What are some absolutely MUST play games you have to experience in order to refine your vidya game taste?

What are some absolutely MUST play games you have to experience in order to refine your vidya game taste?
I can only think of one game and that might be DOOM.

Witcher 3

Front Mission

WoW in 2010.

gone home
lifes strange

Robot Unicorn Attack

Casuls can't handle this game


Ace Combat Zero

Dark Souls 1

my autism goes on overdrive when i play that game. i also want to play it when it's in a more complete state

Space quest 4

Silent Hill 2

These but unironically.

Mountain Blade
Dwarf Fortress
Freespace 1 & 2
Minecraft, ironically
Unreal Tournament
Diablo 1 & 2

Good list if you remove minecrap

Wolf3D + Doom
Vanilla WoW
Sims 2
NFS Most Wanted (original)
Everything N64
Everything PS2
Far too many Newground/Armor games Flash Games
Every Meet'n'Fuck game on newgrounds

Vampire the Masquerade, Bloodlines

None. Elitist fags like you should fuck off.

>being knowledgeable is elitist
Na, you're just stupid.

Yeah man, hey wanna go play CoD WW2 with me that game is fucking lit bruh lmao

Warcraft 3
Rome Total War

Fallout 2
Dragon Age: Oregano
Kotor II

System Shock 2
Super Mario 64

Get off of fucking Sup Forums Isaac

No idea who that is but that kike friend of yours has some good taste

should I skip FO1 or is it worth playing?

By all means play 1, but 2 is an all around better experience imo.

Snake eater
EY.E Divine Cybermancy
Hotline Miami
Darkest Dungeon
Resident Evil 4
Witcher 3

This is not going to be even remotely close to a full list, but these are games that do pop into my mind.

System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Thief 1/2
Silent Hill 2
Fallout 1/2
Planescape Torment
Gothic 1/2
Half-life 1/2
The Void
Shadow of Colossus
Total War: Medieval 2 or Shogun 2
Mount and Blade: Warband
Grim Fandango

Honorable mentions (you don't HAVE to play these but you are likely to have a lot of fun with them anyway):
The Witcher series
Baldurs Gate 2
Painkiller or Serious Sam FE/SE
Operation Flashpoint / ARMA
at least one of the grand strategies
Day of the Tentacle
The Longest Journey
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Age of Empires 2
Unreal Tornament
Prey (2017)

>should I skip FO1 or is it worth playing?
It's worse in terms of content, balance, most of it's writing etc... but many do argue (and they have a point) that it's by FAR the best Fallout game in terms of Atmosphere. So I'd strongly recommend not skipping it.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Life is Strange
Gone Home


nice list but Factorio is a bit niche to be an essential game.

thanks anons, I'll start from FO1

that one physically hurt to read user

jajajaja i shitpost jaja

>nice list but Factorio is a bit niche to be an essential game.
Actually, my intention was to cover as wide ground as I personally could in terms of genres, because having broad horizons in I think is pretty vital for good "game education". Factorio (and OTTD) are not mainstream genres, but they are arguably the best their respective genres produced.

Also, I seriously think Factorio gets the wrong reputation. It's much less "hard-core" than most people think. Sure, it allows for some crazy autism too with the whole "program your own computers in there", but at it's root it really is a relatively simple addictive puzzle/base-building game that anyone can play and most will enjoy.
It really is the definition of "easy to get into, hard to master".
If it did not have the promotion/reputation of being autist simulator, it could have well been considered a fucking casual game.

Gone Home is a unique experience, though. Maybe not an essential but it's still an interesting idea.

>inb4 gator screams

What do you mean by "refine your tastes"?

factorio is autistic as hell and playing it normally is probably too mentally demanding for most gamers

star fox 64

I hope this is a bait and you don't seriously believe that. Because... it really, really fucking isn't. It's an idea that MIGHT have worked and been interesting (though hardly particularly original), if it wasn't absolutely god-awfully presented and executed.


i have 40 hours in it and those were entirely tagging along with actual autistics that could construct shit while i just went around incinerating the natives and capturing oil feilds with the doom theme playing

Hardly unique

Resident Evil 4

Get good at Tetris

I played the original doom when it came out and didn't. Truely the most overrated game ever.


It really isn't. My fucking 58 years old mother got into it. The only other game she played were The Sims.
It's actually really simple on basic levels. Sure, it does expand as you go forward (learning how to say, set up solid railroad signaling is not exactly easy) but by that time people are usually already completely hooked in and the game does such a god-damn great job of gradually easing you into new mechanics that you already are invested and eager to learn and experiment.

I've recommend that game to some of my most casual friends and not a single one found it too difficult to understand and play, or too boring. All the complexity comes gradually, through optimization: not from the basic mechanics.

>The Void
I fucking hate this game, why do people like it.

Im sick of it but Counter Strike is a must. It was and sort of is still the ultimate multiplayer fps game. Whatever version since its all the same 17 year old gameplay.

Rainbow 6 Siege is the modern counter strike we all dreamed of so unless it shits the bet I think it will be on this list in the future.

Obligatory Pure Pwnage quote: "If one wants to truly own, they must own in all games."

>I fucking hate this game, why do people like it.
Because it's one of the two "art games" that deserve the label without it being ironic or insulting. It's really a god-damn beautiful and fascinating, clever title, though without a single fucking DOUBT it's not actually accessible to most people.
Apart from it's beautiful visuals and surprising complexity, the thing that really, really sets it apart is how it actually ties gameplay to it's narrative. I don't think any other game actually told it's own message and story through mechanics as well as this one did.

What did you hate about it? Symbolism too obscure and think, making it come across as pretentious? Lack of direction or tutorials?

>all these "play the witcher 1 and gothic, it was alright I guess..." tier posts

if you want the pinnacle of the genres then:

-FF6, Chrono Trigger for console rpg
-Zelda OOT for adventure
-mario 64 /odyssey for 3d platformer
-SMB3 for 2d platformer
-Morrowind, gta SA ,botw for open world
-dark souls, diablo 2 for arpg
-dmc3/4, Ninja gaiden black for action/ hack n slash
-symphony of the night for metrovania (2d adventure/arpg)
-starcraft bw, age of empires 2 for rts
-heroes of might and magic 3 for turn based strategy
-mgs3 for stealth
-SH2, RE4 for survival horror
-third strike, USF4 for fighting games

these genres came into my mind

yeah dude i love brandon sanderson novels and the marvel cinematic universe, elitist fags fuck off
i have just as valid of an opinion as everyone else!

>mgs3 for stealth
>games that arent homeworld or supcom for rts

Not being the most realistic doesn't mean mgs3 isn't the best stealth game with the most engaging gameplay.

>supcom or homeworld
just because these games have a big place in your that won't make them anything more than simply above average. SC BW and AoE2 are by far the biggest classics in the genre and the oldest ones that still have a decent online playerbase for good reason.

Armored Core 3
Gradius V
Contra Hardcorps
F Zero X/GX
Jagged Alliance

>game with forced action segments

>gookclick and game everyone has nostalgia over because it was free with their xp

>FF6, CT
>pinnacle of CRPG
>how to spot the buzzfeed numale hipster parrot
Literally pathetic.

>Lack of direction or tutorials?
Honestly this and frustration ones I figuered out how everything works. To many loading screens and loading to old saves for me. I guess it was to punishing in a manner I did not appreciatie.

Yeah. The idiotic camera and poor level design really make it the most engaging stealth game ever.
In a world where fucking Thief or Splinter Cell exist.

Sorry, but your console upbringing really damn shows here. MGS may have been really unique in it's approach to storytelling and neat gimmicks, but as a stealth game, they were never great. It's ironic that say "just because HW has a big place in your heart does not mean it's above average" when you unironically fucking claim that MGS had good fucking stealth.

Thief is boring as hell. Don't know how anyone enjoys those games. I got over halfway through Thief Gold before I decided to just run through levels to the end, and even then I dropped it.


Im not the user you are responding to but i mentioned snake eater not because of the gameplay (although it was perfectly serviceable for me) but because like the witcher 3 and the other games i mentioned it was so unique and fun an experience that it will stay with me forever.

maybe it's just the depression

I can't say that I don't know what you are talking about. But, as clichéd and understandably annoying as this might sound: it IS kinda part of the deal, it at least in good part intentional. Learning by trial and error, feeling overwhelmed and mistreated, deseperate even are experiences core to the title.

That is not to say that it does not have a LOT of purely mechanical issues that can't be justified by mere "it's on purpose" excuse. The game is flawed as fucking HELL.
But at the same damn time it's so unique, and profound and actually genuine that... for those who can stick out with it, it is likely going to be a life-changing experience.

I don't blame anyone who does not get into it, and I really don't want to pretend that it's not a massively flawed game. It's just... it has a lot to offer too. That is why those who do like it, like it so god damn much that it usually becomes an obsession. Same with Pathologic, by the same developers, by the way.

Depends on the genre.

mafia, babbys first accquired taste game

Depends on the genre

for RPG's id say Chrono Trigger, FF6 and TWEWY
For shooters the first DOOM
For tactical RPGS: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu

>not because of the gameplay

Gameplay > Nostalgia gayness

Some I don't think got mentioned :
-No one lives forever
-Max Payne 2

go to bed grandpa


DOOM to see the pinnacle of the origins.
Half life to see the pinnacle of its evolution.
Counter Strike to see the pinnacle of its competitive nature.
And this is 100% fact. Undeniable word of Muhammad himself.

And in my humble opinion Planetside 2 the pinnacle of FPS scope.

Shitty tier taste

yakuza 0
then travel back in time and play some comfy ps3 lost planet 2 co-op
that's about it