Really IGN? Hahahaha, this is the shit we're nominating for 2017?
Really IGN? Hahahaha, this is the shit we're nominating for 2017?
>pubg not even out of early acess
>DDLC not even a game
>destiny 2 got a low score but still makes the nomination lol
Well at least it is a variety of choices.
>hay fåm what should we pick for our meaningless awards?
>i don't know just see what's trending right now and pick those
>what if they're trending because people are bitching about how they're poorly optimized lootbox filled twitch bait
>hey, traffic is traffic
does it piss anyone else off that VNs are considered games?
I'd sooner vote for Doki Doki than Destiny 2.
IGN is like TMZ
useless jewish propaganda
Why are unreleased games part of game awards anyway? If it's a proper game then stop using EA as a shield.
>voting for DDLC over anything
DDLC should win, imagine the butthurt. Plus its not like anyone with half a brain cares,
PUBG is there
>Destiny 2 was nominated 4 times at the VGA
Now I know they've paid to get their spot, the game is absolute shit.
Why is this not 4 pictures of cuphead
>>pubg not even out of early acess
When is it out? In like three days?
More like why are you on IGN in 2017?
never lol
lmao :^)
Holy fuck boys, I can't believe me eyes
20th so yeah
Hopefully yes
What a fucking cuck
It basically isn't one, it's a movie with a few alternate routes
>Early access glitchfest
>DLC ridden garbage
>Weeaboo undertale
>Literally who plays that
>no endless space 2
Best space 4x in years and not even a nomination, I bet it's soundtrack goes overlooked too when it's better possibly this years best.
PC doesn't have any exclusive games so they'll have to settle for shit only chinese people play and early access games. I really fucking hope they release Bannerlord comes out next year because I have jack-shit to play on my PC.
Wasn't it obvious that companies could pay for that shit when Cisquisition won against Bayonetta 2.
They really want PUBG to win
i read some fag yesterday who called ddlc the scariest game he ever played
how embarrassing
Does it piss anyone else off that Western gaming publications have completely ignored VNs as games for decades until a Western-developed one comes along and markets itself to normies and Twitch streamers?
>PC Gaming
Well what do you expect? 2017 wasn't really good for PC gaming. D:OS2 is probably the only quality game that came out this year and it's not even appealing to casuals
DOS2 is the winner, no doubt
DDLC is nice, not sure the best PC
They could've easily included (released on PC first)
>Hollow Knight
>Warhammer II
>Endless Space 2
>West of Loathing
>Long Dark
>Rising Storm 2
>Battle Brothers
>Thimbleweed park
>Stories Untold
And this is still excluding the multiplats.
I would be ok with it if D.OS won though
>SJW shit II
>literally who?
Christ, maybe Fartendo did deserve to win this year.
Imperium of Man represent
We're talking about IGN here.
18th may 2017
>Subahibi came out in English this year
>nominate DDLC
Play real VNs.
Dominions 5 and Cold Waters.
Translations are not releases, mongoloid. PS read a book.
>literally who play Divinity OS 2
Are you slow?
Dominions 5 is good, but suffers from being an evolutionary development of 4, and ultra-niche on top of that.
Cold Waters is a niche product, though admittedly I want more sims. Waiting patiently for UBoot....
Still better than DDLC
Yeah cause they're definitely going to nominate a Japanese only game on an English language site. Also I've probably read more book than you, and I mean actual literature not YA trash.
Honestly, hate it all you want, but ign is pretty based most of the time. They're reviews are spot on, they keep bias out of them, and they genuinely seem like cool people you'd drink some moscato with. I wish I worked at ign.
Persona 5 was nominated at TGA this year, even though you are right it's the unfortunate standard.
>The literally patrician theme of Horatio, a.k.a. the man every Silicon Valley maggot wished they were:
>Doki Doki is on the list
Has IGN lost their minds?
What does getting out of early access even fucking mean? The game is a shitty, unoptimized pile of shit regardless.
Well you cant blame them. This year was really lackluster. I don't even have a GOTY because nothing was good enough to qualify for it.
i thought at least cuphead would be up for the normie awards
>Also I've probably read more book than you
>more book than you
Sure you have.
>a buggy mess filled with chink bots
>a mmo shooter which is apparently worse than the first one
>a fucking vn
>and a game
top kek as they say.
>Divinity OS2 rightfully nominated a GOTY award
>Sup Forums goes "literally who"
no saving this fucking place
>make a typo
>better point it out!
Endless Space 2 was a let down. The story each faction gets really hinders the game because its static. Once you've run through it once or twice that's it you know what every mission is. The stories also hurt custom factions because you have to pick one of the main races story missions. It adds a layer of "Why play again?"
Stay salty retard.
>Kiddinity 2
>best anything when it's the most dangerous """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""RPG"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" to threaten the genre in years due to how casual and broken it is as well as the fact that it lacks roleplaying entirely and uses a system that completely eliminates any sort of character exposition through dialogue, turning all characters into soulless, uncharismatic husks, since 99% of character dialogue is replaced by generic narrator descriptions
The fact that he even feels the need to make the distinction between YA novels and, uh, every single other genre is enough to show that the answer is obviously No. That and he's reading fucking VNs which are as YA are you can possibly get.
Read the rules.
Don't ever reply to me again.
YA novels are universally terrible though.
>giving IGN clicks
Stop this shit retards
>playing as horatio
>main planet takes up 1/4 of the solar system in the centre of the solar system
Literally perfect in every way
This one is pretty good, but it's no Horatio
>sophon don't start off with a mavros pop
>sophon don't have a special ability that places mavros as a second primary civ causing them to generate naturally on planets
I never got this, I thought the Mavros were a permutation of the Sophons
You can just ignore the story, I didn't complete any stories until my 6th playthrough
Endless Space 2 was great, I can't wait to see where they take Endless Legend 2. ES2 was the only game on PC I paid full price for this year and the only thing I've found disappointing is that it didn't get a GOG release.
>Off-topic replies
You too, Salt Peter.
Why are you going to IGN you cock smoker.
And Divinity original Sin better have won.
>Dude the game edits its own files, best game ever!!!!11
Which is why they're not worth mentioning. If you had any taste at all you'd know that.
>pc gaming
Honestly I don't even like that game but it's more deserving then any of the other games there. PUBG is only just coming out of early access, DDLC is a fucking visual novel and everyone thought destiny 2 was shit.