

I erped on hl2rp

i went from wanting be link to wanting to fuck link


i regularly walk into my classes and speak out spoilers for the newest movies. everyone actively avoids me now.

I have 80 Steambux and want to spend them even if I have to pre-order something.

What are some good games

i'm gay

I always kill niggers whenever i can

I dropped the screw in the tuna

I bought Battlefront II and I'm enjoying it.


every morning I spend 30 minutes running on the treadmill pretending I'm a video game character

I bought Minecraft Windows 10 Edition and enjoyed it.

I want a bf

We can cure that. The first step is by posting lewds, the second step is ridicule to break yourself esteem, and the last step is extreme electro shock therapy to reset your body's hormones to their proper levels. You'll be wanting pussy on your face, every minute of the day at the end of it.

I've erped in ss13

when i was 16 i literally blew off a girl that wanted to fuck me to pay WoW in a hotel in miami

i'll always regret it

I have a nasty habit of playing a game once and then never again. I've done this with every single game I bought on the last steam sale.

gays don't deserve love

Buy a hat on TF2.

A singular hat.

Or start playing Warframe and buy a Prime Access. I put 500+ hours into that game before I got bored, shit was cash.


I enjoy playing hot female characters in games to try fill the void of not having a gf nor interacting with women.

kys i will preorder far cry 5

You must be really good at San Andreas then

What a coincidence, I want a gf.

I’ve put 600 hours into Stardew Valley and never gotten past year 3. After Summer year three I just drop it for a new farm.

>the last step is extreme electro shock therapy to reset your body's hormones to their proper levels
Mike Pence senpai is that you?

Rude. I've only had gfs before, not exactly gay.

i completed lost planet 3 on hard

i always liked blowjob scenes on doujins, videos etc. but also for some reason my mouth gets wet when watching one, i promised myself to not ask my wife for oral ever in fear to get the urge to suck my own dick.
maybe i'm gay after all, fuck

I'm in love with Tahm Kench.

Gays are the only ones who get love.

I'm a virtual tranny in mmo's. Don't want to be a woman in real life but it can be fun misleading people. I don't even do it for profit either (even though there's always someone willing to give stuff out), it's just enjoyable to engineer a false person and see how far I can take it. I went out of my way and bought a voice changer too at one point before I called myself out for taking shit too far.

I bought ARMA 2 for the sole purpose of playing the DayZ mod after seeing a popular YouTube streamer play the mod.

I bought Garry's Mod and CSS for the sole reason of playing the Jailbreak gamemode after seeing a popular YouTube streamer play the gamemode.

I bought ARMA 3 for the sole reason of playing Island Life after seeing a popular YouTuber play the mod.

I don't play the games I buy

I bought horse armor in Oblivion when it came out.
it was too retarded for me not to buy it.

I think everybody has fantasized about sucking their own dick if they haven't outright tried it.

Every line of humans lithe enough to suck their own dicks must have died out long ago

you want a bf that means yer gay

More like bi. I guess it doesn't matter though.

I'm an extremely selfish person and I have no interest in bettering myself despite being a burden for my family and friends

This is all your fault. It started with youuuu

I've put over 500 hours into Overwatch
Never once bought lootboxes though

I know.
I apologize.

The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3
I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it. I also absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex
I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.
When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.
I also think Danny is funnier than Jon
and turn off Adblock whenever I'm watching them
I also think Danny is funnier than Jon
I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account in TF2
I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour
I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction. I've written fics for games I haven't played because I like the characters
I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.
I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage
I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2 all of which is solo play on normal
The only RE game I like is 4
I have every trophy in every God of War game and still play through them every now and again
Sometimes I'll roleplay as a hardcore leftist to get (You)s on Sup Forums and other boards. Mostly, I'll just steal talking points from guys like Moviebob or Hbomberguy, sometimes word for word. It's surprisingly effective.

My favorite JRPG is Guardian's Crusade

I want to FUCK underage girls.

I want to quit playing vidya.

I've written books of porn based on other players and put them on shelves.

I once had sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. And when I was done I went and played Call of Duty on my [Spoiler] xbox.[Spoiler/]

It was [Spoiler] fun [Spoiler/]

A year from now I'm gonna blow my brains out because I can't stand thw thought of achieveing wizardry a few days later.

Inb4 get a hooker

No because that would be even worse, that would be saying that I so undesirable, so unpleasant, so useless that the only way I can get some is paying a pro and I'd rather be dead than that

I played tribes 1 for fifteen years and consistently ranked in the top 5 in LT pub games but could never get picked for pickup games because i wasn't part of the culture on whatever forum they hung out on.

I bought tribes 2 but was terrible at it and couldn't get gud. I envy those who did.

Starcontrol 2 is still the #1 best game ever, and it's multiplayer is perfectly balanced. I never bought it and feel bad, but it was my favorite game.

I don't buy or play aaa games to speak of so I don't get most any of you. I got a GeForce 1070 so I could stream high quality 1080p to my steamlink.

I play characters or use movesets considered low/bottom tier as much as possible.

>I hate Dark Souls 1. Everything is great up until post lordvessel, then it's a tedious, boring clusterfuck of reused assets and artificial difficulty.
>Dark Souls 2 is my favorite Dark Souls
>I hate Bloodborne
>I've put almost 600 hours into Warframe, spent near 300 dollars on Platinum (with coupons of course), and bought Oberon Prime Access.

I did fine by going for fatties on okcupid. But that was 7 years ago, I don't think they are on tindr though? They'd get shut down by Chads anyway.

Found a nice 21 year old in my 29th year and married her.

Before her I fucked around with a fatty that had h cups and was pretty kinky. She was totally ducked in the head though, but I maintain it's a good way to punch your v card and gain the confidence to go up to hotter girls and you can work up the ladder of desirability because you think We'll I can go for this 3/10 without worry because I know I already got a 2 on my pocket and she's not going anywhere because no one else wants her.'

Ended up marrying a fat 5, but am still very happy with her and her big tats. I could have had a crazy 8 but she was literally to crazy to stick it in. Then the 5 came and was too good to pass up really

Reminder opinions are not confessions

I haven't enjoyed 99% of games since it came to me one day that most video games can be reduced to extraordinarily simple puzzles that cross well into infantile territory. It makes me feel like a baby that has been given a toy not so that I can have fun, but just so I'll shut up for a while. The only exemptions are League of Legends because the game doesn't set the difficulty, actual human players do, and a few story-rich RPGs in which gameplay is secondary to dialogue, plot, etc.

I used walkthroughs for all of Dark Souls games and Bloodborne

I like skele porn

i hope this is bait and you're not really gonna kill yourself because you can't get laid. you're not missing much, and bitches are annoying as hell to be around

Vega plz

I've played over 8,000 hours in Garry's Mod. None of it has been on the absolutely dogshit, botton-of-the-barrel "roleplaying" servers. Most of it has just been setting large NPC battles with different weapons and maps. I just like seeing the HL2 AI fight.

Come at me bro

I bought overwatch last month during the sale and Im thoroughly enjoying it and i think its a good game

My sin is always the same: I really liked Warlords of Draenor.

let it all burn user

I tried to fuck my 12 year old cousin when I was 16. I got caught and haven't seen my family in almost 6 years, I'd say that's the point where my life went to shit.

I don’t blame you.

I didn't beat Ocarina of Time until the 3DS version, quit at the water temple when I was a kid

Just fuck a fat chick you pathetic loser

That's way more pathetic, have some fucking standards

They are better at suckin than anything and den big titties. I titty fucked the fat one good then she got weird

You know what's even more pathetic than that? Killing yourself because you can't get laid

i don't want to die but i'm finding less reasons to live as the days go by

i'm growing more apathetic and careless and i just wanted someone to talk to


Become an hero

Good thing I'm not that user then.

spent $60 on hots gems this past week

Easy on the eucharist wafers, padre.

I believe turn-based combat is outdated and only used by developers who are too lazy to implement an actual combat system.

Fucking a fat chick can be a pretty good lay

Same boat here, user.


i don't care, no one says hi, even for the holidays

i'm holding out for something, probably nothing; i was stupid to think something could happen


i hope this isn't bait and you are actually going to kill yourself because you can't get laid


I'm still stuck at Central Yarnham.

Have you tried not being a gay tripfag?

When I was 12 I jacked off to Cortana in Halo. I'm not talking about porn of her, I mean her actual in game model while I was playing the game.

I hate everything video games.

hi what's up

he's also a janny

I own more games I have never played and will never play than have finished 10-1

The sky

I'm sorry you're feeling this way, user. Especially during the holidays. I hope you get help and that things get better for you.

Mah nigga, that ain't a sin

its cold outside

i walked outside for a bit to try and relax, all the roads are wet

i only fap to NTR and once sold a pubg skirt to some chink for $10 and then almost killed myself because of rugrats

Good for you, anything to take your mind off your present dilemma I suppose. Walking is a relaxing act :-)

I'm quitting Guilty Gear because I'm sick of feeling like I'm not improving. I 10-0 the mashing retard but get 10-0'd by anyone with a hint of competence.

hey thanks

sometimes people go on this warpath like they have to win, and when they do they don't know what to do with the victory. i hope my life isn't like that. I'd like something to mean something.

but thanks anyway