When mummy lick you just right

when mummy lick you just right

REALLY good thread

More please.

lol shit tickler



Video games

A triumph, if I must say.

how do i get the dry tongue achievement?

Big if true

keep licking

the smegma will be gone soon enough.

check this 51 lmao

I literally can't make out what's going on in this picture.

how does a pussy taste like Sup Forumsros?

honestly eating pussy is great. i fucking love it.

Salty scurvy and dabloons

i knew you were gay!

sour like citrus or lime on my girl
i hate sour shit

she gotta wash better

Licking pussy is literally a beta nu-male thing to do. A real man only lets his bitch to suck his dick or fucks her

simbly ebin

you can literally tell who the ironic shitposting 15 year olds are itt

like a bag of milky coins

Like most skin. I never really notice when I get into it. You mostly focus on what and where gets you the most reaction.

That's the taste of a vagina who took way too much BBC. All you're tasting is the BBC seed inside your bitch. Kill yourself you cuck.

what does male bubble ass taste like

coach cum

>Not pleasuring a girl bringing her to multiple orgasms through mouth alone, then fingers until she forgets about the dick and surprising her by jamming it in
Fuck off underage

Only a beta nu male pussy would say that. A real man eats pussy because he isn’t a weak willed faggot like you.


Like a bag of salty coins.

I like eating ass but i eat it weird

I run my tongue down the vagina and up the asscrack then suck on the labia. the whole thing is a sopping mess but it's more fun that eating the one part.