Since there is already threads that covered which was the best, lets try this instead

Since there is already threads that covered which was the best, lets try this instead.

Which of the three does various aspects worse than the other?

P5 does everything the worst no dumb nigger p3 ruined the franchise p4 is the only good persona game i want to lick chies armpits

that should just about sum up everything that could come out of a thread like this

P5 has the worst social links and lifesim.

>P5: worst characters and social links
>P4: worst story and pacing
>P3: worst dungeon crawling and setting
these are still my favorite games of all time

P5 does the dungeons the best.

I think I liked P4 social links the best but I did enjoy how you could choose to hang out in various places with your friends in 5.

P3 has the worst dungeon crawling, human villains, cast and pacing.
P4 has the worst plot, supernatural villian and does the worst job of handling its theme.
P5 is too derivative and has the worst ending, though it's more the lead up to the ending than the ending that makes me say that.
Also this

P3 has two good S. Links in the game, if that. How are they better than P5's especially when P5 did a better job of having the Confidants translate over to the dungeon crawling? P5's Confidants are a bit predictable in that they nearly all end with you having to go into Mementos to fix the problem, but surely that's not enough for you to dismiss them entirely. Even that element of the Confidants has its perks.

>favorite games of all time
Good christ and i thought TalesOfFags had fucking shit tastes.

I think Persona 4 is the weakest in every comparable way but it's still my favourite.

>p3 has two good S. Links in the game
>P5 did a better job of having the confidants translate over to the dungeon crawling
who cares

You can have opinions, but there's still such a thing as good or bad writing as well as good and bad characters. I'm not saying you're not allowed to have this opinion, I just want to know the reasoning behind it.

>who cares
It's part of the game system so it has just as much effect on the quality of the Confidants/S. Links as the writing does, and it's a point in P5's favor.

Yukari worst girl

Who's the best bro? Junpei, Yosuke or Ryuji?

P3's entire female cast was worst girl

>reasoning behind it
If I didn't like the characters in 5, it's very easy to see why I wouldn't like the social links either. My main problem with P5's links is that they are extremely uneventful and a lot of the time it's stuff not even about the character. Ann's focuses on the other model girl, Makoto's on her friend, The doctor's on the little girl, fortune teller's on the cult, gun shop guy on his kid. social links should exist to learn and connect with the character, not deal with an artificial scenario that'll never come up again. Take in p3 where the sad guy is dying and trying to write a book or helping mitsuru adapt to normal society and in p4 where you deal with the old lady preparing for death and kanji accepting himself. Way more meaningful than most if not all the Links in 5
>it's a point in P5's favor
in terms of the dungeon crawling, sure, but the confidant perk system has no barring on the quality of the social links

That's understandable, though I disagree in you saying that the Confidants don't allow you to learn or connect with the characters. They may conjure up a specific situation as the backdrop for the Confidant, but I felt that they all told me everything I needed to know about the character the Confidant was about, even Makoto's, which many people accuse of not being about her at all and beyond that I think it does make them eventful, where in P3 some S. Links, especially the ones with the girls in your party, felt like they only existed because they needed X number of S. Links for all of the arcana and the S. Link itself felt like a slog because of it. I'd also disagree that the Confidants working better together with the dungeon crawling is a matter that only effects the dungeon crawling. It works hugely in the favor of both the dungeon crawling and the Confidants because it makes them feel intertwined and like a constant progression, where they felt more separate and didn't work as well together in 3 and 4. All that said, if you just didn't like the characters, I don't blame you for not liking the Confidants, a large part of why I'm not crazy about P3 or its S. Links is because I don't like its characters anyway.

>P3 has only two good slink
>Tower, Hermit, Aeon, Hanged Man, Devil, Sun, Elizabeth (who need a link when you have dates)

Junpei, easily.

Tower and Devil are the only good ones there. Aeon and Hermit are decent, but not really memorable aside from the twist of Toriumi and being the Hermit S. Link. The rest of them varied from being just awful to tolerable at best.

>only game where social links provide meaningful and immediate advantages for core gameplay and also involve actual gameplay to complete
>not the one where every link is the character realizing they love the thing they hated actually

Junpei is the most well realized as a character. They've become impressively bad at this. Yosuke was just way too static because he had to be your voice for some reason, and Ryuji is a complete retard and embodies all of Junpei's initial faults and more but manages to not get over any of them until the very end of the game where things stop being character driven anyway so it doesn't matter.

If anything, I think that Elizabeth's way was better.

All Social Links have to follow a certain formula. You spend time with a character, they go through some kind of personal crisis, you help them deal emotionally with that crisis and you forge a lifelong bond. With Elizabeth, it cuts the bullshit and just has you spend time with her and forge a lifelong bond. This is what should have been done for the girls in your party as well. The members of SEES go through their character development in the story, so there's no real need for an S.Link. Optional romances should just be about the romance, not about some pointless arranged marriage subplot that no one ever fucking wanted, or spending an entire rank up looking for a fucking cat.

>worst setting

P3, 4 and 5 all have the same fucking setting though

And you even visit the school p3 takes place in, in p4, so it's even more literal

Junpei probably

He actually gets his own thoughts, character development and waifu

The other two basically exist just to suck their protags dicks

>p3,4 and 5 have the same fucking setting
are you mentally challenged?

3 and 4 are the best. I stopped playing 5 in august in game before saving the neet i think. Theres just way to much dialogue and none of it is interesting. ITs as if all those delays happened so the autistic nip writers could just shove in more useless lines of phone text and chatter. Ill wait for the remaster, see if they cut 30-40% of the script and have more nights open/fix the pacing.

the true ending is fucking ridiculous
Barely feels like a game, the ratio of dialogue to playing is fucked

>Meh Story
>Good Party Members
>Good Waifus
>Good S Links
>Shit Combat

>Good Story
>Shit Party Members
>Shit Waifus
>Shit S Links
>Good Combat

>Shit story
>Good party members
>Good Waifus
>Shit S Links
>Meh Combat

Agreed this is my biggest gripe with P5.

I also really hope for an older cast of characters in a potential P6 though I don't see it happening. Catherine and some of the SMT games have this going on and I think P2 had some older party members to.

You "visit" Gekkoukan in what amounts to a 10 minute long cutscene in a 70 hour game. The three of them are literally in different locations, all being in Japan doesn't make the setting the same, and even if they were all set in the exact same neighbourhood, execution of that will determine which actually has the best setting. Obviously P3 and P5 are more similar because they're both more urban, but pretty much P4's only real appeal to anyone who likes it is the "comfy" rural town vibe.

This is fact

I think the reason that's not done, though I don't think it would be bad if it were done that way, is because S. Links are side stories much more than they are actual social sims. They're stories about a character and they're designed to let you see the different sides of that character that will endear them upon you as well as show how the character ties into the themes of the game, and you're just a spectator who makes a comment here and there. In making it a relationship simulator it would be less of of a story about the character at hand and more about you and the character, but that doesn't really work as well because the designers can't focus on creating a situation or story that shows the sides of the character they want you to see and instead have to focus on who the character is relative to the protagonist, but the protagonist being without personality doesn't complement that. It's hard to make an engaging story about a relationship when one of the partners in that relationship barely says a word, so it's a lot easier to convey the point they want to convey by just having S. Links be side stories and then say that you've forged a lifelong bond with whoever than to actually make it all about the relationship from the outset. I will say that the P3 girls definitely should have had an S. Link that was jsut fun hanging out with them or they shouldn't have had S. Links at all, though. Aside from Aigis', those S. Links were egregiously bad, even worse than The Moon for me.

>all three take place in a small town in a japanese high school

Are you?

>small town

Worked fine for Elizabeth.

Persona 4 and 5 characters can't even hold a candle to Persona 3's. Persona 5 may have made the dungeons a little nicer to look at, but the core gameplay of the dungeon crawling itself is exactly the same as Tartarus and the Shadow World at the end of the day.
Persona 5's soundtrack is pretty boring compared to other two games. You hear Beneath the Mask or Layer Cake once and you've already heard 70% of the OST.
Persona 5's Social Links were pretty alright, and better than Persona 4's at least.

Persona 5 was just such an exhausting and derivative experience for me that I can't really say it did much better than Persona 3 besides the presentation.

Persona 4 easily had the worst story and twist of nu-Persona.
I'm tired of this overhyped series, and I could only see myself playing Persona 3 again.

>P3: city spread across islands
>small town
>P5: fucking tokyo
>small town
If I saved any of those retarded wojacks this would be the moment to use it

The quality of life improvements that 4 and 5 got make it really hard to go back to 3.

>Meh Story
>Good Story
Imagine a 20 minute episode of scooby doo and then stretch it out 80 hours and fill it with pointless slice of life events to trick people into not seeing that literally nothing happens in the story, thats p4. You have the shittiest taste imaginable.

P3's characters are the most boring forgettable group around outside of Junpei and Aigis.

This games version of tokyo wasnt exactly huge, i got the same size feel as i did in p3

But either way it's nitpicking, all 3 games take place in a hogh school where you and your wacky band of anime tropes fart it up and occasionally you go to blue world where the big nosed jew sells you personas for personas on anywhere from a 2:1 to 5:1 ratio all because hitler tried to warn us and we didnt listen

Is teddie supposed to be a japanese scooby doo?

He's right about P3's story, though it's arguably worse than just "meh"

Well "good" is a relative term here, you have to understand. If we're comparing them to each other, then at very least P4's story kept me awake, P3 was basically just going through the motions and me waiting for the next thing to happen. If we're going to compare the stories to different games then they're all fucking bad.

>boring and forgettable

I wouldn't say P4 had a good story, it was just good at making you ignore the story, where P3 always had the story lingering over you and the promise that something interesting would happen once you dealt with the Shadows, while also taking forever to get there, making the whole thing a slog.

That I can agree with

please post your favorite games of all time so that I can make fun of you

>Good S-Links
P3 had like 2 good S-Links and will forever be shit-tier for forcing you to romance every single potential love interest, all while forcing you to pump and dump them so their links don't reverse.

>not worst pacing

Akihiko is the best example of the P3 cast being boring. He's got a cool design, he's got a cool voice, he punches things and that's cool, but his actual character is the dullest thing imaginable. I can't even blame them for just making him protein man in spinoffs despite him barely mentioning protein in the game because there's almost no other threads of personality to pull on. He's just stoic and brave like a million other hero characters, and even among those million others there's many that at least have something else going on, which Akihiko does not, nor is he presented with situations that let him shine. Shinjiro's only memorable because he dies, though he does also have a cool design and he has a line I like where he says he has no weaknesses, though I don't know why it sticks out in my head. Elizabeth was okay, I at least wouldn't call her dull, but she's not exceptional by any means either. I barely remember Ryoji's personality beyond him being flirtatious and cocky, both of which are things Junpei did but better.

Well that's a matter of opinion. I liked how bro-tier Chariot and Tower were. Devil was worth it just to hear Tanaka's threats at the end of the first few. And Sun was pretty brilliant in hindsight, having a character Door-kun could relate to because they were both fated to die young, but both were able to accomplish something that meant a lot to them with what time they had. Really the only ones I would consider bad are the ones where you're basically there as a therapist, not because the character is likable. Temperance, Magician, Moon, Hanged Man, and Lovers are all kind of shit in that regard

I felt like Sun was really hamfisted and absolutely devoid of any subtlety.

da man, who do you think?

I Haven't played P5 yet, But I'd gather that 4 has the comfiest setting of them all.

There's a reason why it was the first Persona/SMT game to break through the mainstream popularity barrier.