In this thread we all agree that this whole series is fantastic and the reason we argue about it so much is because its so special in so many ways to so many different people.
In this thread we all agree that this whole series is fantastic and the reason we argue about it so much is because its...
Dark Souls 2 is shit.
This, rest of is really really great.
Lords is better. Kill yourself.
guys youre doing it wrong come on now
nah 2 and 3 aren't very good
i lol'd
heres your (you)
Same with a shitload of game series. I can't see the necessity of this thread.
get gud
I turned ds2 off after finishing that castle ( don't remember the name ) which you came through a big elevator or something. I don't remember, but after taking another elevator down or something and walking a small tunnel you're magically outside, and looking back and turning the camera up you can't see the castle or anything, just a bad cut between levels.
DS2 team ran out of fuck to give.
Sorry for this clumsy explanation, I'm high on heroin
halfway through development they changed their mind on what to make and had to like, shuffle the areas around and salvage it as best they could
the first guy working on it was apparently turning it into skyrim souls
I'm going though Dark Souls III right now and it's worse than Bloodborne to so far but still having a blast. The Souls fanbase tend to latch onto the game they like the most to call all the games that aren't his favorite shit.
Can't speak for Demons/Dark Souls III/Bloodborne but DkSI is my favorite. I didn't like how aimless DkSII felt on the whole.
So you have to be high on heroin to hate DaS2.
You're wrong.
Reddit: The Opinion.
Yes and no. They didn't "change their mind" per se. Bamco came down on them.
>the first guy working on it was apparently turning it into skyrim souls
He was making it more open world, which the vanilla game already has hints of, but not Skyrim.
Wasn't high back then
Right now since I'm high I think I can enjoy absolutely anything. I have Mario 3d land and it feel powerful. It's incredible how colorful and simple visually a thing as complex as a video game can be. We're the first generation of human able to play with such delicate piece of media and most of us fall into depression and suicide. Sad.
>decide to replay dks2 after 2k hours in 1 PvP and 3 runs through 3 from start to finish with both DLCs
>in things betwixt
>running around feels so weightless but at the same time extremely heavy
>8 directions recognized on an analog stick
>everything looks like it's made out of plastic
>enemies are all complete passive garbage
>360 spin out of there and uninstall
If you posted this picture then you would be right.
This is objectively correct and cannot be refuted
BB > DeS > DaS1 = DaS3 > > > > DaS2
I understand if people place DeS somewhere else, as mechanically its not as advanced as others but its atmosphere and nostalgia factor for me raises it high.
Assuming that's actually true, which I doubt, something something broken clocks.
DS2 was crap. Good pvp is not enough for a good game, and it's not even in the same universe as "things that make good souls games"
As much as I love the Dark Souls series, I can never bring myself to complete DaS2.
I like to co-op and PvP, but Soul Memory makes it difficult to summon/get summoned.
I like the various builds you can make, but VIT always disrupts that build's viability.
I don't like the fact that enemies vanish after defeating them too much, but I could live with it.