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Just kill me already.
fuck yeah
>skyrim is his name
fucking kill yourself
gee that sure is some video games user
The point is that his gf plays skyrim a lot
This comic makes me feel so sick that it rolls back on my emotion list to the point where I can't help but laugh hysterically until it just fucking hurts deep in my soul
Kill me, Pete
no thanks Pete, go away pls
me first
what a boring thread, jesus
What in the christ of shit
cucks are cucks
hey Sup Forums you ready to fucking think
First one is
Second one is something about halloween, a birb, a cat and Sup Forums i guess?
he's not wrong
wtf you're not allowed to post actually funny shit here.
I'm gonna do it too
what do they do when people start shooting people and stealing their shit tho
haha xd
This is being ironic right?
Kinda hot but not funny in any way
moar anyone?
They heal the community with conversations and respect.
Realistically they establish their own police force called gangs.
George Carlin is full of shit.
Will there ever be another webcomic as pure as Golden age Nedroid?
Please do not post the rest
fuck it i lost the rest of it
the end
What happened to Fanboys Online?
Wow really makes you think
Cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish. Only patricians can fully comprehend this most noble of sexual kinks.
if only he would've accepted Christ as his lord and savior
Pete you fuck I've been replying to you for years
Just kill me already
I'm so sad that golden age had to end.
God, would you love to believe that?
>not enchanting your windpipe to resist crushing while you act out being suffocated
Brah, do you even wizard?
I'm permanently barred from playing as a mage in my group, turns out there are many fun tricks that you can pull off with just 2nd level spells and a bit of preparation
>We only get ONCE CHANCE at life
Fabian Rangel Jr. should be fired for doing a shit job and so should Matt Miner for not doing his job
is there a chapter where she frees a lot of animals and then they all die because shes so stupid she released them in a place where those animals cannot survive?
its a classic move
>while you act out
How do you know this isn't the case?
cool dad
Upvoted my good sir
Fuck nature!
really gets the noggin joggin
Grammar is a patriarchal societal construct of oppression, the rigid rules of written structures are put as a stand in of the phallus in order to intimidate and alienate women who might try to respond using that method
Yeah imagine a world without police...
>tfw no faggot-hating monster gf
It is the most inspirational thing I have ever seen.
Godspeed, mankind. You are capable of great things. Art, science, tools of intellect. We came from dirt, and look at what we became.
females are what you get when you combine high intellect and zero common sense
Imaging a world where I have to live around these people is hell
>poilice free world
You now what you have to say.
lol :D
>high intellect
Because of the colours i expected the sneks to do something ancap like shoot him
no, user, just no
>no criticism allowed!
Did the blue bear man draw this?
how come those people are so sheltered?
Nice try, but I've seen those south-american videos where people get their limbs chopped off or flat out lynched for stealing in those remote villages without any kind law enforcement.
>implying the same shit wouldn't happen here.
wow.... humans are epic..
>make it... fast
so if i don't like a movie , for example , i deserve to die?
Kill me, Pete
this is the weirdest vore ive ever fapped to
zen pencildick
They have the privilege of living in a society protected by law and order because those laws and that order are enforced by police.
Kill me for fucks sake Pete.
Kill me, Pete.
fuck you pete you shit this is the 100th time now and i still live you asshole
why are trannies so retarded?