OpF > HL > BS

OpF > HL > BS

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>More bullying
But they'd need to buy the bully package if they wanna bully

>Travel for movies
Fucking seriously? Driving fucking 20min to a theater is now fucking traveling? You fucking serious?

>u are exagereetin u dum libtards
Yeah that guy is an idiot but so are you.Suck my dick contrarian bitch


Comcast no longer promises to:
-Not throttle back the speed at which content comes to you
-Not prioritize Internet traffic or create paid fast lanes
-Make internet accessible to low income families

I'm glad I'm not in fatty land so I can bully Sup Forumstards without paying extra.

Get rekt, faggot

>People say stupid things in defense of something!
>That means the exact opposite side of the argument is right!
Fuckin retard. You're still in support of something that makes it legal for ISP's to take away access to websites at will, completely legally.

Nigger, most of America has only one option for high-speed internet service. When there's clearly been no interest in expanding competing companies into these less-populous towns, WHY THE FUCK would you want to reduce the amount of regulation they're under? It's not going to balance out for these people, it's just gonna result in draconian and arbitrary shit that will make the full experience of the internet less financially accessible the farther you are from a city center.

Soros funding net neutrality was already a red flag that it was bad in its current form


I cannot find anything wrong with that future. This truly is the best timeline.

I know that Obamanet is bad because George Soros supports it. If he wants it that means it is bringing Western civilization closer to destruction.

This is an ironic tweet, right?

maybe the repeal of net neutrality isn't so bad

How do you sleep at night?

>wanting random assholes to chew loudly in your ear and say shit at the screen while you're watching a film
If you're not on actual film or in 3d/some gimmick, you don't need to be in a theater

Are you being sarcastic?

Obamanet is a leftist cause. If you want to be on the same side as Google and Anita Sarkeesian then go right ahead, but I am staying put.


Good God he looks like a massive faggot

huh... still not sure

Tick tock, amerimutts

At least google isn't going to be charging me even more than I pay now to argue with idiots like you.

Tell me how much more expensive your internet was in 2015 user. Assuming you were old enough to pay for it back then.

>I position my views opposite of people I hate, rather than evaluate the actual issue

If George Soros, Google, Anita Sarkeesian, Antifa, and John Oliver say something is good for you, you should probably avoid it.

What are you all going to do when your ISP blocks Sup Forums because of its repeated copyright violations and unlawful activity

No, I should probably educate myself on the issue and come to my own conclusion.

so why does Sup Forums love that guy so much??
I thought they hated anyone who isnt "white" even tho 99% of Sup Forums isnt even white.

where were you when Half Life 3 was released?

How much would chan package cost, amerliosers?

I hope you bought the "Steam Access Package" or it'll be home, not playing HL3.

>gonna kill myself because my parents aren't going to pay more for me to be able to browse for free porn and post on Sup Forums

Obamanet does not prevent ISPs from curating the internet or putting preferred traffic in the fast lane at additional cost. Therefore it is not net neutrality and all these millennials are losing their shit over the repeal of a government power grab that directly benefits Silicon Valley corporations.

I refuse to call Obamanet "net neutrality." Branding those regulations as "net neutrality" was a brilliant piece of propaganda on the part of silicon valley and the democrat party, but I refuse to play their game.

muh greatness again

Oh you really are that dumb

>Thinking what affects our internet won't affect yours
Oh ho ho

I remember in 2015 when I couldn't afford $5 a month Comcast's Steam Access package. Thanks Obama for making the internet perfect!

>Obamanet does not prevent ISPs from curating the internet or putting preferred traffic in the fast lane at additional cost.
Under current rules, it is illegal for ISP's to give preferred access to data, or block websites outright. They have officially repealed those rules, and it is 100% legal for them to block or throttle your access, under the condition they tell you they are doing it. So that's it. They just have to say "We are blocking Sup Forums" and that will be the legal course of action for them.

This man is your friend. He fights for Net Neutrality. And accept migrants pls.

>Under current rules
Well, former rules now, I suppose.

>all videos on Youtube going at 144p for me even though my connection is rated for 90mbps
b-but net neutrality is dumb because r/the_donald said so!!
I can't wait until we put all the contrarians in camps

They've handed MORE rights over to ISP's than they previously had in 2015. Quit misleading the issue.

I was paying 110-ish because I had to bundle it with a lan line, because I was never offered a choice. I also never got the speed I was told I was getting.

Give me a few months with this net shit out the window I'll tell you much more I'm being fucked over.

>Under current rules, it is illegal for ISP's to give preferred access to data, or block websites outright.
Jeez you're dumb. I bet you think that when you watch Netflix, your computer is connecting directly to Netflix's servers with the ISP just being a middle man. You are actually connecting to a copy of Netflix's data that is on your ISP's servers, which Netflix paid to put there. The fast lane has already been implemented but you don't care because Netflix calls it "net neutrality."