force this entire time LMAO!!!"
fob is fun though user
They shit all over everything that made Star Wars good.
Kojima shit all over everything that made Metal Gear good.
>im too shit at (FOB)
Crouch walk up stairs, crawl and action roll around if you're on a flat surface, wear square camo, use a Burkov TB, and if you're paranoid: Use NVG and the drug item that lets you sense where guards are for a minute. Unless you're dealing with a level 40+ FOB (which none but Bound Dragons even come close to), FOBs are absolute and total faceroll. Unironically git gud. They're very easy to adapt to, and once you figure them out, you learn how the game is programmed, and know how to S-Rank most if not all of the game's story missions.
Venom was never my hero in MGS1, though.
the force is female, get used to it!
besides I've always been a darksider
Your childhood hero is probably Finn
>barely a week or two after it first got released, FOBs were all max security with top armor and snipers ever
>only way to get it ez done is auto-sniper everyone and fulton the owner's waifus while blasting him off the edge with the stun gun handcannon
Wasn't big on Luke, pretty much just Snake. And it makes me feel sad
>know how to S-Rank most if not all of the game's story missions.
That's simple. It's just speed. Getting all the objectives is a bitch. Especially when the last three are on Extreme Code Talker.
Dropped three of the bitches before realising there was a fourth...
But yeah it was
Luke was the best part of that movie. Autistic Venom was hardly the best part of V.
>childhood heroes
>now is considered coward
how is Boss concidered a coward , if he did all of that in the interest of mankind ? also mgsV wasnt good desu :c
I never had an attachment to Star Wars or Luke and Big Boss was always villainous, he just had sympathetic reasoning for it. Solid Snake was much more heroic.
>Luke “that child looks nice better pull of my knife” Skywalker being the best part of anything
You shouldn't compare Luke to Venom anyway, you have to compare him to Big Boss. And the bits of the tape where Kief spoke as Boss were quite good because he was good at pulling that difference in attitude off, too bad he rarely got to speak at all.
>Outer Heaven was in the interest of mankind
Nigger what.
He wanted an eternal battlefield. It was in the interest of himself and people like himself who suffer from eternal PTSD.
How was he not?
I will gladly admit that I didn’t like him based solely on never imagining Luke Skywalker as a delusional would be child killer.
Big boss ended up being such a bitch
All this talk about comrades and family under a nationless army and he was the first one to jump the boat and go into hiding
Venom Snake was never part of my childhood though.
And why exactly did that surprise you? If you don't know the first thing about Star Wars then why even bother commenting on this
Well. I don't identify this deeply with fictional characters, for one thing
That's not Venom.
He had a moment of weakness, one that came about the expectations set upon him.
it got released for free on ps plus last month so there are a fuck ton of new FOB players of varying levels of skill
>mgsV wasnt good
thats right, it was great, the best in the series, really.
If you legitimately thought Kojima was going to turn his favorite autist into a villain (especially after Peace Walker's fun loli adventures) I feel sorry for you, I expected MGSV to be Peace Walker 2.0 and that's exactly what I got, but with less of the fun because Kojima wanted to tell a serious story in the same game that has a naked sniper waifu who breathes through her skin.
Fuck man, I actually did have a lot of fun with MGSV but everything about the story is so damn forgettable, and whenever I listen to Sins of the Father I just think, this song feels undeserved by the story it's telling. I wish they didn't try to be so serious and still had all the goofy and fun shit. Peace Walker was a terrible stealth game, but the Extra Ops missions were so good, taking photographs of ghosts, dating Paz and Kaz, holding up guards with a banana, the Pooyan missions. I wish MGSV had all of that, I hate that the gameplay had to suffer because Kojima wanted people to take him seriously for once. Fuck off, how unself-aware can you get?
Not him, but what she did in that scene was way too out there for what the movies have shown. The whole "lightspeed to ram the dreadnought" also goes against already established lore in the previous movies (including one released just last year)
That isn't Venom, though.
But it's not. Venom has the shrapnel horn and a third strap on the patch. Naked only has the two straps and no shrapnel horn.
What expectations? The expectations he put on himself by training Ben? He could of just left him force sensitive and never trained him or kick him the fuck out of the school when he realized there was a huge amount of dark side in him. His first instinct was just lol fuck it ima stab him.
This is edited right?
Leia knew she could use the force since the OT and she a granny now, not too hard to believe that she trained it enough to be able to pull herself back into a ship.
My childhood hero isn't a coward tho....he's just a pussified soyboy version of what he once was.
Solid Snake was a hero until the very end, Big Boss was a coward after MGS3.
Yes, genius
>Didn't even play the game to completion
>MGS3 came out in 2004
Suicide booths when?
>leia using the force
but Bigger Boss was a bad guy from the first game
It's still too much of a jump to go "Leia is Force sensitive and has shown the capacity to use it but so far hasn't beyond simple feeling another's presence" to "gets blasted by missiles while in a cockpit and is thrown in space but somehow comes back with minor injuries".
Did you miss his entire " Luke the Legend vs Luke the Man" scene?
>that's right , it wasnt good, it was great, best in the series
niga what
my personal
>Mgs 1 - Mgs 3 - Mgs 2 - Mgs 4 - Mgs 5
Why would Luke think he could change fate any more easily by killing Ben than by teaching him better? Isn't this the guy that saw Vader redeem himself? Also if force ghosts exist couldn't ghost Anakin appear to Ben and tell him to stop?