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Video Games #4005
Video Games
Main theme plays in your head
Which Jack do you prefer in video games?
Who said Peach has a small butt?
This is RE7's Magnum
What am I in for?
How do you sit at your chair while playing on your PC bros
Best gaming analysts that aren't these
Fire boss
Why does XB2 just take the piss out of every harem anime cliche imaginable? It's a disgrace to its predecessor
I'm playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
Hey guys, can we have a Darksiders thread?
ITT: Old games that are still loads of fun
Times you won
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Reddit: The DLC
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
ITT: the most well-written moments in video games
Okami / BotW
What the hell is her problem?
This youkai shrine maiden will unironically become a slave master in her next game, Touhou 15.5...
I might off myself soon
Do pornstars really play videogames?
Based YandereDev at it again!
What are some games that let me play as a cute girl with cute twintails?
MonHan thread
That character nobody likes except you
Why is this game so good ?
Go play KOTOR 2
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Sup bitches
Is Switch geared towards adults or kids?
Buy PS4 for Bloodborne
Why is this game so hard?
Rip your favorite video game a new asshole
Are her games actually good or do they only get attention because of the cute girls?
Why arent games allowing you to peek under the skirt anymore?
Yfw 1 hp
I just finished Nier Automata. I didn't really understand what happened, but I enjoyed it
Vertical mice
Wahts a good game 2 play wejn ur depresed?
60 FPS is the new 30 FPS. Why in almost 2018 are developers still optimizing for 60 FPS?
Just played this piece of shit...
What the fuck is it about?
They want to catch a stalker
hyped-up games that you found to be extremely overrated
ITT: games Sup Forums fooled you to play
What are the LoTR games worth playing?
Can blow holes in walls like Ash
Absolutely impossible
ITT: Switch port begging
Are you ready for some news in 2 days?
Start up Vidya YouTube video from a good YouTuber who makes funny content
Why is it so fun?
How much will it cost?
ITT: post stylish vidya attire
Why should I join this pompous jerks side?
25+ Thread
What's a good game to play when you're depressed and want to stay depressed?
Shitty sequels
Vidya friends on discord start talking about their gf's/partys they go to
What would fix Overwatch for you Sup Forums?
What went right?
Risk of Rain
What are some games with a perfectly satisfying and happy conclusion?
Should there be more options to play famous vidya characters as a female/male or skins that do the same thing...
ITT: God tier card games
This is the best GBA game
*blocks your game torrents and online gaming*
Post games that did women in a tasteful way
As someone who hasn't played any previous drakengard or nier games, should I play this?
Save the princess, Sup Forums
Who else joined the gaming elite this year, Sup Forums?
Is there a better story in gaming than Silent Hill 2?
Still the undefeated king of Classic Sonic tracks
Yume Nikki
Sony is creative
Quick! Claim your carfu before some other user takes her!
This used to be a nice neighborhood!
Holy fuck
Dear Square Enix, please let Yasunori Mitsuda compose the music for Final Fantasy XVI
How do we stop gamers from becoming soyboys? Boycott the PlayStation?
What is the most American video game of all time?
How about a Freedom Planet thread? There's a new video on the sequel:
Ultrawide monitors
How come this game's hype just disappeared?
Never Forget
Find a flaw
What games let me beat the shit out of brats who deserve it?
Show me your Persona!
Cod4 was tight as fuck
OC Vidya Screenshots
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Switch exclusive
So, I've never played a Fallout game before and I was wondering if NV would be a good place to start...
What the FUCK is their problem?
Do western developers have to sneak in sex appeal like this in order to not get bashed in SJW media and see their sales...
Starcraft Remastered
It's out
What do you think of penguinz0?
Only $20 a year
Catherine Remake
Its going to be FROM SOFTWARE / JAPANStudio game
Fun Zelda thread...
Sonic has the worst fanba-
Civilization 6
Choose your Character
At what point did Minecraft go to shit?
Am I missing any game I'd enjoy if I like:
No gam
Worth $7.49? im a poorfag
Dragon Ball FighterZ
One copy of Bloodborne please
Look what i got here Sup Forums
What would you do for Marie Rose gf?
Daily Roblox thread
What actually went wrong?
Dragonball FighterZ
Ubisoft Changes For Honor's Boob-Groping Emote
Wish me luck!
What are some games that involve time manipulation mechanics
How can you manage to fuck up a pokemon fighting game?
GTA VI prediction thread
Soulcalibur 6
Suka blyat
What does Sup Forums think of ghost characters?
>This is the fastest selling exclusive this generation
Which console is the one that is most "normie"?
Kingdom Hearts Thread
Still the best Total War game
Harder difficulty adds new gameplay mechanics
Post the first video game you can remember playing
What are the best games about solving mysteries?
Soul Calibur 6
Put in game
Before training a horse, the horse has to first train you
Are fighting games dead?
Are video games the best medium of storytelling?
Humble Bundle Thread
Would you give this girl a family?
ITT: Post an image and get recommended a video game based on it
Fate/Grand Order
Keep it vidya
Game has a great comunity
Shit you just found out
I unironically think they nailed the tone and writing in Resident Evil 7
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What is the worst weeb shit weaboo game on steam?
Game has Luck stat
This is a legendary card from a Japanese trading card game. Neat, huh?
Play with a legit hacker named 1 tappe who just 1 shot headshots everyone through walls
It still holds up
Were you smart enough to figure it out by yourself?
Because it probably hasn't already been posted here a billion times
Post your video game OC
What was gaming like in 2012?
*Blocks NieR:Automata's path to the Top 10 Games of 2017 list*
Who's ready for the next Digimon game?
Post some overlooked games most anons probably don't know about or haven't played
Mechanical FEEL keyboard
Are cats, dare I say it, /our guys/?
Complex games
Enemies spawn
Sup Forums designs a level
How do you feel about this
Your first vidja fap
The Great Debate
ITT: Video games ideas you want to see happen, no matter how bad they might be
Cant build a full park even on "future proof" PCs
He chooses Japanese with English subs even though he doesn't understand Japanese
Join Mages Guild
Why are these shits all over every store now? Who wants these ugly things in their house?
Metroid Prime 2
I just realized Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is literally and I mean literally the greatest game ever made
Why does Sup Forums love it?
It's been a while
Spent 30 bucks for this knowing full well that Flash is gonna be dead and gone a year from now
Is catherine /ourgame/ ?
A copy of ni oh please
What server does Sup Forums play on?
I dont give a single fuck what the protaginist is so long as the gameplay is good could literallly be an untextured...
Female leader announced
Which Zelda girl was the best Sup Forums?
Since the winter sale is gonna start soon. How have these been generally? Do any major titles get their prices slashed?
Are there people still play jap games unironically
Women spend 44% more money on mobile games than men
Why didn't you tell me about this?
Ni no Kuni II
What are your thoughts on Killing Floor 2?
Who's your favorite Final Fantasy girl?
Dumb druchii. serves those edge ears right
3x3 recommendations thread
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Blizzard conference with the engineers
What the fuck am I playing
Left or Right?
There are people on this board born after 1995 who thinks their opinion on videogames is valid
What do you play on your phone?
Who would you have cast as Lara in the new Tomb Raider movie?
Do you guys even talk about games anymore...
Third world gaming
Craving to play a JRPG with a relatively good story (bonus points if there is a good romance)
Why is Ubisoft so great?
Sup Forums give it to me straight. pc or console. no flame war bullshit just honest answers
Catherine: Full Body
They aren't seriously going to keep it Switch exclusive are they?
Reminder that switchfags will never EVER get
Sorry, but it looks like your Resident Evil thread has been canceled
What is it about those old VNs that makes them so good?
Living with a Character
I just ordered this, what should I expect?
Dragon's Dogma 2 will never be real
Bunch of men having tons of fun with a hobby they created for themselves
Loved risen the first second I played it
Monster Hunter World
This guy is the Chad of overwatch
Is Overwatch still worth getting into?
A or B?
Redpill me on Sup Forums - Video Games
What game is she playing?
Is it still as buggy as in release?
This game is awful. What the fuck was Aonuma thinking?
What am i getting myself into
ITT: we post movie versions of video games
I just built my 1400$ gaming pc. Recommend me some games with controller support to play on it right now, Sup Forums
What class and build should I play in this game?
When does it get good?
This is a Video Game Console, now pretending to be a boat
Games that fit this theme?
Yo, new kid, what games you play?
How come modern games fail to make these 3 classes good? Why most games have at least one of them completely wrong...
/ctt/ - console-tan tuesday
Ed, Edd n Eddy Online Update 4.35
You're the last surviving member in your team
Still made millions etc
User buy me vidya! :(
Who hype for this shit?
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Is it your GOTY?
“The fact that we reached 10 million units sold on a global basis and we’re not fully through the holidays is...
Kana, did I ever tell you about my family from Hoshido? After I was kidnapped from them by my Nohrian family...
The state of the games industry
Xbox One's biggest game for the holidays is an awful unfinished piece of shit port of an already unfinished PC game
You are banned
He picked tachanka
Moments in games that made you feel goosebumps
Oh you can play LA Noir on your Nintendo Switch? That's cute
Filename Thread
Is FALLOUT NV the best RPG of the 2010s so far?
Tfw did a fake accent as a joke my first time speaking to the guild and now I have to maintain the persona since they...
Genuine game aficionado or talentless otaku who got a good gig?
Saturday morning 1996
If you could erase one game from your memory and experience it again for the first time...
Who's this semen demon?
What is the appeal of Mages?
Why does this feel so soulless? I don't get it
Let's do this properly
Did you play her game?
Was it too cryptic?
The great debate
What went wrong?
Why aren't you paying for an FFXIV subscription right now?
Today is Bayonetta's 606th birthday
Mario Odyssey
The switch will get Japanese suppor-
9/10 for gameplay
Undertale 2
What compels someone to watch a video game rather than play it in today's world?
Generic, empty open world zelda with 0 inspiration and shitty graphics won 9000 GOTY awards
Game starts
You now remember Neighbors from hell
Teammate asks for healing
Nintendo Switch thread
Elevated school volleyball team to national level
Protect your PC from Sup Forums ransomware before you regret it
Confess your sins, Sup Forums. God forgives the truly penitent
Is this worth the $16 its on sale for on PSN?
Who was in the wrong?
Switch 2018
What Caused Warcraft III Custom Maps Community To Die?
I was just thinking if you'd like to hop over later to chill, play vidoe games yada yada
Is the FF13 trilogy worth playing as a fan of previous Final Fantasy games?
HoMM thread
ITT: """Villains""" you sympathize with
What games can I play if I am over 25 years old?
I main Mercy
Hello, I am the best fighting game ever made
Fuck repunzel mode
Shit that Sup Forums say everyday
Game name ?
What's the video game equivalent of TLJ
What are some good games where I can play as a skellington
What is your opinion of Persona 5?
CODE VEIN is going to be amazing
What are some absolutely MUST play games you have to experience in order to refine your vidya game taste?
FighterZ is a sausage fest
Every single PC game with "good" """story""" must be involved with guns or be something related with Middle Ages...
Post games where you can wield a huge ass greatsword
ITT: Gamer fuel
How the fuck can people prefer the feminist approved half-man baboon on the left over the cute...
Favorite Vidya Weapons:
Words words words words words
What is she hissing at?
Almost 2018
Video games turn you gay
What video games give me the Australian experience?
When is WC4 happening? I just want another age of populated custom maps on battle net. Is that so much to ask...
Dark Souls 3 - Dancer of the Boreal Valley
You've been fucked in the ass by Hiroshimoot. This might be of interest
Why was his name so fucking stupid
What the fuck is this game
Find a flaw
Is it justifiable for people in poor countries to pirate games? I live in Brazil
3x3 thread
Why is this game getting 10/10s...
ITT: say a video game genre you've never tried before and other user's will recommend the best games in that genre
This is Waddle Dee. Say something nice about him!
What vidya is Santa getting you for Christmas?
Games only you played
Go to /vr/
Because you have to
Have you ever bought loot boxes or "premium currency" in a game that wasn't F2P?
If you played it whats your favorit track
Play and enjoy modded skyrim
It's comfy
Hey guys, here is a nude car mechanic in the desert
Dog = EA
Good thread
How do you feel about Pokemon allowing you to be a brown person?
ITT: Best Villager
Best Zelda
ITT: personal 10/10s
Serious question, why does Persona 5 receive seemingly endless praise and adulation...
Name a good game for $7 or less
Why dont you like breath of the wild?
Why is ash lake the comfiest spot of gaming
Gameplay isn't anything to write home about
Mfw Souls babbies complain about DMC being too hard
Catherine Fullbody announced for PS4 and Vita
Byond is dying, guys
Is this the most iconic video game character of all time?
With the unfortunate prevalence of smartphones and tablets and whatever the fuck else they have nowadays that i am...
Buy Fag Thread
Recommend me a good strategy game
What's a game that will make me feel happy?
Are you getting Ochaco's game?
The final wave
Where did it go all so wrong?
Which is best girl and why?
Dark souls
What is the cowboy bebop of video games?
Bad flashgames thread. Post the worst flashgames you've actually played
Oh got a package
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Please tell me it was all a dream
Sup Forums what do you do if you are lonely
PC Gaming: WhatchuPlayin?
I'm super bored to the point of considering getting a VC game to comfy play on my Wii U...
Did you ABSOLUTELY HAAAAAATE THIS GAME!!!!!!!, like him?
In what game can I do something as satisfying as popping a cyst?
Here's your controller, bro!
What the fuck were they thinking when they designed the baskalisks in DaS? Especially so early in the game...
I've worked at Bethesda since 2009 play games?
Is Granblue Fantasy good?
The moment you realized the game's story was retarded
Not a human
Game has multiple dialogue choices
Dude what if pokemon were real holy shit
Ruined vidya music
Why do Sony fanboys exist?
What are some games about cooking?
Forgettable Pokemon
Why is this game so bad?
Under Night Thread
Do you think it'll break a million copies sold?
You now remember that for honor came out this year
Thanks to all your generous contributions Sachiko has again been elected to be on the front page for twelve more years...
Last of Us II will
Explain this shit
Describe your sex life with a videogame title
Xenoblade 2
Are you ready to fucking apologize now?
What went wrong?
Why did you let this happen
Pokken Works in CEMU
Over a hundred years old
Here's your controller madam
Post Wishlists
If a game has NG+, do you play it right after you finish it or come back later?
Why is the racing game genre dead?
Why was it forgotten?
Why dont they just focus on killing all of Sonic friends first?
Why is Tifa so perfect?
If you can't profit from microtransactions
We made a shooter with a cool Lovecraftian setting and story type
*giggle* you lost user, now suck it :3
Does Sup Forums eat snacks during their gaming session? Or is gaming fuel a meme
Breaks everything she touches
Im a dummy can some explian to me why nintendo cant keep up in graphics then others ?
Can we have a serious thread about the problem of sexualizing children in video games for once?
Which one is correct Sup Forums?
Oh no, look at what you've fucked up and done! What on earth are you going to do now?
Play dr2
Post your favorite pokemon of each type. Rate others
So did Japan pretty much win 2017 for video games?
What the hell they were thinking?
Buy my game loser
Games UI spoils a plot twist
Mod is better than the source material
This game was literally the perfect horror game but Sup Forumseaboo faggots hate it cause they want to be contrarian...
Game thanks you for playing after the credits
Minecraft comfy builds
If C++ is a dying language, what will video game developers use to replace it?
Pepe confirmed to be a Zora
/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Why was there never a proper Imperial Guard game?
Hey anons why have the old GTA games aged like shit? Borderline unplayable
Think of the last video game you played
How do you save Scuttlebug Princess, Sup Forums...
Dozens of FF clones
Octopath Traveller
Was she justified in her actions?
About to start my first dark souls playthrough
Right, user was it? I need:
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What games have cool fat characters?
What is the best game out of these?
Seriously, who was in the wrong here?
ITT: Games that scared you as a kid
Sup Forums plays alter ego: part X
What the fuck was his problem?
Will Blizzard ever nut up and release a Mei skin that isn't bulky clothing?
Have you ever played a game you haven't played since you were a kid and wonder if you were actually retarded?
Is there any reason to use a weapon other than this one?
I wanna enjoy the lore and world of blood borne but I suck at vidya. What do
What lead Nier:Automata to becoming the sleeper hit of 2017?
Bloodborne Thread
Say what you want about Kingdom Hearts but it really knew when delivery some fucking remarkable scenes and lines
Digital or Physical?
Recommend game to someone you think they'll like
What other games are like Stella Glow; not exactly innovative, but what elements it borrows it does exceptionally well...
ITT: Video game "criticisms" you can never take seriously
This is not fun This is not fun This is not fun This is not fun This is not fun This is not fun This is not fun This is...
Want to play [insert soulslike]
ITT: bullshit happenings in this bullshit game
Dragon ball Fighterz
I want more Fox Engine, should I buy?
The bad ending is canon
Why are consoles still a thing?
Now that Xenoblade 2 was 2017's blunder of the year, Code Vein looks like the next contender of 2018's
DS2 or DS3?
Would you marry Chun?
When did the word "retard" become taboo?
Can fighting games be accessible?
ITT: We come up with ideas to save Gamestop
Why is this game so hard? Why is fighting some thugs on a beach a life-or-death battle every time? When do I get OP?
What would you want to see in a Bully sequel?
Dark atmosphere
So, what exactly is artificial fun?
Redpill me on this
Talked about for a week before being forgotten
Just started this
What the hardest role?
Dead or Alive 5
Are Rockstar /ourguys/?
#1 strategy in every RTS game is to create as many low end militia units as early as possible and just zerg rush the...
The doctor is fucking back
How the fuck am I supposed to finish this game with all this shit to do? I'll be dead before I get to the end
Just got the Switch and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, any other games you guys recommend getting?
Our queen just got 1 million Subs on her Channel
Post characters who never left your party
Now that the dust has settled, how do you feel about her after Odyssey?
>You're just not good enough Jimmy!
Is Sup Forums going to buy Miranda's game?
How's that backlog coming along Sup Forums?
Resetera Gold
Fire Emblem
Games only you have played
Toys R us has a BOGO promotion, but I can only get two switch games. Should I get MK8D & Zelda, or Zelda & Xenoblade...
You can't understand the game's plot properly if you don't know the lore/mithology first
Whats the last game that made you feel like this user?
Game changes on holidays
Boss becomes harder the more you beat it
Game is easy if you know how to break the game
One copy of Doki Doki Literature Club please
Name a more influential video game this decade. Pro tip: you can't
Is the broken dpad fixed on this
Vidya music thread
Worst controller thread
What is most addicting PC game you have ever played
Just got the true ending for 999. Fucking LOVED the game, its presentation and how everything played out...
When mummy lick you just right
There are people who thought Asylum Demon was a required fight in the first encounter
Just started ashes of ariandel
ITT: Low requirements top tier games
Will the Golden Sun ever rise again?
Every minute you play a video game is another minute of your life you won't get back. Go outside. Sit under a tree...
Let's have a Darkest Dungeon thread
Jonathan Blow: "Girls are biologically less interested in tech than men"
Has anyone encountered the mystical one-eyed monster yet in Xenoblade 2?
Since there is already threads that covered which was the best, lets try this instead
Have video games ruined your life?
Snow level
One copy of cuphead please and a copy of fursona 5
Guess i'm just being direct when i say i'm craving a pubg key and i just can't afford it
Not a gaming CPU
So is this more or less the final verdict?
Game gets popular
Anyone have any tips for beating the Two Headed Boy?
Steam Community gets blocked in China
I willingly bought the collectors edition of Bubsy the Woolies Strike Back. Yes the limited premium version of Bubsy...
Name ONE {1} good reason to pirate that isn’t just “I don’t care”
Lawbreakers was unplayable for 15 hours today
What should I play?
Name a lazier and more incompetent video game publisher that also seems to strangely dislike their consumers than pic...
I'll quit after Melee!
Why is she so perfect lads?
How did we go from this
Have you ever won prize money from video games? If so, what game?
ITT: difficulty peaks
Damn... Years later this still holds up
In this thread we all agree that this whole series is fantastic and the reason we argue about it so much is because its...
So now that the dust has settled, which is better?
What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?
Rimworld thread
One copy of Nier automata please
Free game
Sup ForumsGA - The Vidya Gaem Awards 2017
Think of a game, now post that game's best girl
Death Stranding not coming to pc
Santa Hats!
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Now that I'm an adult I question whether she actually did anything wrong
Sup Forums plays alter ego: part IX
What the fuck was his problem?
Which was worse, RROD or the psn hack?
Why do very few people appreciate A2?
Market your game as the next big eSport
Soul Calibur VI
Not Dead Yet
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why are the best games nip only?
ITT: moments where you had to stop playing to go fap
ITT: QUALITY in games
Apparently a "Project Plus" branch has showed up under Sonic Mania's SteamDB page
Will he ever see a dbz game with so much content ever again? Even as DLC?
Now that the dust has settled what does Sup Forums think of RUINER...
Why did this fail?
Can we agree that this is overrated...
*Shuts down your deathmatch server*
V Core
One copy of final fantasy VII please
>He only played the game after the 4th of December
I'll trigger those shitters for good
Winter break coming up
ITT: Games Sup Forums absolutley shat on that turned out to be very excellent
Both coming out in Jan 26
Is it really that bad?
Meanwhile at Latin American Sup Forums
ITT: Weird Ports/Spinoffs
Where's my news Square Enix?
Post interesting videogame trivia/tidbits/uncommon knowledge, lore and dev stories...
Italy level
The vidya industry has shit the bed. Get out while you still can
Code: Vein
Collection thread
What evil characters are so likable it's easy to often forget they're not good?
What were your thoughts about the portrayal of women in video games before she started whining about it?
The china Gov just banned the Steam Community in the country
What chair do you use for gayming Sup Forums? I'm looking for something that has nothing to do with pic related
Vidya Pet Peeves
Gamers defending "Net Neutrality"
The Duke could stand to commission some new Dragon's Dogma threads
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games