This shit went under my radar. Was it good?
This shit went under my radar. Was it good?
Shit story. Mediocre characters. Weak level design.
That said, really fun gameplay, great music, and some of the set pieces were fantastic.
> climbing the highest skyscraper in the final stretch
Kinda good for 2008.
>Was it good?
bought for the graphics, everything else is shit, after 6 hours i was bored of it
no, it was garbage
should be cheap enough now to be worth a try
Only get it if you're really craving for some ME gameplay and are bored of the first game. Pirate it.
It was okay, good gameplay and atmosphere, bad story and characters, world is pretty
Nowhere near as good as the first
Gameplay, Visuals, Music, and Atmosphere are enough to get you sucked in for hours. Doing races is really fun too. Ignore everything else.
Decent. Disregarding the hub, it's like the first ME because the levels are usually linear.
They ditched the awful gun play and added a grappling hook which is alright.
It also looks and sounds amazing, especially on powerful systems with reflections.
number 1 atmosphere if you're loner/introvert but not a basement dweller
Not as good as the first.
A bit too edgy. Open world did nothing for it.
No guns? I mean it wasn't the best shooting but it was fun picking up a pistol and returning a few shots while you were on the run
It's a thoroughly mediocre half-assed open world game.
It's not even out yet.
Open world was shit, upgrade system was literally hitler, story was fucking retarded
Aesthetics are hit and miss, I love neofuturism and some of it really clicked, some of it just seems busy for the sake of being busy
It really doesn't hold a candle to the originals looks
dynamic lighting instead of baked was a bad idea
the actual levels are fun, tight and generally look great
the fucking idiots made a big deal about focusing on running not fighting then implemented mandatory fights, a shitty combat system, and generally made no effort to let you run past enemies
Music is great, but the dynamic nature of it means the tracks are nowhere near as iconic or standout as the original
The city that you can't go to and the ground level look disgusting, low res, missing models, cars driving through each other, buildings, pedestrians
The art gallery mission is beautiful and probably the closest the game gets to capturing the skill in the visual design that the original had
No guns. Lore-wise it's because all of the weapons are bound the police guys' brain chips or whatever.
Instead, there's a more fleshed out melee system where you dash around enemies and kick them into walls.
Sadly, it's not very good, either.
Good thing it isn't an open world game, then.
Some additional things
The visuals only work if you can keep it at max, seriously you need max reflections, AA, and preferably downsample
The movement is fluid and generally enjoyable, but it can become really awkward to traverse the open world even with runners vision because it only activates when you're right on top of the object
The "open world" has a few ways to go around in and a couple of open areas, none of these let you make your own fast paths
Visual designs of the enemy units are fantastic, really just a great mix of modern paramilitary and the clean colours of the series
bumpmapping simply isn't used as much as the first game, and things like gravel or concrete seem really flat
whatever you do don't play it on console, the popin, blur, lag, everything is just fucking atrocious
I started it recently. Turn off runner vision and the core gameplay is fun, but it constantly interrupts you. One of the tutorial missions almost made me rageabandon it because it restarts unless you play it 100% how it wants you to, without adequately explaining what that is. The acting isn't great and the plot doesn't really have me invested.
>the hacker character is autistic because of course they are
I'm going to keep at it, because when the going is good and you're in the flow, it feels fucking great to play.
I found playing with runner vision to be absolutely intolerable. It feels like you're following a series of QTEs instead of navigating around a city.
it was shit
Also, if you haven't, get Mirror's Edge from somewhere, pirate it or don't, whatever, just play it downsampled
The game is a visual treat in every sense of the word
Oh, and I remembered the last shitty thing that stood out above all else in MEC - the "falling to your death" animation cuts out before you hit the ground, so there's no horrible crunch of you hitting concrete.
I will say that the lore for MEC is pretty neat, and the fact that the ruling dudes are actually doing the right thing is neat.
I absolutely hate it too, but I've found myself up against blank walls because there's a ledge out of my FOV when running that I should have gotten onto. It might be that I'm retarded, or that my shitty console FOV isn't acceptable, but I constantly find myself at dead ends or spots where I have to stop and look around for my next move, instead of fluidly running around.