>Join Mages Guild >First quest: Go to this dungeon and kill the Draugr >Spirit tells me I'm the CHOSEN ONE >Kill some more Draugr >Kill archmage >Now I'm the new archmage >All while being a warrior class not knowing a single fucking spell
You have to cast a spell to get in, so you know at lest a single fucking spell.
Charles Young
user what the fuck do you have to say for yourself?
Charles Carter
No one cares. Post more modded women.
Adam Smith
No you don't They let you in for being the CHOSEN DRAGONBORN!!111!
Jose Ross
and you have to cast flame (which everyone starts with) and frost to manipulate that elder scroll case thing.
also you don't kill the archmage.
Xavier Bell
No you don't. You can get in with persuasion. You can skip the tutorial. You can literally become the biggest baddest spell caster around without knowing a single spell.
Tyler Wright
yeah, it's pretty neat that they acknowledge that. Just like the old days. If only they kept it up.
Jayden Lewis
just play Skyrim Special Edition everything is better.
Landon Harris
William Jones
sure, with 100 speech. you still need to know a fire and ice spell to get the elder scroll.
Gabriel Martinez
>ywn have a cute busty redhead gf with lots of freckles
Jayden White
I miss Oblivion's setup. It was drawn out visiting every mage hall in every city, but you had to go through several unique quests before you were even able to enter the guild.
Connor Gutierrez
Not relevant. Point stands.
Camden Kelly
Angel Diaz
I'm coming!
Cooper Brown
Go to /tesg/ you horny faggots
Owen James
You can use a shout to get past her Also you can use scrolls to get past those "puzzles"
Cameron Wood
stream it
Jacob Diaz
yeah oblivion did a good job making you feel like you had to work for your guild membership.
even if the quests were simple
Nathan Baker
did you stop reading after the first sentence? you can't "become the biggest baddest spell caster around without knowing a single spell" because you need a fire and ice spell to proceed through the quest line.
Nolan Cook
The quest for the elder scrolls has fuck all to do with the mage quest line you donut which is why I said it's fucking irrelevant.
Adam Hill
Also you need to use two spells in dwemer observatory to calibrate it.
Christian Ward
>>Spirit tells me I'm the CHOSEN ONE This was when I stopped this questline.
Blake Lopez
I love skyrim
Jose Jackson
You went to college and didn't learn a thing and blame it on the school. Are you black? Because you sound like a stupid nigger.
Gavin Garcia
Jonathan Scott
Who made this one? It's gorgeous.
Austin Hill
You can shout fire and ice or use scrolls.
Kevin Gonzalez
Eli Baker
neat, so they let you roleplay as a faker like that Dunmer nearby who wants you to steal a magic staff who's pretending to be a mage.
Cameron Taylor
What the fuck is wrong with her arms??
Jack Ross
>joining the mage's guild while being a warrior Why?
Nathaniel Moore
shits & giggols m8
Noah Thompson
? There is literally no difference, apart from the graphics
Jaxson Allen
>You have to be proficient at whatever an organization creates/represents to lead it
Oh you sweet summer children.
Easton Watson
I thought it was neat that to learn the master level spells you have to do a little quest for each spell type
Christian Gray
You can do the MQ in Morrowind in 15min. You can stay at level 2 and complete the Oblivion MQ fighting only scamps.
If somebody does something stupid in their game it is fine because it is their game. Unless you are legit mad people play differently than you. In that case I can't help because I can't fix stupid.
tldr Quit caring how other people play the game.
Elijah Myers
Because they literally made the game for the lowest common denominator. Thats why its so popular. They didn't want you to have to do multiple playthroughs to do everything because they wanted the normies to not cry about how they failed a quest or about how their destruction skill wasn't high enough.
Andrew Richardson
This is why oblivion is better.
Chase Cruz
Your own posse > Dark Brotherhood > Dawnguard > Companions > Vampires > College of Winterhold > Blades > Thieve's Guild > Bard College
Feel free to fight me.
Caleb Miller
I'm not caring about how people play the fucking game, you idiot. Someone claimed it's impossible to become the archmage in Skyrim without casting spells. I described how it is possible. They got upset. I put them in their place. You interjected with shit that has nothing to do with the topic.
John Long
Terrible bait.
Alexander Gomez
>Morrowind >join mages guild >bring me 3 shrooms >bring me 3 flowers >bring me a soul gem that is just up the stairs >bring me a pot from a store that is one minute walk from here >find my two scrolls one of which is in the adjacent room >go and kill 3 telvani niggers in a cave >go and get 1000 gold from some dunmer nigger in his house >find out what happened to the dwemer none of these quests require any kind of spellcasting
Levi White
Don't you have to cast that shield spell before going to the dungeon?
Hudson Campbell
>Blades > Bard College At least the bards don't betray you. Still salty that there was no option to purge the Thieve's Guild from Riften.
Jordan White
yes, and you need a fire and ice spell for something too
Nathan Edwards
>roleplaying as warrior >try to join mages guild you're doing it wrong
Cooper Bailey
>No alternate questline where you can join a guild with little to no ability where you are rewarded for your services but you only get honorary ranks
Ryan Taylor
>Truth is bait now
Most CEOs have fuckall experience with what their employees actually do. They might have theoretical knowledge on the industry that they are entering, but that's about it. Rare is the CEO that is actually working on products/services right alongside his employees.
Aaron Edwards
I think we're having different DLCs installed my friend, I remember it way differently.
>Join Mages Guild >First quest: Go to this dungeon and kill the Draugr >Spirit tells me I'm the CHOSEN ONE >Draugr rape me >They cum inside and bloat my womb >Archmage comes walking around >Makes me suck his veiny cock >Now I'm their new breeding stock >All while being a bard not knowing a single fuck about magic
that's a nice and rare khajit you got there
Samuel Peterson
you can use scrolls, so technically you don't need to actually know any spells
Josiah Morgan
So you know how to get around using magic for the College and you claim to not care how others play the game?
It would seem the only people who care how others play the game would have that info on speed dial. Just an observation.
Ian Martinez
I remember the initiation quests where you enter the guy's nightmares and have to get a heavy ring out of a well more than I remember any of the guild quests in Skyrim.
James Perry
For the mask
Eli Williams
I hope in the next game instead of making you the fucking leader of a faction which doesn't even matter because you don't actually lead shit they just give "goodboy" title after you do the quests. Or better yet, have no stupid fucking storyline for the guilds and just have you do jobs for them instead as a guild member should.
Landon Robinson
>not knowing skyrim was always and will always be an action adventure with rpg elements type of game Casuals need to leave
Elijah Adams
but they make sense in the world, high ranked members ask you to do their jobs or screw their rivals, mage guild in morrowind was fucking gold you fagget later quest are more about politics and magic objects. and that's good
skyrim is abysmal sandbox for retarded kid, they removed all the fun toys that you could use to hurt yourself or break the sandbox, so it's just useless sand everywhere looking exactly the same. "oh you're the choosen one ! take all our relics and let me suck your dick plox !"
Evan Rodriguez
You start out as an errandboy because no one trusts you or believes in you. If you've ever had a technical job, this is very believeable. Whether Bethesda should have kept this realism to toned it down is really down to personal preference.
Xavier Brooks
>they suck your dick as the new great archimage before figuring out you don't know magic....
Owen Cook
Except CEOs aren't called ARCHMAGES, aka, prominent MAGE.
Thomas Sanchez
>So you know how to get around using magic Yes, because I've played the game before.
>you claim to not care how others play the game? Why the shit would I care how people play? I'm not telling them they should become the archmage without knowing any spells. I'm telling them it's possible. How the fuck do you confuse this?
>It would seem the only people who care how others play the game would have that info on speed dial. What the hell kind of assumption is this? Because someone has knowledge of a game they're suddenly dictating how other people should be playing? Literally nobody here gives a fuck about how other people play Skyrim. I could say I only play Skyrim with 100% authentic and anatomically accurate & functional horse assholes and nobody would bat an eye.
Asher Baker
Damn...that user got assblasted and trying to save face now. Good job.
Ryder Brown
>join Mages Guild >do errands for the higher ranked members because I'm the newcomer >shit at magic so can't advance in rank
Juan Lopez
>you can talk your way into being accepted into magic school despite not having the magical knowledge Why exactly is this a bad thing?
>you can get in if you reach a certain point in the story and are known to be the dragonborn Which seems like a perfect addition to a college that studies magic, isn't the voice in many ways just another style of magic?
Hudson Wright
the point is that if you look through Morrowinds magic guild quests you don't actually have to know spells to do them, you need to have the skill to get promotion but you can just level it up with a trainer and not actually know or cast a single spell
and morrowinds mage guild questline is absolute garbage, the best quests are Telvani, Hlalu, Dunmer Temple and Imperial temple
Kayden Hall
>isn't the voice in many ways just another style of magic? maybe to peasants but the mages know better and being good at shouting doesn't help you cast spells.
Angel Campbell
>Why exactly is this a bad thing? It's not a bad thing. Someone claimed it was impossible. I said it was possible. That's the end of it.
>isn't the voice in many ways just another style of magic? I'm pretty sure nobody is considering shouts to be magic in this context because playing the game the distinction is clear with the lore as well as it belonging to an entirely different menu.
Samuel Butler
>the point is that if you look through Morrowinds magic guild quests you don't actually have to know spells to do them, you need to have the skill to get promotion but you can just level it up with a trainer and not actually know or cast a single spell The same can be said of any guild. You can walk around doing nothing but punching dunmer in your fucking booty shorts and still be grandmaster of everything and it's mother.
Bentley Cruz
>maybe to peasants but the mages know better Thuum is a form of tonal magic and thus far superior to any spell a mage can cast, tonal magic actually affects the fibre of the world, which is why it doesn't rely on magicka. Any mage would be absolutely delighted to get a chance to study it
Samuel Scott
Thuum is far rarer than normal magic. Nearly everyone has magicka in some limited way.
Oliver White
yeah, turns out you're right, you don't need to know a single spell, you can even use spellbreaker in place of a ward during the first lesson.
You don't have to cast a single spell... aside form all those staffs and scrolls you have to fire... and those magic mastery quests the other teachers give you. But we'll just ignore them, they don't count.
Thomas Miller
Do you guys think shouting will be back in the next game? I think it could be added as another skill, with nords getting a high bonus to it, except >TESVI >skills >attributes >role playing >implying it won't be just a badly animated walking simulator
Wyatt Rivera
>lists examples that you don't need in order to become the archmage
You must be fucking devastated that you were proven wrong. Get over it already.
Hunter Lee
nah, it would make no sense whatsoever, the greybeards are reluctant to teach thuum, and how else would others learn it? They just need to find another gimmick for the next title, if its Redguard they can have sword singing
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Eli Edwards
No. You were passive aggressively trying to make it seem like what you said was technically right by claiming I was ignoring relevant information. You were wrong. Plain and simple. Stop trying to weasel out of admitting it if you're going to keep replying. The shit you just listed has nothing to do with the original point I made. You're just listing it out because you're upset. Both of you need to take your meaningless emotions out of this. Read the posts you respond to before you respond. Don't make stupid claims. Don't create arguments when they don't need to exist. I'm not trying to hurt your fucking feelings. I'm just pointing out what is true and what is not. Stop taking the shit personally.
Brody Gomez
user are you ok
Mason Young
I know, all those times you have to use a staff/scroll/shout in the main College of Winterhold quests don't count. I get it. Get over it.
Asher Jackson
There are no times when you have know a spell to complete the main college of winterhold quests. You can either skip all of them or get through without knowing a spell. That was the point. That was the original reply. That was what you cannot refute. That is what you're still squirming in your little high chair over. Don't argue if your argument is bullshit.
Hudson Torres
Jesus user, first off read a few more times.
Second off stop being a jerk. You're the one with the emotional overreaction here
Isaiah Flores
The only passive-aggressive emotionlet ITT is you.
Ethan Evans
>that initiation quest where some dude tries to trick you into drowning yourself in a well
Luke Lopez
How fucking sheltered you kids are when someone correcting you is offensive to your delicate egos.
Owen Moore
Oh, what about the flames spell that everyone knows?
Jonathan Cox
You have to cast a spell in your initiation before you set off to the first dungeon.
Dylan Turner
You don't need to use it. You could remove it from your character at the beginning of the game and still accomplish what I describe.
No. You don't. You can skip that using multiple methods that don't require you to cast that ward or know that ward.
Juan Wright
This is the quest I think of immediately every time I think of Oblivion. What a great premise for a quest. Modern Bethesda would never give you a quest that is meant to trick you.
I was upset that you seem to be insulting some poor user for no reason. He literally tells you that you're right and you continue to berate. Just fuck off, what is it you even want?
Carson Thomas
You have to cast a ward spell at the beginning
Landon Turner
LMAO reaction image nigger is hurt by the reaction of other posters. Before you reply, I'll predict your post so you can save your time and focus on your head being in your anus >"N-no u"
Elijah Long
You can shout at her.
Brody Sanchez
Do you know where you are?
John Clark
>You don't need to use it. So what you're saying is... it doesn't count?
Brandon Brooks
What about the wall you have to remove by a spell while wearing amulet in saarthal?
Aiden Ramirez
literally white privilege
Asher Bailey
This thread looks like one of those time-looping films. A particularly shitty one. The same thing being said over and over again.