Why heroes might and magic 3 is so overrated

why heroes might and magic 3 is so overrated

same reason why do you suck cock on a daily basis


spotted the first heroes 3 fag

Git gud faggit

can't think of anything wrong with this game really

Because it's good and you are a contrarian

Except Eagle Eye.



this franchise is pure shit

Because you suck at grammar

We all know why you made this thread. Favorite castle and hero everyone?

Stronghold, Shakti (troglodyte specialist from Dungeon)

because it's fun
next question

necropolis op

game is absolutely fine I think, but playing it with the WoG-mod that re-balances the game and let's you customize pretty much anything in the game makes it fantastic


rebalances aka wrecks '''balance''' even more so

Horn of the Abyss is surprisingly good

Babby's first homm.

oхyeть, dolbo yeb

ya I enjoy that expansion also, but prefer WoG in the end I think

It's more balanced than it's predecessors and didn't include gimmicks like in 4. Honestly it's probably best in series (even if it's not my favorite). It's not over rated; it's just a good game.

Does Inferno play well? I want to be a edgy demon.