>Both coming out in Jan 26
Which game will you be getting?
>Both coming out in Jan 26
Which game will you be getting?
MHW 100%
Idort here, double dipping both games on ps4 pc ftw
I don't give a shit about Dragon Ball.
MH because even when itlooks like casualized trash atleast os not something that should have died 20 years ago
Both on the x maximum comfy
Both my man.
I don't give a fuck about monster hunter
DBZ on PC, Monster Hunter is a boring autism simulator.
Both, I'm not poor
DBZF. I'm waiting for the PC port of MHW because of how poorly the beta ran on my base PS4.
Can't wait to see how MH runs on it
>Look at me mom, I'm contrarian dipshit who thinks he has good taste. Now get out of my room while I jerk off to lolis
MH PC release when?
World, I dont buy fighting games anymore, I learned that I get too mad at online play for them
DBF because I could never get into MH, even though I played lootwhore games all the time.
Literally both and this will be the most expensive month for me this decade when it comes to just buying video games.
Both. I have a job
MHW, don’t care for fighting games.
I give zero shits about DB.
MHW. I know I won't bother putting the time into DBF.
I only need to buy one at a time because the PC version of Monster Hunter still doesn't have a release date.
Neither but between those two MH because DBZ is a shit series and all this new shit is a mistake let it rest in piece.
>i wish monhun was popular in the west
no word on pc release date for mhw
Both of course.
definitely both, the wait is painful
MHW for me. Got out of my DB phase when I was 12.
Expect up to a year. They said they're going to work on it after the console release. Should be a solid port though, and it may even get bundled with Grank or some other shit.
fuck your roll im gonna go jerk to launch right now
Waiting for PC for MHW
Waiting for sale of DBFz
Monster hunter world.
Fighting games are cancer.
Both bitch. I dont live in a basement.
Have you tried the beta?
Probably fighters z because Capcom has decided to push back the release date for MHW for PC.
The one that has a worldwide PC release. Fuck you, Capcom.
Dragonball is the most overrated piece of crap ever made.
Remove niggers and spics.
Nope. No PS4. I mean MH in general is not my thing.
No need to try and fit in Pedro. So either stop being a retard or fuck off back to whatever drek sub you came from.
Gimi dat
Neither, MonHun should be in portables and DBZ is stupid.
>assblasted dragonbronies
Don't talk to me sub-human nigger.
MHW. I'm not into Dragonball.
Its funny that both of those are for casual so its perfect for Sup Forums.
That sucks, I tried it and I really enjoyed it for it being my first MH experience.
I can see capcom is trying to tweak the game to appeal to a much broader audience.
>Dragonball is the most overrated
>Remove niggers and spics
>proceeds to go play assfaggots for 5 hours straight
>Jan 26
What the fuck? I was sure it was coming out in Jan 18
Neither because I don't have a ps4.
Monhun is shit and Dragonball needs to be buried for good anyways.
>Inb4 console bullshit, monhun was shit with Nintendo too
>if you don't like DB that mean you love MOBA
Formidable logic. I love and play fighting games I just don't give a fuck about this shounen pleb series for nostalgia fags.
>MonHun should be in portables
Literally why. MH controls have always been shit precisely because they've been mostly on portables. That and
>glorious 144p resolution.
Please kill yourself.
And this is why abortion needs to be allowed.
Dragonbronies are so easy to trigger lmao
Both, on the Xbox One X
I didn't say 3DS, faggot. Switch/Vita MonHun would be way better imo. Soul Sacrifice Delta was the last hunting game I actually enjoyed because the controls weren't retarded, it didn't look horridly bad and it was portable.
All my friends are getting DBFZ and waiting on the PC release of MH, but I don't give a shit about DBZ and would rather play MH at launch
You should stop samefagging you pathetic worthless retard.
Enjoy your no player bases.
>I love and play fighting games
what games in particular?
Nice projection faggot
both later on. I can wait.
You should probably accept the fact that not everyone give a a shit about your overrated garbage series.
MHW looks great and the beta was fun as fuck
Fuck off nigger.
>buying a multiplat on PS4
Not likely.
This year Tekken 7 and UNIEL ST.
Oh cut the bullshit and stop being mad at opinions.
You know as well as I do that dragonball has been milked to death and needs to be let go.
I liked the series, hell I even fucking adore the xenoverse games, but they need to be let go and allowed to rest.
DBFZ looks cool but fighting games make me angry as fuck so im going with MH
So stop projecting faggot
>no kid chi chi
Ya fucked it up.
Did someone inappropriately touch you at a tourney?
As opposed to MH being milked to death?
Besides this is first 2D fighter DB got in years and first one with new popular series.
>criticizes dbz fans
>Should be a solid port
>decent PC ports
Fuck you. This is the first time dbz gets an actual competitive fighting game and not brainless button mashing shit like xenoverse. The only thing that needs to put to rest is your bloodline, faggot.
>mfw DBFZ gameplay
All the characters literally look and play the same. You can shit on Blazblue all you want but at least in that series every single characters have unique gameplay and clone pratically don't exist.
>shits on dbz but likes ultra weeb trash like uniel
youre not japanese, faggot. why does MH need to be portable in the west? its just fine on consoles where it belongs
Which is going to be more popular among normalfags? DBZ is already firmly established in the west, but MonHun should theoretically last longer.
So you admit not ever seeing a single gameplay video. Good to know.
You shouldn't use words you don't know meaning off ledditor kun.
DB niggers are literally pic related.
At least uniel isn't casuals garbage for brainlet who never played a fighting game before.
Buying DBFZ on PC and waiting for MHW to release later on PC.
Switch could've gotten MonHun if Nintendo knew how to make a console that wasn't a shitbox.
Lol. Yeah sure, if they wanted to lose money then okay. And not necessarily reffering to 3DS either. PSP monhuns had awful controls and resolution as well.
Look kid, there are like 10+ MH games that are portable. If you want portability, just play those. Sorry mommy couldn't buy you a PS4 or Xbone. Maybe later next year you can get the PC release. You at least have that right?
but I did saw gameplay video and legit every fucking characters have a beam or some sort of projectile attack.
Milked to death if you like rancid shit, sure.
Oh cut the bullshit. It doesn't matter if it's designed to be competitive or not because 95% of the playerbase won't play the game seriously anyways.
Besides, the fun of xenoverse is the coop anyways.
dbz is better than hero shit academy
That's the sound a Switch would make trying to run those games.
Or he could learn moonrunes and get XX
the one thats actually known with a massive following in the west.
If I had to pick one it would be World but DBZ looks pretty hype too