ITT: The greatest rivalries in vidya
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Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to have finding nemo, so it's going to suck sorry
Unreal vs Quake
Stop trying to make DMC > DMC3 a thing it's never gonna be a thing.
ITT: The greatest forced memes on Sup Forums
This isn't a thing and it never was. Doesn't matter how many times you posted it's still not a thing.
you got it backwards
You would think that because you're underage
Why do you force this shit in every thread. You're cancer. Both are fantastic games.
You can't honestly think KH2 is on the same level as dmc.
>Both are fantastic games.
Obviously, but no one actually plays the fucking first around this hellhole.
>those piercings
Well I did and I say they're both great. So stop.
So what's your end goal here? You realize that the game doesn't get any younger right? You seriously can't expect everyone to go back and play it, specially now that we are reaching times where there are people that never played PS2 games. I'd say that you remind me of the pre FFVII fags that shit on every modern FF, but unlike you, they at least know that expecting people to play the classics in this day and age is a foolish endeavor
Unlike Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry is still an entirely functional action game where the challenge obviously lies in it's difficulty, not scrolling through a menu screen. You're dodging shit with i-frames, finding the most efficient manners to kill. People want to meme they love a challenge these days, when there's even games such as these, but they don't want to bother because the combat is thought of as wholly inferior to the 3rd in this day and age. The truth is they just don't want to learn the game by it's own rules, so saying the game is dated is a nice little cop-out to say it's shit and not bother anymore. Blaming the game itself. I guess i'm supposed to just leave everyone to their casual-ass taste then instead of bringing the matter up?
Pleb taste.
What? Isn't DMC3's rival Ninja Gaiden Black? The threads discussing these two games were legendary, and the Anons trying to prove which of these two games are the best are legendary geniuses who are good at video games.
user please. at best, people that play kh2fm also play the dmc series. There isn't any rivalry between the franchises at all
and I say this knowing that retards that played on easy/normal follow the "le mash x and triangle to win" maymay
you can bring that matter up all you want but you've reached a point where other annons can easily recognize that you are the shitter that makes dmc1 threads and posts fucking 50+ concept art images just to try to keep your shit alive. There's a point where it gets obnoxious and you have yet to realize that. You need help.
If the game wasn't so underrepresented this would all be a non-issue. You're the shitter here for not contributing whatsoever.
I wouldn't use the word 'contribute' to describe your threads though, I feel like 'needless spam' would be a better fit. But hey, whatever floats your boat. I just hope that you don't go over board in March once the new port of the HD collection comes. /threading myself, you may have the last word.
The only answer.
>Posting concept art as filler whilst trying to bring up vidya discussion
>Needless spam
And Dark Souls has Blighttown. What’s your point?