>boss kills you
>decide to grind
>boss kills you again faster than before
Boss kills you
>boss gets suspended for steroids and patched out of the game for 4 years
>boss has a OTK
>Character completely fucks himself by cheating to beat an almost forty year old man when he already beat him once before
New Game + =/= Cheating
TLR general?
SaGa thread?
It is entirely possible he was cheating his entire career, theyh just didn't catch it until they changed their tests.
This is true. What a fucking shame.
>Use hacks in New Game+ When you're perfectly capable of winning without cheats at that point
> Get boss down to a sliver of health on your first attempt.
> Takes a dozen more attempts to even get it past half health again
>Go to bed after losing streak against boss.
>Beat it with almost zero effort in the morning.
That truly is one of the best and oddest things about the human mind.
Sometimes you really do have to sleep on it.
>boss uses a move you didn't know about
>The good Final Boss teams up with the Instakill cheap ass whore boss that is actually his wife.
>You kill him but she lunges halfway across the map and instakill grabs you.
What are you talking about?
video games
would you cry in public after getting beat the fuck down?
No, I'd cry in private, like Jose Aldo.
mma and ufc is riddled with drug use
anderson silva in his hay day was roided up and jacked then he stoped using it he looked all saggy and started to lose
no because i would be really angry first and then cry later
when will manlets learn
At first it was hard to watch DC look broken, but I've gotten used to it
Orphan of Kos for me goddamn.
this is me right here
If I'm ever really angry, I just get physically mad and then in a moment alone I actually end up crying
>boss kills you
>go at him again
>take your 12 deaths to learn it's 30 something move sets
>go your 13th time
>this is it
>now you know the entire script
>you know when he's going to take a shit
>you know when he's going to call his mom for her birthday
>you know everything about this boss even how he named his kids
>kill him
>"This isn't my final form"
>new moves sets
>new shape
>stronger than before
That's happened to me with every game that posed a challenge and frustrated me, wake up the next day I breeze past what made me struggle.
It's weird.
>taunting after killing the boss
Muscle memory sets in as you sleep. Nothing odd.
the absolute state of the UFC
Jon pissed dirty
Ronda got TKO'd in less than a minute
Conor got clowned by a retired old man
who will rise up to be the people's champ?
Writing the "kill" kanji in Okami after each fight (as the enemies are dying in the background) like a total edgelord even if it doesn't do anything.
>nu-UFC turns into soap opera
>tfw UFC golden days are gone.
You're probably practicing it over and over again during the dreams that you don't remember in the morning.
Dex always wins vs str
This is more like str vs end though
>Boss gets popped for steroids and you're retroactively the winner
Str vs Dex
Our savior will return.
Yeah, The Ultimate Fighter on Spike wasn't a soap opera at all.
i hate fighting
i hate fighting more than i hate losing
how do people not die from this? and why did the ref not call it quits sooner? sorry dont know much about fighting sports
Who the fuck was talking about TUF? sure wasn't me.
What sucked about betting on that fight was that it was an instant concussion. Steroid use or not, he won. He lost the title because the match was being billed as a family man vs a criminal, and the criminal won.
I forgot about those wild west days. Punching in the back of the head is definitely illegal now. You have to hook your punches around if you want to hit from behind.
>When you accidentally enter a boss area and aren't ready
Maybe Dustin Poirier can be champ now that he's ridiculously handsome.
>complete the DLC side mission
>never play again
why do people like nigger beating the shit out of other nigger till he gets a concussion again?
Back then, UFC had zero credibility. There was several lawsuits, for obvious reasons, because the refs were basically there for show.
holy shit thats mad
He really does look much better with hair.
>When you kill the boss with 1 hp left
just a part of the game
>Runs behind him
>Then runs back in front of him as he's winding up a punch
That's STR vs -INT
no, this is str vs. -int
Your brain needs time to refresh and to connect together everything you learned in a day. It's why you can go back to a game and beat it with ease the next day or how you can relearn things that you learned a long time ago 100x faster
>Steroid use or not he won
That's not how it works fucking retard
What's worse?
>Spend hours of non stop practice to beat a boss
>Lose in cutscene
>Beat a boss with ease
>Lose in cutscene
>You git gud
>when the boss is still fighting you after the death screen
God bless GSP for finally getting rid of that ducking dumbfuck.
fucking Friede
>All three champions got knocked out by left hooks
What the hell went on that night.
Beat me to it.
what the fuck, this dude is mental
>Punching in the back of the head is definitely illegal now.
Do they still have such unbalanced weight classes against each other? Dude's fighting a sumo.
>enemies level up too
>at a faster rate
Fuck you last Remanent,
rockhold needs to be permaheemed too for letting bisbong take the belt from him
>blocks kick with head
>loses fight
WOW dude, this guy is a cheater he lag switches!
>don't level up
>enemies are piss weak and die in 2 hits
>level up
>enemies take 25 hits to kill and can fuck you up disproportionately to your own damage
>game has a boss rush mode
You do realize that UFC is not only a black thing, right? I know you're obsessed with black people but you don't have to make everything about them.
Yes that was literally the only few seconds of the entire fight. Uh huh. You aren't retarded
Injury isn't ducking
that attack is horseshit honestly, but she'd be more or less completely non-threatening without it. she needs something like that attack
That's UFC, you uncultured swine. Most participants are white and I'm sorry your beta, soy ass can't handle a little bit of manliness
T. Redditor who actually knows Jack shit about ufc
Holy hell, this webm shows you why those revs don't stop them till it's almost beyond too obvious.
>Stripped of the belt
>Shunned and shamed by the entire community
I hope that faggot was banned from every material art avenue on the planet
>trying to flee from bosses
>It's a stealth UFC thread
>Try boss for the first time
>Die just as I was about to beat it
>Try again
>Can never get that far again
>Yet still clearly the greatest despite all that
did the losing guy owe him tree fiddy or something?
Definitely got better
>Female street fighter characters
Don't blow my cover
I feel so bad for Pettis, that dude has been careening down a cliff for a while now.
Schaub bless
why so many manlets on UFC
where the fuck did he even hit him?
>When all else fails start button mashing
>spamming the same move
not sure 5'8 counts as a manlet
Anything below six foot is a manlet.
It's a meme you dip
No back then it was a spectacle now it’s a regulated sport