Am I pleb if I liked the original NieR more than Automata?

Am I pleb if I liked the original NieR more than Automata?

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automata was hot garbage

You're just a hipster trash.

Whoa, there was another Nier? I dunno, though, that one has a dude on the cover lol. Not cute like 2B. I need dat THICC ass am I right?

Reading this thread is like freebasing Sup Forums. I don't know if I can handle it

No, you're more like a rose-glasses nostalgiafag and/or hipster refuse.

You're just as bad as the 2b ass shitposters you know.

Xbox one BC when?

Calm down ACfag

You are a pleb for liking either

I got an hour into Automata and dropped it, got bored, that and the writing/characters

is the original going to disappoint me? I think I prefer the protag and more fantasy setting

I thought I was the only one. I'm glad I didn't purchase it, it's incredibly boring and I also gave up playing it a few hours in. I'll probably only ever run it again when I need to fap to Commander.

who's this ACfag you speak of

The only thing the original arguably did better way writing.
Everything else about it got in the way. The combat was worse, the fast travel sucked, areas got re-used too much, and of course you had to do the second half of the game 3 times. It just felt like a drag after a while. Even the soundtrack which was great had a glaring weakness of being too short thus songs got re-used too many times.

If they did a remake of it with modern amenities it would be excellent no doubt, but right now it's hobbled by it's low budget.

No, you'd hate the original too. An hour isn't even enough for any major plot development.

i feel the same, i get mad when people that played automata have not even heard of the actual Nier.i even forced myself through drakengard for the worldly lore.

You might be a hipster desu. I played Nier after Automata and it's an interesting game. Automata does feel derivative. It's like they figured no one played the first Nier anyway so they might as well have another crack at many of the same ideas. I understand why someone might be a bit disappointed if they played Nier first. But Automata did a lot of things better. Not all of them, but it's much better overall. Largely due to budget though.

The opposite, you are patrician.

You're pleb if you liked either of them.


No you're just having a correct opinion

jesus christ

I played it before Automata was announced and still find Automata to be much better. Its themes appeal much more to me and the gameplay is actually not tedious. I think that NieR's characters were more likeable though.

Its like Xeno and Xeno 2 for me.

The second is a great game, and a worthy sequel. But it doesn't feel like a true sequel, or the same level as the first. I still like it, but I like the original more.

In Nier's case I love the sealed verses on triggers, and i'm mad Automata didnt do that. The pod could easily run 4 programs on trigger buttons the same way instead of that awful auto mode.

In Xeno's case. I loved xeno because of the foresight mechanic. I loved the idea of future sight and being able to prevent it. While I do like Xeno 2's combat changes, it lacks that mechanic, and just feels generic. Writing and story are great, but combat just feels like a better X.

He plays a modded version of Super Metroid that removes the thirty second cutscene at the beginning and end because it's too 'cinematic'.

you arent
the only reason Sup Forums loves automata is because square enix games receive massive shilling for some reason, it's probably paid
just wait two years and there will be almost no discussion of automata, and the discussion that there will be is going to call it overrated mediocrity.

nope, you are going to hate it, Automata is so much more easy to play, original nier feels like a bad JRPG because besides its story, it is a bad JRPG
Automata is at least a Platinum open world adventure without its story

>Because its square enix
Are you fucking new? Its because its platinum. Sup Forums praises platinum like the messiah of gaming. Nobody even cared about nier until platinum announced a new game.

>The only thing the original arguably did better way writing
>and the bosses
Also, most of the ideas behind the game were fresh at the time like the bullet hell battles and the magic system unlike Automata who just do the same thing 7 years after the first one.

Also it had a Spencer Mansion and Diablo dungeon crawling section which was pretty neat.

The opposite

No, the original is great in its own right

Automata is better though

>Platinum open world
The entire fucking problem was that it wasn't an open world, just like the first game.

>Crying during the credits sequence of Automata
I didn't even know it was supposed to be sad, do I just have autism?

I found the story in Automata disappointing I honestly didn't really get attached to any of the characters and it certainly wasn't for a lack of trying. Also none of the songs were really able to suck me in like Song of the Ancients or Wretched Automatons.

no, the original nier had a better story, better characters and better OST

I found it hard to care about the robots, especially considering that the entire plot that's even relevant to them specifically happens before the game even starts and none of the main characters accomplish anything.


I teared up a little when I accepted help and the choir kicked in, but it was tears of happiness over the shock of it all rather than sadness.

What does the "AC" stand for?

>Wretched Automatons
That's such a great song. Too bad the dungeon it plays in is so horrendous.

Sup Forums BTFO

Armored Core

Literally everyone choked there.

>1 faggot vs an entire fanbase of faggots
really meg you thing

No. They're both fantastic games although the original was definitely weaker mechanically. The rest is subjective and it's really just a matter of preference.

if you honestly believe companies pay people to post on Sup Forums you are beyond retarded.

Animal Crossing

I miss the fishing from the first game.

I think original Nier had a better main cast and the twists regarding the different ending had more novelty and surprises.

Automata had stronger gameplay, a better map, less tedious quests, and a really great final route.

Sounds like something a shill would say.

Bosses were significantly worse. The only decent bosses in the original were the first Junkyard boss, the giant eye thing in the Aerie, and shade Kaine. Automata had the tutorial boss, newborn Adam, the solo Eve fight, the fight in the dark, the dual fight in the Tower, opera robot, and the A2/9S fight.
Automata's OST is on par with the originals. You're right about characters and the twist, but they weren't that much better.

The first has a cute futa tho

Replicant > Automata > a pile of shit > DoD >>>>>>>>> Gestalt

DoD1 isn't better than anything.

Those are all included in "writing"
Again, it was too short, so things got re-used too much.

Please don't bully papa Nier.

Shadowlord is objectively the best fight in the Drakengard series though.

Bishie Nier is shit.

He was underwhelming IMO. All that build up and he went down without much of a fight.

Not really.

I won't lie, I enjoyed the heck out of Nier: Automata, even if it was only because 2B's ass tricked my brain into thinking I was having fun.

>dodge spam bullets until you reach him and attack
>repeat 2 more times
Such a great boss fight.

This list is more accurate if you read it the other way around, Papa Nier is GOAT protagonist.

He's confusing the build up with the actual fight. It's like how people think MGS4 Ocelot fight was good even though it played like shit.

I liked it better than DoD2 and 3.

user, you'd be harder pressed to name a game you enjoyed LESS than DoD3.

>father that acts like an edgy and retarded teenager is GOAT
good joke

No that was actually a good thing, fuck fully open worlds.

3 plays far better than 1 does. It has better characters too. 1 was neat for the novelty of how weird it got but you guys overrate the shit out of the game and Caim in particular.

Nier isn't really edgy at all and doesn't act like a typical teenager.

Zero is the best protagonist.

Enjoy the incredibly grindy side quests.

Only the laser and the spinning blades were worth a damn in Nier Original Recipe.

I prefer the original to Automata as well. Automata was a fantastic game, but it doesn't give me the same emotions as the first.

I loved the characters and their interactions more, I preferred the music (both are equally good), and I liked the father/daughter storyline more than the android stuff. It was a great sequel, but I definitely rate it lower than other games in the series.

No, you're patrician. Automata's story was a mess, the characters were bad, and they actually managed to dumb down the gameplay but people forgive it because it's flashier.

>plays better by far
>regularly drops into single-digit FPS

Automata is the pleb one though

I thought automata was "smarter" and the original was more "emotional". Its preference

Original Nier IS better

Assassin's Creek

No, nier had the superior story while automata had the superior gameplay.

Don't forget fishing. Original Nier's fishing was actually fun (if you weren't a retard who fished at the wrong place and got eternally buttmad over it). Automata just threw it out entirely for the most boring shit imaginable.

The gameplay is not leagues better though and Platinum's talents are wasted on terrible mobs. Shades were far more interesting

The Ocelot fight didn't play like shit at all though.

nah that means you got good taste

There's certain personal added value from appreciating a game that's more of a cult classic rather than the way more popular sequel. In addition you were probably way more surprised about the shit that was going on in the original Nier. In the sequel similar stuff was almost to be expected.

That doesn't make the predecessor a better game though.

No, 90% of Automata's "fanbase" doesn't give a shit about the game, or the music. It's just "le 2b thiccccc xd!!!" sub human trash ad nausea.

No. They are different and it's your opinion. I hope you were able to enjoy both though. If not, oh well.

I spent about four hours trying to do it myself before giving up and accepting the help so by the time the chorus came in I was just frustrated rather than impressed. They really made me hate the Square-Enix Marketing Department.

I prefer the first game too. I lost interest in Automata when you got to choose which character you played as route c or d i think. Haven't played it since.

>putting dialogue in your game instantly bars it from being 10/10

Nice numbers. Do you have anything to back that up or did you just pull them out of your ass?

is it even possible to do it yourself? after 5 minutes it seemed pretty clear they were forcing you to die

The only objective improvement Automata brought over the original NieR was the core gameplay. The bosses in Automata were somehow worse, the environments we were worse (other than the amusement park), and the level design was worse. In the end it's preference, but people who discard the first game as being "hipster trash" when it clearly does some things better than Automata, is incredibly dumb.

best moment in video game history

Speaking of shades, did anyone fight the passive library shade in route B? I've tried looking it up but I can't find any mention of it; I'm curious if it says anything.

I tried it for around 20 minutes because I'm a danmaku autist and thought I could do it, but it proved to be impossible in the end.

Obviously gameplay is the most important factor in what makes a boss fight good, but if the presentation (build-up) is brilliant then that surely improves the boss fight.

>is it even possible to do it yourself?
Yes. There are a few videos out there of it.

this is the best answer.