I was thinking about a M&B mod that replaced the factions with Sup Forums boards...

I was thinking about a M&B mod that replaced the factions with Sup Forums boards, and the NPCs with beloved characters from each board

There is 6 factions, each with recognizable characters

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

These 5 are the obvious choices but im not sure who could be the 6th faction.

I would also need to know who would be the king of each board, the usurpers, the vassals, and the ladies.

Who would be the king of Sup Forums?


Sup Forums hasn't been relevant in years. I'd say replace with /fit/ and have Sup Forums take up the final slot

>king Sup Forums
moot if you put Sup Forums in the centre of the map. then we can get gangbanged by literally every neighbour and send him into exile again

The sixth faction should be Sup Forums with anime characters for troops

Replace Sup Forums with /fit/ and add Sup Forums as the Rocucks.

Sup Forums

No /tg/

One job, OP, one job.

I've considered Sup Forums, but the problem with that and /gif/ and /tg/ is that there isnt a whole lot of characters that stand out in those boards. All of /tg/s heros could be in Sup Forums pretty much

The mascot could be Scotty Kilmer maybe?

make Sup Forums. make everyone in their faction a black guy in a business suit with an afro.

also if you need references for board characters/skins, just go to 4cc wiki and use theirs.

/k/ you fucking dumbass

Replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums and place it in the middle. Last slot for Sup Forums how is this even a question, the site was created for animu discussion in the first place.

Sup Forums you colossal retard
Sup Forumsedditors are truly scum

Sup Forums Heroes would be a large black man from Blacked.com, a Templar, the Blackman with an Afro from Hobbo Hotel, and the Naked Moot.
/gif/ is worthless as a board

maybe you could make Sup Forums into a bandit faction? like instead of forest raiders you encounter underage Sup Forumstards or something? also you should make the maidens of the realms as the respective board's waifus.

Thats going to save me a heck alot of time, thanks user

You guys are right, Sup Forums should be a faction.

Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums for sure is what im thinking, now to figure out which faction becomes which board

Sup Forums doesnt seem that interesting as a faction i agree with alot of the sentiments there, but i also dont think Sup Forums is a good replacement

Excellent idea user

Sup Forums as the desert dwellers as it will trigger them. Sup Forums as the vikings because why not

You could roll Sup Forums and Sup Forums into one faction if you wanted to

whens the release for M&B2

Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair


Make factionless bandits into /r9k/ robots, they have frog skins, are naked and fight by throwing tendies.

It will make more sense if you leave Sup Forums as bandits.

>Sup Forums as the desert dwellers

>Sup Forumsandits

>make a living out of capturing Sup Forumsandits and selling them to slave traders

>Sup Forums as the desert dwellers
That's actually perfect

Most of the Sup Forums shitposting spirit split between /fit/, /r9k/ and Sup Forums. So any of those

Sup Forums
Fucken who?
Obviously the answer is x or k

replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums

Replace Sup Forums with /r9k/, Sup Forums with /fit/ and make the sixth faction /k/.

/k/ and Sup Forums are pretty much the same since most /k/ebab removers have the same views and ideologies Sup Forumsacks have. You can tell by the discussions on the threads about weapons used in history threads.

Costanza or captain vidya

more like emperor moot of Sup Forums

oh this
make this done op
we could do this together.
do you have github?

/k/ should be mercenaries who can be hired in taverns. In fact, you could make mercenary tech trees out of the minor boards who aren't distinct enough to be factions in their own right. For instance, /e/ can be upgraded to /h/, which can be upgraded to /d/.

In that case, /k/ would probably be like hedge knights who start off expensive but with great equipment, but who are a dead end in terms of upgrades for balance purposes.

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

can you make Sup Forums heavily archery based because they're virgins who don't want confront with others in close range

What about something not from a meme board, /ck/ for instance has lots of characters. Ask around

Make the following factions:
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Sup Forums as bandits
/k/ mercenaries
Sup Forums or /fit/ as peasant

Looters to Newfags

>using irrelevant new boards

Neutral unit tech tree 1/3



Wish there was a way to directly recruit refugees and manhunters instead of saving them as prisoners. Slaver Chiefs and Sword Sisters are really good units in my opinion.

>Who would be the king of Sup Forums?
isn't it obvious?

Also types of bandits:

Steppe Bandits
Forest Bandits
Mountain Bandits
Sea Raiders

taiga bandit
desert bandit

Make it evolve from peasant yotsuba to armored yotsuba. And don't worry about having green hair everywhere because of her being a normal unit, sword sister really are a hard sight and are also hard to recruit.