So, what exactly is artificial fun?
So, what exactly is artificial fun?
What a trash build. He can't even do ninja flips.
It's a term made up by retards.
Its when you pretend to have fun with something just to fit in with others.
It's when you mistake quality for fun. See Dark Souls 3.
Games that people like that I don't.
Artificial Fun is an aspect that I see mostly in MMORPGs and JRPGs.
You play the same repetitive combat for hours and hours and think you're having fun because you see the numbers getting bigger but it's actually just a trick being played on your brain.
Mobile gaming has mastered the art of artificial fun, to the point that they completely monetize their games with it.
>start playing the game for "free"
>numbers are going up
>numbers are going up more
>oh whoops you hit the pay wall now the numbers are gonna go up really really slow
>unless..... you give us a couple bucks and we can make the numbers go up faster again
To me it's skinner box shit.
It's more that because the combat is so repetitive, the fun comes from trying to optimize it.
What do you mean by this?
It's when somebody has fun in a game you don't like.
Essentially, you're experimenting with all the tools the game gives you to win your encounters more flawlessly or more quickly, which is not only more interractive than "just" winning the encounters, but it's also encouraged and rewarded since it means you level up more quickly.
Fucking christ, I replied to an inexistent person because I misread which post it was addressed to.
Anyway, it's the argument of "it's a good game because it's well made or it's polished!", but if these factors don't actually make the game more fun, if all of these didn't change the game from being fucking boring, then the people affected by the "artificial fun" will still praise it.
Something that doesn't exist.
Mistaking extraneous factors for gameplay-based enjoyment.
The kind of """fun""" offered by western "games".
I need to know the context of this because that's a lot of bullshit in one post
The only context you need is the video game industry itself, son.
gotta find a new way to shitpost, it's tradition at this point
Well I'm saying this because here the user says "hollywood don't sell entertainment but sell sentiments" which is wrong, hollywood is failing the movie industry by going for mindless entertainment for to consume over and over with nothing of real worth like capeshit
>Implying modern Nip games aren't mostly mobage gacha trash or generic no skill required JRPGs and fighting games with costume DLC
The whole industry is rotten
End your life