What’s the saddest video game death of all time?

What’s the saddest video game death of all time?

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I find it pretty neat how his stance was still the same after all those years.

The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon The nu trilogy isn't canon

Resnov from Black Ops 1.

I enjoyed episode 8 and Luke was the best part.

Not Vidya related but...

Exactly. Anything that wasn’t Luke, Rey or Kylo was almost prequel-tier bad, but every single shot with Luke was kinography.


Yep. The contrast and connections between Kylo, Luke, and Rey made for easily some of the best Star Wars moments in any of the films. But the entirety of the Finn/Rose story arc was retard-tier, which is a shame because I liked Benicio del Toro's character and wish he had more screen time.

Aside from two WTF?! moments (Leia flying through space and Snoke's death) as well as the typical nitpicks you could make of almost any of the films, TLJ was easily in the top 4 movies of the franchise.

The more major complaints of the movie I had would be what they DIDN'T answer/show, i.e. We still know nothing of Snoke's backstory and we still don't know who the Knights of Ren are or what the fuck they've been doing for the past 2 movies

>But the entirety of the Finn/Rose story arc was retard-tier, which is a shame because I liked Benicio del Toro's character and wish he had more screen time
Same, except for the del Toro part. He's great in almost everything but they wasted him here. Probably doomed from the start, like you said that whole "A PLANET OF RICH WHITE PEOPLE AND ENSLAVED ANIMALS" was so fucking cringe.

>Rich white people
Okay I didn't exactly enjoy the casino planet but the rich humans there were of varying skin colors.

Right but their message wasn't exactly subtle.

>the entirety of the Finn/Rose story arc was retard-tier
I wouldn't say it was retarded, it was just very shallow and added nothing to the movie.

If only pink haired commander gave her plan to Poe, this whole arc could've been avoided. The only consequence of it is that the first order learns about the plan of the resistance.

Also Snoke was a nobody, just like the emperor was a nobody in the OT.

It was more about putting perspective on war economics. I don't know how you see any SJW shit in this. Now the pink haired commander..

>TLJ was easily in the top 4 movies of the franchise.
Not even. That garbage was even worse than the prequels. Retards like you only think it's good because they successfully baited you with beloved characters whom they butchered in TLJ. Luke doesn't even behave like Luke.
Within a few years, people will look at episode 7-9 like how they look at the prequels, like the garbage they actually are.

>my dad is a mass murderer but I'm not gonna kill him!!!! But fuck my nephew tho because I sense the dark side within him

you'll never know


>becoming one with the force
Do you even starwars?

>literally everything Finn and Rose did was a DETRIMENT to the resistance
>they exposed Holdo’s plan, hand delivered a master codebreaker to the empire, and would have died if Phasma hadn’t retardedly decided to torture them before killing them

What the fuck, movie
Finn and Rose didn’t even get good arcs
Finn really learned nothing and Rose fell in love with him for no reason after knowing him for 18 hours (and stopped him from destroying the fucking battering laser for no good reason)

>"MY" character
More like the only good role you ever had faggot. There is a reason why you're just a shitty actor and not a writer.

I also didn't like the evolution of Luke btw, but I hate whiny actors paid millions to complain about their role like an entitled child who acts like the character George imagined belongs to them.

Stay mad Mouse, stop making crap.

And I hate whiny faggots who think actors just read the lines.

He didn’t kill Vader because he realized killing him in anger would be giving into the dark side. It had fuck all to do with “seeing the good in him” or whatever, Luke didn’t give a shit about that and didn’t know Vader was going to save him.

He went into Kylo’s tent to check his mind and found out that his most powerful student was being mindraped by Snoke and had one second of gut instinct that told him “kill Kylo and prevent all of this.”
He wasn’t reacting out of anger or hatred, he wasn’t betraying his character in the slightest. He just had a moment of short-sighted pragmatism as his character has had in every single movie.

she was a thot


Ruined three characters, and an entire series in the span of a few minutes.

>There is a reason why you're just a shitty actor and not a writer.

>"I love you."
>"I know."

completely ineffective guards

This looks so fucking stupid

>if you didn't write your own script you don't get to criticize!
Please fuck off. Hamill has every right to say "Wow, this iconic character I played for three enormous films seems to have changed."

Literally the only thing Finn & Rose accomplished was getting captured twice Oh, and I guess """killing""" everyone's favorite LITERALLY WHO Captain Phasma

And the Emperor in the OT wasn't a nobody, he was a Sith Lord. The only time Sith is even mentioned in the new trilogy is in TLJ when Kylo vaguely namedrops them when speaking about the dichotomy between them and the Jedi. Idk, it's just frustrating that they built Snoke up as this super-powerful Dark Side master and then don't even give him one line of backstory.

People like you hold the OT up as some gold-standard of cinema, which they aren't. TESB is the only perfect Star Wars film. A New Hope was a campy flick about a Mary Sue named Luke and everything in RotJ that isn't about Luke/Vader's relationship is fucking cringe.

He literally said it was a moment of weakness and fear within him that he instantly regretted. His lapse in faith and judgement is literally what made him realize that the Jedi aren't the perfect mentally-zen space wizards that everyone expects them to be, and it's why he cut himself off from the Force and vowed to no longer train others.

Also, everything in this video is taken massively out of context to force some shit narrative. Mark loves TLJ and Rian Johnson. Just look at one of his recent tweets:

>"I'll never turn to the dark side"
>Proceeds to attempt to kill the son of his twin sister and best friend

>completely ineffective

They nearly killed both Rey and Kylo multiple times. If it had only been one of them they’d have been fucked.
Kylo got disarmed and was trapped in a chokehold by a single guard and Rey had to toss him a saber, dumbo.

Back to >>Sup Forums you'll miss your hate circlejerk
I didn't think a board could be worse than Sup Forums but you somehow managed to do it.

>calls anyone liking something popular a shill to avoid argumentation
>judges movies based on 240p reversed webms
>goes as far as saying TFA wasn't complete crap, a good chunk of you faggots even rating it above the prequels
>when people ask "How do you guys reacted when TFA released?" 90% of the answers are pure denial, pretending the whole board wasn't doing the same hate circlejerking they're doing now

Mark my words, in 2 years when IX releases you piles of shit will pretend you actually liked TLJ