Dog = EA

Dog = EA
Cookie = Players
Woman = Microtransactions

Other urls found in this thread:


That's not a cookie it's chocolate and dogs shouldn't eat it.

>food analogy



Bayonetta = Paladins
Purple aura guy = Hi-Rez
Bullets = player feedback
Gun = Paladins player count

So dog=microtransactions mathematically?

>EA and microtransactions fighting over playerbase

So the microtransactions have a hold of the player and EA doesn't like that?

big if true


WTF whoever gave that doggy chocolate needs a good sock to the face

Do not give the dog chocolate you sick freak

Dog = Dumb
Cookie = Chocolate
Woman = Roastie

Only applies to purebreds and heavily processed junk chocolate like Hershey's. Chocolate is fine for dogs. I give mine a little bit at night when we're on the couch and she's perfectly healthy

Dogs do not die from eating chocolate, they die from eating too much chocolate over a short time span. Humans can also kill themselves by way of eating chocolate, it is just that our bodies are much better at breaking down the chemicals in the cacao plant than doggos.

>OP can't distinguish a chocolate bar from a cookie

this has to be bait.


Cookie? Dog? Woman?

It's a good thing hershey chocolate is only actually 10% chocolate or that dog might be in real trouble!

Instead it'll probably just get diarrhea

Who the hell got the idea for this photo? And why?

Oh look another dipshit trying to look smart by spouting pseudoscience.

classic meme breh

That's a cat.
That's a piece of bait.
That's a tranny.
OP is still a faggot.

you mean 10% cacao, you fucking retard

That must be an american cookie

Go home Ben Garrison

>european candy can be called chocolate if it only has 1% cacao
>american candy can only be called chocolate if it has at least 10%
really gets the noggin joggin

That's not true at all, it only takes a tiny amount of theobromine to kill a dog, wheras a human would need to eat a bulldozer load of it or something. Theobromine is in all chocolate and cocoa butter, and really any cocoa nib product.

second floor basement?

Yeah, I bet you can teach us how to make our own crystals too, fuck off imbecile.

Unfortunately no, some people are just retarded

you are very dumb and I hope your dog dies for it.

are you retarded?

The woman = International Capital
The chocolate = Trump
The dog = The American public

are you?

>hurr durr don't feed your dogs chocolate

when will retards learn that only dark chocolate is bad for dogs. Milk chocolate is perfectly fine to feed them

don't even joke about that, my sister's dog died that way

>The mat
>The kid
Electronic Arts
>The Mother
Anonymous, final boss of the internet
>The empty clay pot

Your dog will die in their sleep tonight unless you talk about and encourage video game discussion ITT

Hey, it ain't the dog's fault his owner is a retard.

weiner dog = best dog, prove me wrong (you cant)

>Anonymous, final boss of the internet
lol no

Actually according to a quick Google search that the anons replying to this post seem to be unable to make Hershey's chocolate is one of the least toxic for your dog. Your dog would have to ingest 2 whole bars of milk chocolate to die from it.

It's an "user thinks he knows more about dogs than a fucking vet" episode

Who's better? Dogmeat or k9
Don't kill my dog you lanky faggot

What's your favourite video games?


>Milk chocolate is perfectly fine to feed them

Dogs are stupid and develop a taste for the stuff and will seek it out. Sure, one bar of modern milk chocolate won't kill your dog(but will probably give it some nasty shits) but four or five will. And it only takes you leaving that shit out and not being home once for it to happen.

Feeding your dog chocolate is retarded.


>linking to laughable post

A dogs life

Is everybody on this board new now?

I've only been here since 2011 so yes


Gerbil: those fuckers
Towel: our shit

it's true. my gfs dog sometimes eats chocolate and is fine.

>Gun = Paladins player count
Goddamn, user.

Guy pouring = EA
Guy at the bottom = Players
Drink = Microtransactions

If you had any doubts before, this thread should make it clear.
Explains why consolewars get worse each year.

people drinking this = Players
Diabetes = EA
shake = game
Empty calories = lack of content in games

I wish all gays would just die

and people ask themselves why homophobes are a thing.

>Dude why do you hate gays they're just like us?!

I think it's kind of pathetic that faggots make you so uncomfortable that you feel like getting violent

I can also drink a little bit of cyanide but it doesn't mean it's good for me.

What the fuck was being pulled from top guy's ass?

Hey faggot, why don't you kill yourself? Don't reply to me ever again.

His balls, what else?


I think it's pathetic that you watched the webm and didn't feel like gutting those subhuman piles of shit. Like seriously, people have been to the moon and back, we're thinking about creating a colony on mars and meanwhile these faggots are drinking beer from eachothers' assholes. I don't expect everyone to become a scientist but could you faggots at least try not to act like fucking chimps.

>theyre just like you brooooo!

Yeah that shit is disgusting, faggotry is gross and I don't like it but you're fucking weak


>says the furry

neck yourself you degenerates.

>Posting reddit shit.

there is nothing gay about that webm


You're just kind of a pussy for reacting like that

>drinking from three other men's assholes
>not gay
Y-yeah the balls d-didn't touch so it's not gay

just a perfectly normal, heterosexual activity to do with your bros.

Gay or not, it's still disgusting and degenerate.

imagine being at computers

just like my cartoons