Redpill me on this

Redpill me on this
Is it actually good or sjw agenda?

You know, the irony of this whole redpill thing is that if you Sup Forumstards actually took the redpill you'd wake up in a future full of minority sex orgies and leftist underground dystopias.

The androids literally have swappable genitals.

it's a fucking platinum game written by yoko taro
if you have half a brain you know exactly what to expect

>Japanese game with female lead = SJW/feminist/leftist/liberal agenda.

This meme needs to fucking die already. Apply it to Western games if you want but even then it's getting tiresome to read/listen to that sort of crap.

I refuse to believe you can be so opinionated and yet not be able to deduce the where things fall in your world view. Quit stirring shit.

best writing in the medium
ignored by westlibs due to the cover

It's not perfect, but I genuinely enjoyed it.

>sjw agenda?
Why? Because the main character is a pretty girl?

Why don't you just fucking play it and see you idiot? Do you really need the validation of anonymous posters to enjoy something?

with an ass like this?
no user this is waifus

>life has no meaning, just kill urself bro
>or does it?
Classic /lit/ agenda.


I’m on 9S’ playthrough and honestly it’s just decent to me. I love the visuals, cutscenes and music but the melee combat is trash if you ask me.

7/10 or so

If life has no meaning and you're already here but don't want to die, you should just make your own reason for existing and abide by it. Most of the machines that broke free of the system did the same and did pretty well for themselves for a while.

>sexualization of any kind being "sjw"

I know you are a marketer assigned to attempt to form Sup Forums public opinion against nier, but the game has to be bad/actually exhibit some sjw-tendencies before you attack it from that angle.

Yeah I prefer Nier Automata 2.

It gets better and better, really.

9S' playthrough is the worst for melee. His is all about the haxx0ring.

It's gets good after 2 playthroughs.


>Is it actually good
Yes, story might be whatever but gameplay is fun
>or sjw agenda
Lol fuck no. Not as long as Yoko Taro is in charge.

>falling for obvious bait

But why did you post a picture of yourself on /v /?

The SJW movement is a creation by the CIA and so it obviously does not exist in any significant capacity in Japan/Japanese games.

COINTELPRO never ended....

>it gets better
Fucking when? I've got ending C/D/E, so can you autistic fucks stop with the "it gets better" bullshit.

I had more fun in A/B and early C than the fucking tower shit.

SJWs legit are triggered by 2B's butt. These people are fucking memes. If it wasn't for that they'd love the semi-asexual android LGBT fest.

It's fucking stellar. 80+ hours on it and still going.

I have literally never seen anyone except autistic lore fanboys on Sup Forums triggered by all the lewd 2B fanart.

You haven't been on neofag.