Video games turn you gay

Video games turn you gay

wtf im gay now

Yes they do

No it's/v/ - Video Games that makes people gay.


you can't turn gay you are born gay

What are the best gay games?

Then why does it still hurt to think about her?


Nothing wrong with that


bloodborne on the proud #gaystation
love wins

I'm fapping to trap porn because of Sup Forums and a bit of /jp/, not video games. Cute traps in vidya are rare ad fuck.

It turned me into a furry but not a gay furry at least

>all those clones that could never capture the magic

Sign me up, then.

You haven't sucked enough dick yet.

Its true, don't do videogames Sup Forums.

Video games don't make you gay, Sup Forums does.

I now have a fetish for cute weeb boys. I want to jack them off while they look at naughty pictures of their favorite anime girls.

>even in threads like this there are console war shitposts

I'm not gay, I just think traps look cute.

klonoa did it for me

>generic human self insert
At least there's all that porn of the three cats fucking each other

>that one gfur comic where the art is way too fucking good for just a bunch of anal sex

im not gay but my bf thinks i am

Do people go gay because they suck with the opposite sex?

Robin Hood turned me gay when I was 9


I think cartoons like He-Man, Amazing Spiderman, and X-Men did it for me.

Nah I was always gay. If anything if I was even remotely straight I would have lost my virginity by now, girls like me.

If video games wanted me to be straight, they wouldn't give me all these cute furry boys to crush over.

Devil May Cry 3 & 4. Everyone loves a good wank to Daddy Vergil and Uncle Dante.

Why would lesbians exist then? Even the fat ugly ones could easily get a fat ugly neckbeard if they wanted.

I want to cuddle with a Zinogre

>That busty zebra.

>thread immediately devolves into furposting
wow who'd have thought

good, now I can focus on purging dirty federals instead

Fat, ugly people want beautiful partners just like everyone else.

How can women compete with this level of perfection?

kled made me gay!

Me too, user.

No, it's /r/TheVidya that turns you gay.

>have a big fucking dick (8inch)
>also be virgin autist
>go on craigslist to get laid
>just posting my dick opens up every single door
>the other day I got head from some dude, gave him some back, it sucked would not do again
>just now got head from some tranny & failed at fucking him - head was pgood but emotionally feels awful
>just want a loyal gf (female)

how do I unfuck myself

Breath of the Wild made me want to fuck boys a lot

You're too far gone and don't really deserve what you want.

A fat ugly dyke has less chances of getting with a beautiful woman than getting with a handsome men thought. Lots more straight handsome men that will take any pussy offered than queer beautiful women that will out there.

There's a lot of shit wrong with Borderlands 2, but their gay characters aren't one of them.
It's never forced down your throat, it's not the focus of the character or any quests, it's just something that's casually mentioned during other dialogue. If you want to include gay characters then this is the way to do it.

>i want a gf
there's no unfucking yourself unless you get a bf, women are disgusting people.

You can't turn gay, you were just gay from the start

Axton wasn't even said to be gay or bisexual in-game until someone asked Burch about it

hows that?

Which vidya boy would you marry and corrupt heteros into being gay with?

Vidya didn't make me a homo
Sup Forums did with all the gay furry shota comics posted in here every other day. Fuck you Sup Forums

Yeah, like the image said, it was an oversight that made him compliment male team-mates, but his backstory mentions a wife.
Is he bi? Sure, why not, it makes no difference at all. They threw in one line in an expansion that mentions it and that's that. I can live with that.

Anyone else wanna fuck a slutty Sup Forums boy over and over until he loses his mind?