>The overall depth of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and how well it all ties together is astounding. Though higher expectations mean it is less of a stunning revelation than the first game, Monolith Soft has risen up tall to meet those expectations and delivered spectacularly in every area. 2017 has been one of the greatest years in RPG history; Xenoblade Chronicles 2 caps that off in mesmerising fashion by being one of the finest titles of the year.
Jose Collins
I love the game, but any game that uses gacha mechanics as an integral part of its gameplay can't possibly the best game of the year, let alone of all time.
Aiden Martin
>gacha mechanics I don't even know what this means, #madboy2017
Benjamin Wood
Think of it as a digital slotmachine but instead of money or tokens, you get monsters or in this case blades. This is a game mechanic that's commonly found in japanese smartphone games and I wish it didn't leave the mobile platform.
Joshua Foster
Generic weeb game with cardboard cutout titties and RNG loot system.
Jayden Lee
>titties Lol if you're mad about anime breasts I simply do not care about the rest of your opinion. cuck cuck cuck.
Sebastian King
thats usually how it works after you played your first JRPG .. at least if you a weak minded fool.
Carson Powell
>he defends titty monster games Literal children.
Angel King
>hmpf, novice... You'll never attain such an esteemed, patrician taste in RPGs like I have! Not to defend OP but you sound like an idiot
Eli Foster
there are many ways to get blades, some are through luck, it isn't integral
Adrian Green
>ew breasts real mature men hate those things t. actual faggot
Aaron Sanchez
Meh indeed!
Cooper Young
How does it feel being a deranged queer freak?
Jaxson Smith
Many are through luck and few are quest rewards. Being unable to explore certain areas or being unable to finish a quest just because I don't have the right blades with a right skill isn't my idea of fun.
Jordan Lewis
i wish the merc group mission timers continued even if you turn the game off
Andrew Perez
use generic blades or better yet kill yourself
Cooper Phillips
I'm guessing you're the same guy that managed to falseflag Hat in Time threads into oblivion. You'll have a much, much harder time with this game, I assure you.
Leo Thompson
>Falseflag HiT threads to oblivion Could it have been the game was kinda short and past two weeks there were nothing left to discuss?
Oliver Diaz
I'm still in chapter 3, but are there points where you need a certain blade which you can get only through luck?
Jonathan Powell
I would, but none of my blades have the suicide ability. Guess I'll have to hit the digital slots again.
Xavier Lewis
I'll admit that I did that with Hat in Time because you have no way of proving that I did it. But the fact is I hate that SJW cuck shit. So I killed it off of this board. So what? Clearly I was in the right because everyone came to agree with me. Sup Forums is so easily manipulated that a simple false flag is more than enough to have them doing exactly what I want.
And Sup Forums will come to hate this game too. Watch and learn, priss. PS this post was all a joke.
Samuel Williams
No, if you're going through the story, all the story blades have the skills required to progress.
You'll only be roadblocked if you don't level up all the story blades affinity
Brayden Bell
I wonder what those people would complain if the game didn't have big boobs and anime style.
John Myers
Gacha mechanics are fine as long as you're not paying real money for it. I had fun with it
Luis Rodriguez
Are you just releasing ur Commons? The Commons come with wind mastery ect ect
Kayden Ross
Not in a year were Zelda, Mario, Persona and Nier came out, lol.
It’s a good JRPG, maybe even great, but that’s it.
James Perry
>I just realized Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is literally and I mean literally the greatest game ever made falseflag is real.
Carson Young
> The absolute state of Nintendards.
have some fucking dignity man. You guys are LITERALLY the butt of every joke in gaming communities and forums and you don't even care.
Julian Russell
it shits all over persona and nier, sony fag
Lucas Gonzalez
If you're just going through the story, no. You generally don't need to worry about this. If you want to complete quests or explore unusual places then yeah. That's another story altogether.. Try to keep your common blades with wind and earth mastery. I've noticed that you need these elements a lot.
I can't possibly imagine someone enjoying gacha, but to each their own.
Camden Peterson
I think it is a lazy way to keep your players, even if it's all for free.
Jose Wood
I wouldn't be mad if the Titties had something behind them. Tits for tits sake only goes so far
Ethan Campbell
>neogaf doesn't like nintendo fans with lives and families >acknowledge us and stop being happy "no"
Jonathan Morales
>PS this post was all a joke. Maybe, but that's unironically how some people on here think. You share this board with literal psychopaths and sociopaths, it's not exactly unbelievable that someone might act like this.
Tyler Howard
You want tits to have story implications?
Josiah Nguyen
Is this the new >”This is honestly amazing.”
Dominic Gutierrez
I enjoy gambling and it's an easy way to get a fix without spending cash But that doesn't apply to XB2 you'll probably get most of the blades by the end of the game even with the gacha
Parker Wilson
That post wasn't actually a joke. I just manipulated you there. It feels so good every time. Cuck cuck cuck.
Bentley Perez
Personally I'd like the tits to be on a character, not a glorified talking hug pillow
Kevin Martin
Most disappointing game of the year.
Nolan Brooks
more like most surprisingly great game of the year. almost didnt buy it because of the animu visuals and because I really couldnt stand X but this is really nice.
Levi Ramirez
It’s definitely not and besides combat and some art assets and tiger tiger it’s pretty bad but at least I enjoy it and it’s something to talk about
Jonathan Gomez
that's not persona 5
Eli Jackson
Tiger Tiger is fun, what are you going on about?
Anthony Perry
Can you at least turn the shite voices off? I'd prefer the original dub, but this is a Nintendo game so I'm guessing that's a no go for whatever reason
Hunter Hughes
Ethan Hall
The gatcha is not integral, you can beat the game just fine only using it enough to get space filler common blades on each character until you get the story and side quest rares.
Ethan Hughes
I'm 30 hours in, only halfway(ish) through Chapter 3 and I haven't been grinding. Just doing sidequests, exploring the world and learning the mechanics of the combo system and experimenting with blades.
I don't play many JRPGs but this is one of my favourite games of the last few years. My other favourites are Breath of the Wild and PUBG
Hudson Morgan
̶S̶p̶o̶n̶g̶e̶b̶o̶b̶ Rex is on a quest to deliver ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶K̶r̶u̶s̶t̶y̶ ̶K̶r̶a̶b̶ ̶P̶i̶z̶z̶a̶ Pyra to ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶a̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶u̶s̶t̶o̶m̶e̶r̶ the World Tree, while relying on old ̶p̶i̶o̶n̶e̶e̶r̶ salvager tricks to reach it.
Ayden Wilson
This is new nintendo, yes you can
Elijah Morris
you can but you got some pretty shit taste if you turn them off desu.
Nathan Hall
JP voices are free DLC Combat dialogue can be disabled completely
Jacob Cruz
>Being unable to explore certain areas or being unable to finish a quest just because I don't have the right blades with a right skill isn't my idea of fun.
Do you also dislike Zelda games or Metroidvanias that restrict your exploration based on the powerups/items you've unlocked?
Connor Wilson
You mean to say "worst", not "best", you fucking moron
Jaxon Anderson
Forgive me for not liking aussie pissbaby and his awful delivery
Joseph Barnes
>pissbaby fuck off to tumblr
Jackson Bailey
The "MMO like" combat or something equally retarded.
Eli Sanchez
Excuse me lol? Weren't a good enough boy to get tendes last night m8? Fuck off
Caleb Hughes
suck it non luck granted peon. I got my robutt on a common core with zero boosters. On Nia
Christian Perez
tumblr is waiting
Cooper Morales
Anthony Parker
For your arse maybe Better butter up chum
Xavier Watson
Depends. Do I need to roll the dice to progress?
Matthew Brooks
>only children can like boobs
t. footfag to be fair i like a good thigh fuck myself
Leo Young
>Combat dialogue can be disabled completely How? I may be blind and retarded but I keep seeing this mentioned and I can't find any options for it. "Battle Narration" is not the combat dialogue, it's just the MEGA EXPLOSION TOPPLE BLADE COMBO THIRD STAGE AWWWWWESOME stuff.
Nathaniel Robinson
>Meh You won't fool me, Nopon.
Elijah Ramirez
personally i like to do the dishes, i find it relaxing wife still does all the cooking though
Brody Wright
I'm sorry, but we don't take the opinions of Neofags seriously.
Connor Collins
Stop trying to get people to shit on Xenoblade 2 by hyperbolizing how much its fans like it. False flag
Hunter Lopez
that's not Horizon. If anything I am surprised on how engrossing it is. You guys overblew the fuck out of the LE ANIME TROPE shit.
Daniel Reyes
>Cuck cuck cuck.
Eli Sullivan
>t. Mad weeb afraid other people like muh titty game
Evan Sullivan
don't worry about him. He probably hasn't figured out the secret bonus levels yet.
Carson Edwards
There's an audio for Game Voice or whatever. This does not affect voices during cutscenes, only voices during combat, affinity chart menus and field skill prompts.
Michael King
My niig
Caleb Richardson
Muting in-game voices is the only way but it also mutes their dialogue when exploring.
Jaxson Bennett
I'm saying the only ones bitching about the system are those who didn't get their bladefu without grinding or just got plain unlucky. Just be grateful there is no real money involved because they could have SO EASILY implimented PAY $$$ TO GET MORE BOOSTERS/BETTER CORES shit.
Adrian Roberts
It's okay to like it but the issue is when people say "THIS IS THE GREATEST", the knee-jerk response is to not to say "It's good but it has flaws too" but instead "NO ITS THE WORST"
Hyperbole meets hyperbole
Landon Richardson
I actually kind of like the Rare Blade system. It means my second playthrough will be completely different, since I'll have access to different blades.
Nicholas Collins
>not immersing yourself in the uguu cheesiness.
Come on, if you wanna like something, enjoy it for what it is. Picking it apart only makes you hate it more.
Gavin Walker
Maybe they just think it's the greatest? Why you gotta be so defensive right off the cuff like that, as if it's nonsensical to enjoy the game at all or something lol
James Sullivan
Not him and I do enjoy it, but you know. It's grindy if you want to play it to enhance poppi. I do like finding the secret areas in each level. Does level 1 have a secret area? It's the only level where I've never found one.
Josiah Roberts
Naw the only one I found was in lvl 2, its on the sides, and usually guarded by a crap that falls from above
Blake Reyes
>you better be happy they're not dicking you RAW, just relax and enjoy the dicks in your ass idiot
Leo Murphy
But then the rational way you'd phrase that statement is "I really like this game" When you make a statement about something in an objective sense, people take it as your impression of reality rather than your self-aware subjective preference.
It's the equivalent of a bait thread, because people who actually just want to talk about a game go to the general or make a 'comfy thread'. If someone starts a conversation with a statement, they're not looking for discussion, they're looking for an argument
Brandon Gutierrez
Does e weather change in this game when you change the clock like in XBC1? I'm trying to get Cloud Sea King Ken to appear in Tantal
David Brown
People are allowed to really really like things, and it's understandable to phrase it hyperbolically in that case Just cause they got strong emotions doesn't mean they're trying to hurt you man
Jordan Nguyen
Im not sure, the more reliable way is to fast travel off the titan and back on until it worked. Thats what I did in Lefteria for aurora
Anthony Long
Post torpedo tits
Luis Phillips
you get plenty of rare blades in the story though and through side quests. Enough to cover all the field obstacles as long as you level them up normally. again SEETHING you didn't get the robutts, delicious brown ice, etc is just bitching about cosmetics and meta shit.
Samuel Bell
Having strong emotions is fine, posting on Sup Forums with "THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME" is what you say when you're trying to get a rise out of someone.
Isaac Reed
>boy I sure do love dev cock up my ass, mm, stretch me raw miyamoto
Logan Scott
You've got me there, ahaha We're all a bunch of jaded cockends here, for sure But all the same, if you really think the game's good, then you've gotta expect other people to think so too There'll be some outside-v folks who'll say similarly hyperbolic shit, and you've gotta be prepared for that, Y'know?
Brandon Parker
>not an argument not an argument
Joshua Green
I mean, your Freudian need to cast everything as gay sex does fit in with your obvious faggotry.
Julian Anderson
>argumentum ad non argumentum >mm yes devs don't give me content I paid for it until I've EARNED it in your slot machine game, yesssssss
Nicholas Wood
Right but language and connotation matters. People who like a thing make 'comfy' threads or just go to /vg/ Or even they present a solid list of their own points about a game.
Colton Gomez
>argumentum ad non argumentum The cancer is evolving.
Michael Diaz
Ya'll must be mad hongry for anime titties to be willing to choke down gacha in an offline game, jesus
Asher Powell
>mmm yes devs, dont let me hit enemies with my gun until a bullet in the spray randomly hits them