Okami / BotW

Okami / BotW

which one is better Sup Forums

You're mom

Rawr XD


minecraft benis ;DDDDDD
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ಠ____ಠ Back!
ಠ_____ಠ NOW! (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ ┳━┳ ┳━┳ ┳━┳

The one that actually feels like a Zelda game. Okami, obviously.

Okami. No contest.

BotW is baby's first Havok physics demo reel + AssCreed Ubisoft collect the 800 things

Okami is a good Zelda game

This post was more entertaining than entirety of Sup Forums from last 6 months.

at least he listened to his father

When is Capcom going to make a new Okami game instead of just porting their shit games 100 times?

>Okami HD

What is the meaning of this?

BotW. Okami is pretentious soyboy bullshit.

>A ubisoft walking simulator
>A mediocre Zelda clone


You trust Capcom to not fuck it up? Really?

>pretentious soyboy bullshit
You literally have no idea what you're talking about

There's nothing more soyboy than nintendo games, cuck

Both have insufferable fanbases.

>le Okami is le Zelda game xDDD

Why the fuck is BOTW being compared to every single game out there?

Does Okami on PC have a controller fix for piratebros yet?

Okami is literally Zelda for hipsters.

It's better to just call it a Zelda game rather than an action adventure title with item based RPG elements and progression

Nintentoddlers need to validade their $300 fischer price tablet

they are completely different games with completely different mechanics.

so basically nowhere near as good? hipsters have garbage taste

>Okami is a good Zelda game

Why do niggers keep saying this? If Okami were a Zelda game it would be hated by all of you faggots praising it.

it's not even a fair thing, botw wins hands down on anything.

did somebody say benis?

>30 frames per second.

Neither. Both are worse.

>By Japan, for Japan, about actual Japan and not idol moe trash
>Genuinely tougher and better at exploration and item/power use than most Zeldas in the past 15 years

Sony fags are insecure. Just looks at all the horizon vs botw threads we had for months

Okami for everything that isn't TP.
TP for everything else.

Oh wait, BotW? What kind of comparison are you even drawing.

No, Zelda might be genre defining, but it's not the name of the genre. People don't go around calling every FPS a "Doom" either.

BOTW is a better game that unironically doesn't treat you like a toddler. Okami has too much hand holding

Ben is, butt also dicke and balls

you could compare the cure for cancer to BotW and BotW would still win, there isn't a game that stands a chance against that beast.
you sony fanboys are pathetic


Just like people don't call every other game where you might die a Souls clone.


Cancer because you cant die in botw?

You just explained why it's for hipsters though

well i never died because i'm just good at it
fuck off sonybro, this isn't a dark souls game

>Genuinely tougher

Damn nigga that’s a good joke. Okami is as piss easy as Wind Waker and Skyward Sword with just as much handholding.

Well those people are equally retarded then.


one is a zelda game, the other is fantasy metal gear solid 5

This. Holy fuck the amount of cutscene bullshit in Okami is unbearable.

>Not the go-to hipster-bait trash and actually has more substance as a game instead of solely looks

The enemies can actually hit for more than one unit of health at a time, and the bosses are actually capable of landing hits at all. It's certainly not DMC, but it's not the patronizing joke that The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword were.

You're the one being a hipster buddy boy

Also okami is easy as fuck


I cared more about that game than I did anything in BOTW. BOTW wore my patience thin after the 50th shrine and 90th Korok Seed. Shit, even Okami's basic as fuck combat is more interesting than BOTW's. The weapons are actually distinct.

Okami's combat feels patronizing to me, as someone who has played other capcom games.

Hey wait a second there's an extra table

Cutscenes stored in HD, 2K and 4K

Issun treats you like a retard throughout the game and literally points out the solutions to puzzles for you.

Graphics: Okam
A unique visual style whose gameplay is tied into it in a clever way
Music: Okami
BOTW's score is forgettable and fails to rouse even a bit of emotion. It's an embarrassment compared to prior entries in the series when it comes to music.
Gameplay: Okami
Platforming, boss encounters, equipment, loading screen minigames, etc...

Okami's only downside is the cutscene spam and the game running out of gas towards the end. Beyond that, it's a better game than BOTW.

the 3-minute shrines are unironically higher-quality design than most of Okami's dungeons

If you hate BOTW's score, mute it and play a normal zelda's game's score on a loop while you play. You'll go insane.

Which is still pants on head retarded, because you can just use 4k video and it will be fine on most configurations.

Playing 4k video isn't extremely demanding especially on systems that can run the fucking game.

No, they are not. Especially not spammed over a hundred fucking times.

I solved the problem by beating the game selling the game afterward. Like someone said earlier, BOTW jettisoned almost everything the Zelda series excelled in up to this point.

This. Replaying the HD version right now, have only played the Wii version back then and it's even worse than I remembered it. You basically don't have to ever upgrade your health bar because you won't get hit 90% of the time anyway and evertyhing dies in 1-2 combos. And naturally, the puzzles are a joke too, with Issun telling you what to do every time.

That final Demon Gate is more difficult than anything I've done in BOTW, and I've beaten the BOTW DLCs.

Okami by a huge fucking margin. BoTW doesn't even compare.

>less popular game is better than popular game!
Who cares? Do you feel insecure that your preferred game didn't get the same kind of attention? Would you feel validated if strangers on the internet agreed that the popular game isn't as good? Contrarians need to get a life

Lies, I just finished it again.

You see that feeling you get when you finish a great game? That kind of sad, empty feeling? I got that after beating Okami. I didn't get that when I finished BOTW. I haven't played Champion's Ballad, but I doubt that'll change that.

I admit it
I cried
I knew everything that was coming
I played it back in the PS2 days
But the little bits that I forgot
The directing in that scene
How Issun was implemented even when not there
Beautiful game

I doubt I'll forget it. I doubt its something to forget. Also, Issun's voice in the HQ bestiary scroll is 2deep4me


okami by far

>tons of sidequests, some that span the entire game
>3 weapon types, good handful of weapons between each type, some weapons have unique affect that is essentially a gamechanger for your playstyle if you like, ensures more than enough variety of playstyles throughout the game
>game has several points where you think you've just beaten the game but reveals that you actually have an entire new quest to go on
>THEMED FUCKING DUNGEONS that are actually fun, challenging, contain items to find and collect
>game has an actual STORY that unravels as you play

>barely any story, basically just 4 different cultures whose town is in distress and you gotta help them which in turn shoots a laser beam at ganon and hurts him a bit
>dozens of weapons, all of which are made out of paper mache which renders them useless and boring
>no "biggoron sword" style quest or weapon, no feeling of payoff or satisfaction from finding a legendary weapon, even the master sword is just a fucking cooldown
>no themed dungeons, just 4 same-looking large rooms with various movement based obstacles in your path and an irrelevant tribal looking boss at the end
>can spend hundreds of hours with practically nothing to show for it other than "uhh I climbed some stuff and my weapons can kill THREE enemies without breaking now instead of only 2"

gee, which one sounds like more fun

Back in the day everyone actually called fps games doomclones. Although that was back when they were pretty much doom clones.

Issun is like fucking Fi. Okami is a very overrated game.

soyboy games for soyboys

Yes. Okami literally getting a pass for outdated garbage like that is proof that this board is full of autistic weebs

BOTW is better no contest. It doesn't treat you like a baby and there's no mandatory padding. Okami has a lot of padding that you're forced to do to beat the game and people bitch about the divine beasts but the puzzles in BOTW are just superior to anything in Okami.

The one with memorable NPCs, an actual plot, and isnt copy paste design.

It really doesn't though, it just points out what changes you made after pulling a switch or the like. There really isn't that much handholding.

Sounds like hand-holding to me

Alright, 'fess up
Who else cried at THAT scene?

Botw doesn't hold your hand at all.

because the devs didnt write a plot for it.

ITs quite literally the dullest wolrd you can explore one low res rock texture at a time.

Get the fuck out. The "puzzles" in Okami are so blatantly obvious and it turns into a game of "Simon Says" and not a game where I ever really need to think about what I'm doing. Places on the map are highlighted in yellow or green or blue depending on what action you are required to do to them and Issun is just as obnoxious as Fi. The hand-holding is insulting and just as bad as TP and SS

My girlfriend used to draw Okami porn and wanted to get fucked by one of the dogs.

Women are weird.

Breath of The Wild
more like Breath of No Man's Sky

t. guy who didn't play the game

Yes honestly I like Okami but the game basically plays itself and the answers to all the puzzles are pretty much given to you.

Yeah, well my sister once admitted to finding Charizard sexy.
At the very least, dragons arent real, so she can't devolve into beastiality.
Can't say the same for your gf tho

t. autistic brainlet who thought the puzzles in okami were hard

Not really, the ghost ship had things happen where Issun didn't even tell you how to get through.
The Moon cave ingredient hunting was just "get to place and do thing" but you had to find your own way there.
The Agata Forest ruins had you climb and Issun doesn't tell you how to beat the boss

Hell, for most enemies past the moon cave, you'd need very specific strats to beat, and Issun doesn't tell you about those either.

Stop pulling it out of your ass.

Nah, they weren't hard for shit, but your hands weren't held all the way through either.



Not a fan of either.

Bigger isn't better. Okami didn't need levels that big, especially when dungeons are like 3 or 4 rooms large as a result.

>Horizon Zero Dawn is the Zelda killer!
>Uh.. ok.. well, Neir Automata is the Zelda killer!
>W-wait, Nioh, yes Nioh is the Zelda killer!
>H-hang on, Persona 5! Yeah thats it, Persona 5 is the Zelda killer!
>Please don't go, T-The Witcher 3! Of course! It was right there all along! The Witcher 3 is the Zelda killer!
>Hello? Anyone still there? W-what about Okami?

No one in their right mind ever compared Zelda to Nier, Nioh, Persona or Witcher 3 you obsessed Nintenbro.

>Not really, the ghost ship had things happen where Issun didn't even tell you how to get through.
>The Moon cave ingredient hunting was just "get to place and do thing" but you had to find your own way there.
>The Agata Forest ruins had you climb and Issun doesn't tell you how to beat the boss

top kek i could mention all the times fi didn't spoil a puzzle too but it doesn't change the fact that both ss and okami have handholding and treat you like a baby

>No one in their right mind ever compared Zelda to Nier, Nioh, Persona or Witcher 3 you obsessed Nintenbro.

WHere have you being since BOTW released? We got a bunch of threads comparing BOTW to those games you deluded shitposter

dragon dildos thou

Where have you been hiding all year?

The Witcher 3 has already retroactively killed BOTW in awards and sales though?