What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?

What does Sup Forums think of Star Citizen?

I'll believe it when I see it

>You see that mountain over there? You can pay for it!

too good to be true

There was no updates for the last 3 months.

Also, as of right now, you can only run the game with a 1070 ti+, anything lower than that will drop your fps at 20-30 as soon as something happens.

Controls are clunky, you can only see half of the controls in the keybinding menu, you've got to figure everything else yourself.

When the patch comes out, it will probably be like No Man's Sky, big surfaces with nothing on them, even though they're promising the entire world.

I like all the cool .jpegs but I don't understand why they're so expensive.

I want it to succeed at being a fun space game. I'm hopeful but uncertain.

If it does fail Sup Forums will have a field day with their TORtanic 2.0. You fags are already insufferable, I can't imagine all the ">yfw u didnt buy SC" spam.


Hell yes we will. The fucking amount of money people are throwing at this NOGAME is absolutely absurd and unprecedented.

I pledged the equivalent of 100$ back in 2012. If it fails, so be it, if it succeeds, all the better.
Don't expect anything to come of it anytime soon, we're talking about Chris Roberts here.

All the hype around this project is a problem though, it should have stayed small, to allow for a more precise, focused game. On that basis, something bigger could have been built afterwards. With how things are now, there is nowhere to go once it's done, if it ever gets done at all.

I don't understand the cultlike following it has. They've done nothing to inspire faith in the project, haphazardly slapping new features on top of features that are already in there but need serious work. There's an understanding that the technology needed to create the game according to "the vision" on a way that it can run on modern hardware just doesn't exist. All of this and yet it's backers and fans have the utmost faith in it.

>They've done nothing to inspire faith in the project, haphazardly slapping new features on top of features that are already in there but need serious work. There's an understanding that the technology needed to create the game according to "the vision" on a way that it can run on modern hardware just doesn't exist.

t. guy who doesn't watch the dev blogs.

Most excellent scam

Vaporware scam

It's a good scam.

You mean the devlogs that are full of bugs and crashes?

I think it's probably the most successful kickstarter con I've ever seen.

When was this mess supposed to be released? Q1 2016?

It's incredible how many people have fallen so hard for such a blatant scam.

It's either a scam or a money laundering operation

>game in alpha has bugs and crashes

but in all seriousness its clear that you don't follow the game any deeper than the clickbait articles you see in the news. If you're going to have a strong opinion about something you should at least put some effort into learning about it.

>You fags are insufferable

SCfags are the most insufferable bunch of people ever, but that's not surprising when you make such shitty lifechoices that you find yourself defending thousand dollar purchases on non-existant spacecraft for a literally unfinished video game to people you've never met.

late 2014 was the first estimate I saw. Really thought I might have the single player by mid 2015

so this is just second life but in space and never coming out?

Wrong about basically every point, congrats

Late 2014 at first. Now it's 2019 at the earliest, and that's being generous.

It was supposed to be like Elite: Dangerous, but bigger. Then they decided to add fully functional FPS gameplay, ship operating systems, fully explorable sandboxes, RPG elements, tower defence gameplay and basically every feature in gaming that you can think of.

It would be nice if it actually gets released and it's good but it will probably never happen so enjoy the mass asshurt instead.

FPS, ship component fidelity, sandbox gameplay etc were all since the kickstarter.

Weren't those extended goals, though? They should've completed the main game asap and then started working on those.

>They should've completed the main game asap and then started working on those.

and if they did that the game would have been shit. the original ships and engine were awful. extending the deadline with new features gave them time to realize how mediocre everything was.

Perfect example of feature creep. You can keep on adding stuff to pretty much any software product because it never feels good enough. In the end, you are left with a bloated, convoluted mess that seems impossible to complete.

nu-male's sky 2.0

>it never feels good enough.

if you have the funding why not try your best and try to break new ground? if people wanted a mediocre space game they'd just play X:rebirth

>in alpha
Oh yes, the perpetual alpha

I suppose it works for them because the backers are morons, but you need to show some output to the ones funding the project. Publishers ensure that deadlines are met, but there's no one to enforce schedules in this case. I wouldn't be surprised if their programmers can't get anything to work right now because they are trying to stitch together so many incomplete modules.

There won't be anymore star citizen when crytek wins the case and pulls the engine.

No Man's Sky actually got made tho.

>but there's no one to enforce schedules in this case.

backers being able to refund their pledge at any time is a good way to keep them in line. once again if you paid attention to the game's development you'd be able to see them make progress but all you do is shitpost about the game.

I hope it releases one day and it ends up being good but considering all of its hurdles and the massive promises they made I dont believe they will be able to deliver.
Also, I really dislike how the pitch of the game is set up, you CAN play the game as a standard player getting everything with ingame money but how they go about selling everything for real money (like insurance, you can decide not to get it but if you get blown up say goodbye to everything you had) makes me believe it will be a glorified pay2win model with insane grind for normal people.
Also, the community for this game its fucking terrible and quite probably the closest i've seen to a cult for something as astupid as a game.

>"t-they'll win, y-you'll see!!!"

It'll never live up to the hype. I want the game to succeed because I want good games, but there's so many issues/delays with it's development that there's no way it'll turn out well. Assuming it releases as a full game in the first place.

Also the way the MTX are handled in a game that hasn't even been released just rubs me the wrong way. I can't see how this either won't be P2W or a massive slog for those who just buy the game don't buy any micro-transactions.

>(like insurance, you can decide not to get it but if you get blown up say goodbye to everything you had) makes me believe it will be a glorified pay2win model with insane grind for normal people.

i wont be surprised when getting base ships isn't that difficult and its the high-tier guns, equipment and modifications that are actually expensive. Also remember that the current insurance people get when they buy a ship is the bottom-barrel insurance that only covers the cost of the stock ship.

also I agree that being able to buy in-game money with real money is distasteful but games like EVE have more or less done the same thing and its never been a problem for them.

It IS p2w to an extent but like you wouldn't realy
notice or care that much when first you play it for reasons

Can you imagine what a decent game studio could've done with 173000000000 dollars? Not just jerk off into a dixie cup and present it to people like Roberts and yet there are morons who defend him. I guess the cognitive dissonance really kicks in after you're in for a couple Grand on a virtual ship.

This doesn't seem like the type of game you game play for a little while then put away. If it's meant to be something akin to a MMO where you put hours or days of progress into it the P2W aspect will become noticeable. But again, the worst part is they're selling ships before the game is even released.
>for reasons
I haven't kept up with development. Why wouldn't I notice the P2W aspect?

EVE lets you buy isk? I kept googling it but it doesnt look like you can get isk from the company but rather sell plex to players for isk


With 173 billion you could buy a tiny country.
And everyones favorite bungie managed to shit out destiny with 500 three times as much as SC, and destiny was even smaller scope when it was actually looking like it was going to be good.

I don't really understand what pisses people off about it so much. What they want to do with the game is not easy, nothing of this scale has been done before. So what if it takes forever to make? Fucking FFXV took 10 years to make and people bought and played that in troves. Normal people don't give a shit how long it takes for a game to come out.

you can buy plex with real money then sell them for fake money, don't you dare try to act like that's not the same thing.

Crytek can't afford to pay their own staff. How the hell can they afford lawyers.

If you think a company of that size and backing (Contract with US Military) would sue someone without having the financials to do so, you're very ignorant and your understanding of the world around you must be at a childs level.

>guy asks question
>insult his intelligence

This. It has 0 fucking focus. It's all over the place.

Remember when your teachers told you there were no stupid questions?

They were lying.

This game will be released in 2020 minimum, they didn't even have a vertical slice of SQ42 done to display this year.

Every few months I remember I bought it and check in. It hasn't appeared to have changed at all for the longest time, I'm mostly bemused it's still as clunky feeling as it is, with the same awkward in-ship movement that feels like you're constantly in danger of clipping through the wall into space if you walk against a bulkhead enough.
Whether it never comes out or actually delivers on its promise, I'm past caring.

>they didn't even have a vertical slice of SQ42 done to display this year.
they're literally showing off SQ42 during the christmas stream

It's an indefensible wreck, and it will NEVER be finished and it will NEVER run as intended. I can't see how anyone could defend this trash unless they were $1000 in and don't want to admit they were wrong.

Wrong, it will take until 2030 for it to be finished.

Guess again

It will either become StarForge 2.0 or will live up to all the hype when it gets released in 2096
