ITT: Smiles you couldn't protect


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All she wanted to do was hangout with you

Natsuki > Monika > Sayori >>> Yuri
All differing opinions may be redirected to your local trash can



Why would you protect a fake smile?

Sayori>>> Natsuki>Monika>Yuri. Only thing that we agree on is Yuri is last

This a gazellabillion times

also, post dokidoki meymays


>something something Yuri not at the top
Opinion discarded desu.


Act 1 Yuri is a top tier cutie

this game is girls with depression: simulator, right?
I'm halfway through it and Sayori told me she has depression and Yuri is into knifes and licks my blood, so I guess she cuts herself?

Not so much depression as each girl is pretty fucked up in there own ways and there negative traits are getting amplified for reasons you will see later

Yuri is the best character.

So it tries to go against all notions of VN's?
where the decisions you make end up fucking up each girl and you feel guilty?

the amplifier is Monika or something? I mean, I've seen memes but I don't know the details. Actually, I'd rather see it myself so I will close the thread.

Most all smiles you see, both in video games and in reality, are fake.


I really want the PS3 version of this game on PC already. The fact that Xbox had 2 goty JRPG for me was strange.

Who cares about this obnoxious brat?

I... i romanced her from the start..

I wish Monika was real.
She would love me for who I am...

I don't understand how people don't have Monika as best girl after hearing her song

The only flaw in the game is that you actually can't romance this crazy maniac

Because her voice is shit

Yuri best girl


>Act 1 Yuri
>not into act 2 "I'll give myself paper cuts and have your skin oils into my bloodstream" Yuri

you mean
>the only flaw in the game is that you can't kill the crazy maniac after cumming inside her

trips are facts

fuck off you tall boring bitch

A shame

This game genuinely upset me.

why tho?

I played it for 7 hours straight yesterday and I couldn't play anything else since then. I guess that thats what youg lads call post game depression

>not letting the crazy maniac kill you after cumming inside her and letting her eat you to become one with her body

Why did this game suddenly just get such a big push of interest? A friend of mine recommended it to me just yesterday and now I've seen about five threads in the past twenty four hours.

He heard about it from a fucking IGN podcast, do that many people on this site still go to that fucking website?
Alt Tab when her face is close

I feel you, and I don't know why.
It made me feel anxious for several days and I've seen much worse.

A smile I couldn't protect, even with all the love I gave her

I don't like emotional torture. I don't like suicide.

Well I don't know how many go on IGN but you obviously don't go on Sup Forums much because it's been fucking flooded with DDLC threads ever since its release

It's a western VN, you don't get many of them and KJ is on the minds of many as a decent romance VN
Anyways, it's pretty well made and it does what it aims to do in pretty good fashion.

It's honestly good, don't let the hype fool you

the grumps have been playing it for the last two weeks or so. probably has something to do with it


>last two weeks
This game is only a couple of hours long.

grumps play 10 mins a day, max revenue for the least amount of effort

They add a lot of their own dialogue, and play 10 minutes at a time.


More like PewDiePie's playthrough + MatPat's cancerous theory videos had something to do with it.


i wouldn't know. i stay away from that mcdonalds happy meal diarrhea spew of "entertainment"

not that the grumps are much better. i check in once in a while these days. seems like they don't even really enjoy it anymore.

Do you have the version without stabby stabby?

they were touring and shooting a yt red show the last couple months, Arin admitted he overworked himself
So to get this scene you have to lean your poem towards Natsuki on the second playthrough then Yuri the next day. Probably the most terrifying part of the game for me

Sayori is worst girl by far. Yuri is not only the best at poetry, she has those jumbo yum-yums we all know and love

looks goofy when you know it's coming

The poem about holy stakes and god disproving god was really fucking good

Sayori awoke something in me.

The moment i found her hit me so hard. I've seen so much fucked up shit online and care so little for the people around me irl but this 2d girls fate breaks me?
Its been 3 weeks.

I quit drinking. I don't watch porn anymore. I started to exercise again.

I don't want to be a deppressing sack of shit anymore. I'm glad i realised that.

But why did this hit me so hard?
I'm not even much into 2d!

Oh wow, someone on Sup Forums is right for once

Yea I know, but when it surprised me I was just like Jesus Christ

Its a western VN that got released on steam or someshit, so all the bottom feeding trash got ahold of it and thought it was great.

Even narutards have better taste/IQ than these plebs



>I have no idea what I'm talking about but need to post anyway

Hit me like a truck too especially considering my depression has been so severe I’ve contemplated suicide by hanging multiple times. I had to lay down for a couple of hours after that

I actually thought the poetry was nice in this game, not only per se, but compared to each girls situations and personalities.
Then again, I know jack shit about actual poetry.
But still.


>Look at thumbnail
>Don't even click on the link
No thanks

God tier:
High tier:
>Monika, Yuri, Sayori
Mid tier:
Low tier:
Shit tier:

Are you her dad?

How can somebody even be this wrong

You guys are literally fucking retarded. They film hours of stuff and cut it up to release daily.

I can't wait when these threads will recieve Undertale treatment and will be spamed into abyss.

It really helped me in the long run i think.

I don't ever want anyone to find me like that.
And i never want to see someone close to me like that.

and i don't want to be as useless and uncaring as the mc was. After confessing to me and telling me how bad she felt i would not have left her side.


A full Yuri playthrough is the best way to first experience the game. Knowing how hard she was fighting was happening to her, and how helpless you were to stop it, really hit home for me.

>They film hours of stuff
in a weekly recording session yes

Yes, I'm -His- dad.
The fat fucker kept crossdressing and talking to people on a 'Sup Forums'. Since the only thing in the little shit's life that can get him off his arse is food, I drastically restricted his food supply until he stopped being a little faggot.
Didn't work, clearly.

I've been feeling a lot more positive and happier during the past week but the periods of depression that come hit much harder. I can only place my finger on this fucking game, and I don't know why it just seemed to fuck with me.

>Tries to make Yuri more unlikable
>Makes Yuri even more perfect

Monika, I think you're a top tier girl and all, but you just shot yourself in the foot with that.

Seriously, all you had to do was make Yuri say "Oh I have a boyfriend."

Did you not know that making her love the protagonist even more, even if yandere, would make her even better?

This is why you're stuck in a game and Yuri is stuck in our hearts.

We writing poems now!

Cute Puppy

I found him in a box
a small cute dog
I named the puppy Sox
I found him in the fog
I only kept the one
He gave my cheeks many licks
I know we'll have fun
Too bad there were six

when the fuck does this do anything? her eyes are reaching the edge of the screen and alt tabbing has yet to do anything

Use a different browser

>He gave my cheeks many licks
about one syllable too long and the ending is a little weak in my opinion.

Here's mine:

>I'd stop being sexist, if they'd just have sex with me
>I'd probably stop being racist too
>These women, they don't know what they do to me
>can't they see it's catch 22

I'm with ya lads.

>Just got special ending and didn't even do that much

I kept messing around with the game directory just for fun hoping I'd trigger something out of random after collecting all CGs. I'll just leave the game be with the special message after this.

Also, Yuri's death scene seems to go faster through the day cycle if you just load a file over and over? Kinda wish I had triggered the "snap neck" event, but maybe that was for the best.

Sayori>>> Monika > Natsuki >Yuri

das it mane

play a better VN fags

>that hmanga where she cuts off that girls legs and makes the dude fuck her

Euphoria and Doki Doki are good in completely different ways.

>get to right before sayori's death scene
>had to take a break because shit followed in almost the exact footsteps of when a friend killed herself
>finally go back and finish it
>lol 4th wall breaking xddd
My disappointment could be measured in tons.

>only act 1

Oddly I had the exact same thing happen to me, except without the dead friend. Went to bed very sad and thinking about Sayori a lot that night. The game has some fun gimmicks and overall does what it sets out to do quite well but that's honestly still the experience that stuck with me most


This was genuinely the funniest game I have ever played. My face and chest hurt from laughing so much after the Sayori scene and I think I might have woken up my neighbors. Am I a psychopath?

Be careful with that edge, you might cut yourself

Correct, Yuri's death scene does go faster if you quit the game and launch it again. The reason for that is because when you launch the game again, it automatically skips to the start of the next CG in the sequence. There's 9 in total.