Game changes on holidays

>game changes on holidays

What are some games that do this?

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WoW does every one.

cave story

Terraria has some changes on Halloween and Christmas.

That tmnt game for the gamecube

Fallout 4, Diamond City gets decorated on December 25th on in-game calendar. But everyone knows that one.

On Christmas, the turtles would wear Santa hats. was cool when I was 8 and got it as a xmas gift.

What changes in cave story?

the main characters wear christmas or halloween outfits on those days

Animal Crossing

Calendar Man in Arkham City.

Secret halloween jumpscare in Arkham Knight.

games with holiday events are the best.

Killing Floor 1/2
certain MMOs have good ones

god i miss OG animal crossing


The original release of Sonic Adventure had a few holiday DLC themes, but I'm not sure if they were free or not. The most notable ones are Halloween 1999, Christmas 1999, and New Year's Day 2000.

Nights Into Dreams also had a Christmas variant released, but that's not part of the main game.

Now probably those dlcs are lost right

I didn't know that one

Probably because I will never play that shite

I played this game literally thousands of times and never noticed it.


Maybe those times didn't occur on X-mas dumbass.

I think it also changes for halloween and thanksgiving

revenge of the sunfish

Well yeah, probably because you're out having fun and partying with family and friends on holidays instead of playing video games like a fucking loser lol

Theres some youtube videos of them so I think they were either archived or recreated.

Corruption of Champions

>tfw didn't realize until last year that Sonic Adventure 2 has different holiday outfits
I've been making up a list of games to play on Christmas for this very reason, thanks OP.

Not sure if this is just Christmas NiGHTS or both but on April Fools you play as Reala instead of NiGHTS.

The ironing of this post

If you complete the Man-Bat side quest in Arkham Knight, he escapes from the GCPD on Halloween.

Post games that wish you happy birthday.

>posts this on Sup Forums

>playing videogames

I was actually playing this when it turned 12:00 A.M on my birthday and it blew my mind.

>posting on Sup Forums = playing videogames
u is crazy

for real

Shenmue, 1999.

the scooby-doo game for the gc
night of 1000 frights or something like that

Arkhan Knight has Man Bat on Halloween

what do you mean
there are like 3 screamers like that in the game and i didn't play it on halloween


Gurumin for PSP.PC and 3DS.

Postal 2. Just played some and noticed that a lot of the npcs just had santa hats on

>play Gran Turismo on Bday
>it gives you a free car

Pokemon does, when you use a Pokemon Center on the birthday listed on your 3DS.

Came to post this.



He escapes from the police station on halloween.

This will sound random, but the Blanc spinoff game of Hyperdimension Neptunia. I played it last year in October and she kept saying "trick of treat", meaning she was reading my calendar date.

Kind of cheesed you have to enter a code. Shit should automatically happen on Christmas (Shame SNES didn't have a internal clock)

>dlc in 1999

Kagestu is both the most underrated and the best Type-Moon VN

its LITERALLY one day of the year

>i'm just pretending to be stupid

The original DS would have a different start up jingle if you played it on your birthday.

Tony himself wishes you a happy birthday when you go to the main menu

tony himself? where did they get the technology to do something like that?
