Worth $7.49? im a poorfag

worth $7.49? im a poorfag

Better than GTA V

Best open world crime game to date. Tight story with fun combat. Pick it up

Extremely underrated game, worth every penny

Worth it if you can afford it but despite the fun, it's just a game. Pirate it on pc if you could use the money.

I thought PSN gave it for free awhile back

This honestly

>"definitive" edition, now with more smog
>on PS4
No. Get the original release on PC.

Not entirely sure but I think they removed original from the store

Correct but you can still activate existing steam keys and those are easy enough to find.

Worth it. Enough open world to keep you occupied if you're not doing story.
DLC is pretty cool

haven't you heard about torrent, mates?

Why isn't there a pork bun in your hand?

Good point, original studio wouldn't be getting much out of it anyway since they went under only a couple of years later

$10 aint shit to me.

Bitch you're not poor, you're cheap. It's the price of a lunch or like 5 pork buns. Just buy it.

Like others said, great open world crime game. What really sets it apart from GTA/Saints Row is the combat system. It's kinda like Bamham, but with a little more complexity.
Just running around pretending to be Bruce Lee made it worth for me near release.

Get it, OP. One of the best games I've played in a while. I wish I got to play it on PS4. I played through the non-definitive version on PS3 over the summer.

if he's poor I doubt he's got gaming pc

He needs those pork buns though, or he's not a real man.

Just pirate it.

Who wins Sup Forums?

Wei Shen has yet to master the power of Heat.

Be ready to drop it when the camera section starts. It's a good game but is full of boring missions.

Just avoid the drug busts.

Kiryu definitely he's faster stronger and probably has a shit ton of weight on Wei. I think Wei is better matched for Akiyama or even better that police dude from 4 one of those would be more of a fair fight.

Great game

You're not a real man until you've had a pork bun OP, do it


Yeah and he hasn't played Sleeping dogs so he can't be real man even with pork buns. Best to get game now, and pork buns next paycheck.

>Kiryu tries some cute gag like using an iron to knock out Wei
>Wei impales Kiryu on a pole
Wei Shen is pure scrap.