Post games that did women in a tasteful way
Post games that did women in a tasteful way
There were women in this game?
Not that I can recall I think OP is retarded
i did your mother but there was nothing tasteful about it
Medal Of Honor:Underground
>every male you meet hits on you
It's very empowering desu.
Not that game.
What the FUCK did OP mean by this?
Will they ever recover?
Your memes are not as funny as you think Sup Forums
Horizon ZERO award
They were TRYING to make her shit and created a waifu so top tier she get’s her own category.
she's a pretty good example of a badly written woman. she's polarizing, ineffective and shrewd
the only reason she stands out in the game is because it's a horror game and everything else is uglier. the game does define some post-feminist ideals, but that says nothing about the actual character.
That one is pretty good but here's the real king of women done "tastefully"
>namefag who just an hour ago claimed to sit on dildos trying to tell me Heather is shit
Most of the RE games. The women are sexy and they kick ass.
Amanda Ripley in Alien Isolation too.
can you give me an example of her personality or character that is useful in and out of context?
That’s not how personalities work sauce.
neck yourself loser
>post games that did women in a tasteful way
>identify with all the ways heather was written poorly and tactlessly
>'fuck you loser, you don't know what you're talking about'
she gets robbed, her dad dies, detective doesn't like any of it, she's ineffectual against her past, her future. claudia wolf wants her to do something, anything and vincent is entirely fed up with the both of them. in all the ways she could have done something remarkable in the plot, she failed. she's supposed to fail. but that doesn't mean she's well written you idiot
Aloy is pure.
Boo. What do you think anout vidya girls then Saucy?
They're necessary and are a good thing!
That doesn't make them exempt from criticism.
This, high quality attractive women that have good personalities and characteristics (bar EV to a degree).
DoA has plenty of tasty women
Weeaboo trash only disrespect women.
Sorry pretty women makes you feel uncontrollable envy hambeast.
Amazing how sjw's completely ignored this game for some reason. All the brownie points went to Tomb Raider and Horizon instead for whatever reason.
Care to explain?
Thank god they ignored it.
Finally a real role model for real wymyn
I did your mom in a tasteful way
You being nasty only proves my point.
I mean, they are just objects for male players to lust, they are not real characters with real motivation.
Alloy is just an object for SJWs to brag over. She's not a real character past her political use. While the ones you hate will always be remembered for their designs, yours will fade away the moment people get tired of acting angry at pretty things.
I know this is bait, but you pretty confirmed for neither playing SK or DOA
But they are characters with motivation. Just because they are shown differently and are made to look sexier doesn't change that.
That's just you projecting.
Well, it's true I never played them, but you have to agree that is difficult to take a character seriously when she is dressed like a whore.
I think your bait is getting too obvious now.
this is pathetic
Translation: completely undesirable by men. That's the "future" that SJW's envision: one where no man is ever allowed to be horny unless he's a faggot.
>The sky is blue
>"pathetic, stop saying the sky is blue"
For free
>Our nation totally needs this.
>so we can literally stand in their remembrance
What the fuck? This reads more like a shitty twitter/facebook post then a speech from a politician.
You are doing anti sony posting for free for your favourite company.
I wonder how assblasted you must be when the best open world graphics came by and destroyed your feelings.
People who don't think HZD is an SJW game are fucking deluded, it's SJW to the fucking core and there's shit like this interwoven throughout the entire story from start to finish. The worst part is it was made by a bunch of white guys in europe, literally the entire team is just bearded white guys and yet this is what they produced. Absolutely disgusting.
It is only SJW if you are an insecure Sup Forumstard.
If you are a normal human the "progressiveness" is literally negligible.
Who cares if it's SJW in some random text most people won't read? The combat is really fun, it's a good game. I feel sorry for people that can't enjoy it because muh politics.
Lol, dumb brit.
But I love 2d women. They are both attractive and have great personalities. The only downside is that they don't exist. So stop saying I disrespect women, I only disrespect a small subsect of women who don't produce anything of value but demand the world anyways. Jap 3d women, I respect because they make great 2d women and porn.
bump for Aloy