V Core

10000 years in Paint

>Weeb shit


>no XCX
>no Gothic
>no NGB
Close, but not cigar

Only half, 6 of the 12, are Japanese
That's pretty fair, no?

>More than zero are weeb shit

If that's Sup Forums core then Sup Forums has the worst taste ever

>weeb shit
>no V:tM


Swap out Gravity Rush with Dark Souls 1 or Bloodborne

it's okay

I knew something was missing
Probably swap out Catherine for it and then it's pretty spot on

>only 2 good games

yeah must be Sup Forums core since its mostly garbage


>sony shit

>only 2 good games
You seem to be the problem
There are some really great titles on this list

Some good games.

>katawa shoujo
>gravity rush

>katawa shoujo
>a game made by actual Sup Forums persons
>not Sup Forums core

Gonna put this up here.

All shit. Terrible thread

I would propose Thief 1/2, Bloodborne, Zero Escape, Ninja Gaiden Black, Gothic, VtMB and FEAR but honestly I don't know which ones would I swap out. Haven't played all of them but what I have played it's a pretty good list. Well done, OP.

DD is trash, literally a numbers game. Monster Hunter is better in every way and they should've just made an HD twin PS360 MH with that climbing engine instead

You bring up an interesting discussion op.

>sees “anime” styled girl
>”HURR DURR IS DA WEEB SHIT” *brrrrraaaaaapppppttttt*

We already have this OP, but it's over 5 years out of date, so probably needs updating.


That was kinda my hope, user
To get a new ball rolling.
There have been several titles released since then that could be considered Sup Forums core
Like just this year, Hollow Knight had a huge following on Sup Forums

>no vtmb
>shitty western vn

I would consider taking suggestions and updating the chart, but I have to go to bed in a minute. It would be interesting to know what games from the last 5 years would be considered "Sup Forums-core" though.

Its almost scary, honestly
Mainstays like Risk of Rain and Deus Ex might not even be votes back given the prevalence of nu-Sup Forums
Or great games might be overlooked. Games like Alien Soldier or DoDonPatchi and Ikaruga

Yeah yeah, swap it out with GGXrd Rev2 or USFIV

are they ohkay

>no cheeky
>no breeky

>no daggerfall
I knew nu-Sup Forums couldn't handle TES' best dungeoncrawler.

>Gravity Rush
>Sup Forumscore

I am more than oukey with this.

No one else would give Kat a home :