How come this game's hype just disappeared?

How come this game's hype just disappeared?

Did everybody decide it was overrated or something?

there's not much to discuss when it comes to platformers, it really is that simple.

There's just not a whole lot to say. Everyone got their 124/500/880 and called it a game.

That'a literally what happens with everything. The hype dies. No hype can be eternal, even less in a platformer,

It's a Mario game that doesn't do anything revolutionary.
Like did you expect it to be industry changing? It's my personal GOTY pick, but there's not a whole lot to talk about. You go bing bing and wahoo, and you're done.

Most moons are ludicrously easy to get.
It's like Nintendo gave up half way and filled the game with filler moons.
2/10, not impressed.

sunshine was more fun to play. It was a nice game but I wouldn't replay it.

good comment

it's a good game without an obvious divide in it's fanbase.
not enough material for people to get (You)'s by shitposting

all the shitposting is focused on botw and xeno 2 and there's no discussion on Sup Forums outside of shitposting

>sunshine was more fun to play
how the fuck can anyone say this with a straight face? sunshine by far has the most bullshit stages in it and has the worst moveset without good powerups to balance any of it out. The only thing it has going for it is the setting/story.

I 100%'ed it so I don't have anything to post anymore

Sup Forums can’t shitpost about it, so it gets no threads.

>and has the worst moveset
maybe if you were a shitter who relied on FLUDD, mario himself controlled extremely well. Cappy feels janky as fuck and constantly breaks momentum.

It doesn't have as many faults as Xeno2 or Zelda to shitpost about

It's just tedious. Imuld have loved it fifteen years ago. Now it's just a bunch of busy workkk

It gets boring eventually

Isn't hype literally a thing that only exists prior to something's release (maybe a bit after)? What examples are there of a game's hype continuing long after release (and this game has been out over a month at this point)?

It's still a fun game but it ran it's course. People dissected it and figured out every secret so now there's not really anything to discuss.

Also XBC2 came out so a lot of the switch owners' attentions shifted to that

Is pretty much a perfect game, nothing to discuss since it perfected the formula.

Zelda got months of discussion mostly because of shitposters and people who is still fond on OOT gamplay.

BOTW was still talked up way past the 1 month point. Odyssey went radio silence after what, 3 weeks?

Games as a service. Updates, DLC, events, things like that to keep people coming back for new stuff even after the initial launch.

Mario Odyssey is a self-contained single player experience. Once people finished the game, that was it. Couple that with Mario games not being particularly long or demanding and there isn't anything to discuss after the first month or two.

Good point, well made.

you are a complete retard, the moveset in odyssey is miles better than sunshine, since in odyssey you can chain the moves together properly (without breaking momentum if you do it right), whilst sunshine is just a simplified version of 64.

Also a good point.

Just got my switch yesterday, early Christmas present for myself, and I managed to pick up the Mario Odyssey bundle. I'm completely loving it! But I can understand that there's not really much to talk about, not really theories on the story or in-depth character analysis. it's just a Mario game.

Everyone has already beaten it, plus Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just came out a couple weeks ago. On top of that, BOTW has new DLC.

Why is it so hard for you idiots to understand that singleplayer games with definitive ends and no mods will eventually have little or no threads/discussion on Sup Forums?

>Worst moveset
Sunshine's moveset is great. They took SM64's movement and made it much more responsive. Stop being a faggot.

Genuinely a huge disappointment.
I love my Switch, loving Zelda, Xenoblade, even the fucking Mario + Rabbids games.
But Mario Odyssey just left me with the urge to play 3D World, of all games.

>They took SM64's movement and made it much more responsive.
no, they made is stiff and slower, it's objectively worse.

>Stiff and slow
At least play the video games you shitpost about kid.

compared to sm64? yes, it is.

It's a great game and there's nothing really to shitpost about.

Once again, they took SM64's movement, made it much more fluid and made it more responsive especially thanks to the updated control stick in the gamecube controller.

far from the truth, they slowed it down and made it stiffer, momentum doesn't get nearly as fast and is cancelled or slowed down by most moves by comparison.

You're just outright lying at this point and it's goddamn pathetic.

It's shitty because they didn't ad a third brother. In fact, Luigi wasn't even in it.


What is there to talk about? It's a good game, not a lot to discuss

says (You)


Because it looked revolutionary but it was just another solid Mario game.

Come on user, you should know it's easier to discuss about game with flaws.
What the fuck can you say about odyssey? It is perfect, I don't even know what to say that doesn't sound old.
With zelda you can discuss about things that some might or might not like, but with odyssey? Everything was in place.
The only thing that annoys me is the initial screen with the control schemes. Fuck, remove that thing after you save for the first time.

it was alright, nothing special. I played it for a weekend, beat Bowser and not compelled enough to get 500 moons

Looking back, I'd replay 64 over Odyssey any day.
Probably because getting most moons in Odyssey was insanely easy. What would you replay?

I hope Nintendo releases a few DLC worlds

or a SMG2-style sequel

It's a first party Nintendo exclusive on a console with few games. Anyone with a Switch probably already beat it if they wanted it, or they're waiting until after Christmas for some bundle that they or their family will get them. It has no competitive multiplayer, so it's not like it'd last forever. I guess BotW lasted a while, but that's open world, Mario is a platformer with dedicated goals, so once everything is beaten, there's really not much more to it. Expect more threads around January after Christmas.

Odyssey > Galaxy 2 > 64 > 3D World > Galaxy > Sunshine > 3D Land

anything else is a meme opinion

>better than 64

not a nostalgiafag but the controls on Oddyssey weren't as good

Only two of those are my posts. Nonetheless, good jip

All those filler moons suck the fun out of it and it feels like half the levels were half baked.

It really felt like Metro / Forest was the standard they wanted for the rest of the game to be but they just rushed it out.

First of all,

The Ending of the game is a Massive insult to EVERYONE who play through the entire thing.

Second of all,

Collecting all of the power moons is a TOTAL CHORE. It gets boring and tedious.


There is no end game reward after you collected all of the moons. No acheivements, No nothing.

It's a good game but its not a game of the year. Thats why BOTW won the GOTY

odyssey is better for vertical movement, sm64 is better for horizontal movement.

Oh yes I loved getting all those hard as fuck 64 stars like.....

It's a single player game that got discussed to death when it came out. There's not much to say until it gets old enough that late adopters want to talk about it unless it gets DLC.

Are you on the autism spectrum?

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm honestly curious.

Becuase outside of the things that immediatelay stood out as new and interesting the rest of the game was pretty pedestrian and par for the course.

There really isn’t much TO talk about anymore.

It’s a mario game and it’s fun.