Which one do I start with and why?

Which one do I start with and why?

2 is far superior but you kinda need to play the first to understand a lot of shit in 2

I can't make it more than 30 minutes into the 1st one. I found it incredibly boring. Haven't even installed the 2nd.

KOTOR 1. It's the better game because Chris Avellone's mouthpiece doesn't get shoved into every cutscene like in 2.

why on earth would you start with the sequel, especially when the MC of the first game is almost the protagonist of the story

Play the old republic, it’s better than that single player crap.

Here's to (You) Nikola and Bart

I’m pretty sure that only happened in your head, biodrone.

I thought it was what NV was to FO3

As you can see, the people recommending to are recommending because they think it's a better game.
The people recommending one are doing so because they don't like people involved with the development of two.

That should tell you which one is better.

I played the first one when it released, so a long time ago. Was a bit underage back then, remember being disappointed when I couldnt go back to exploring the world after the ending.
Played many more rpgs after that so I'm not so retarded now.
Just bought TSL, currently downloadan.

Confirmed to not have played KOTOR 2.

Basically this. The first one sets up the world really well and 2 has some returning characters. Graphically and mechanically they're basically the same aside from some minor things but you might as well play in order.

It gets way better after Taris, I know it's kinda a meme to say
>It gets better after X amount of hours!!!
But it really does, Kotor is notorious for having a shitty first planet but it truly opens up after I'd recommend giving it another shot or their are mods which just skip taris completely

No, Bioware actually made good games back then, so it’s much more even. Also KotOR II is unfinished even with the restoration mod, so that takes points away.

I fucking loved KOTOR, started playing KOTOR 2, a friend of mine told me I had fucked up going forward to the story without recovering my lightsaber. This was in 2005 or something and I still haven't found the courage or will to go back to it.
What do?

The problem is that people are recommending to play both, because that’s how they’re supposed to be played. It’s going to be awkward to keep hearing about Revan without knowing who xhe is.

This probably has something to do with his sister not wanting to fuck me a few months later, now that I think of it.
I could probably fug her these days if I tried, but I'm dating. Should I betray my gf just so I can experience KOTOR 2?

Over 20 times, actually. I don’t see how Kreia is Avellone’s mouthpiece just because he co-wrote the game. I think you’re so retarded you’re a danger to yourself.

The only problem with KotOR 2 is the first level which fucking sucks ass. After that it's a breeze and an interesting, if ambiguous, Jedi/Sith story. I'd power through the first level and play at your leisure when you're bored after that.

Play Jedi Academy too, it's a way better sequel to the original trilogy than these new shitty movies.

Keep your retarded anecdotes to yourself, we’re not your friends.

Just build a new one like the plot strongly implies you are meant to anyway, it's symbolic and shit.

you play the first one first, dummy

logically because it's the first one and there are lots of story bits that get continued or build upon in the second one and thus the chronological order makes much more sense and since 2 is a little deeper with new gameplay mechanics like lightsaber stances and shit like dynamic companion alignment, you will play the first one first because it will teach you the basics, before the second games beefs up the complexity

and do yourself a favor and play 2 with the Restoration project mod

>Carth looks like he has something on his mind.
First level of the KOTOR games always sucks because it's supposed to be tutorial/world building with a dose of character development, but ends up being a tedious trap that you have to muck through to get to the fun stuff. You don't even get a lightsaber until later in the game, and in the first KOTOR your starting class is basically useless and you're better off saving your level ups for when you become a jedi.

so I'm about to start, got the restoration mod.
I dont want to think too much about character creation or else I will feel like I have to optimize everything and thats not going to be a good time mkay.
is there anything I should avoid doing tho?

you honestly think that girl didn't want to fuck you because you gave up on Kotor 2?

Don't blindly chose all light-side or dark-side dialog options. Kreia will hate you otherwise.

alright, I dont like doing that sort of stuff anyway, my rpg characters always end up schizophrenics

hey man thanks for sharing this epic excerpt from your life. make sure to use a name and tripcode in the future so we can all watch your online persona grow with every new post!

In KOTOR 1 you get + attack, +hit and + defense for using a one-handed proficiency and only get a + attack and "suck less at hitting stuff" +hit from duel weapon proficiency, but you look cooler. In KOTOR 2 they fixed this with prestige classes, but the force is too strong with that game to be a martial.

It's a good idea to think out how you want to fight before spending the perk and attribute points on shit you're not using. Also, the main character is the only one who can use the persuade skill, so it might be a good idea to invest in that.

Also in KOTOR 1:
>you're better off saving your level ups for when you become a jedi.

Don't play 2 first. I played 2 first as a kid because our Movie Gallery only had it not the first game, and it's just too good. Playing KotOR was fun when I finally had a chance to but I mean 2 is just perfect. ESPECIALLY with the restoration mod.

The content patch for 2 - did anyone update it after 2012?

This. After you play 2 you wont want to go back to the first game.

Taris is absolutely terrible but trust me, play past it