Lets uh ... make thread out of this

Lets uh ... make thread out of this.

nice reddit opinion

reddit tier meme

sorry no i dont feel like it

nice reddit spacing

fallout is reddit

Fuck off.

>dude reddit lmao
None of you nerds deserve any (you)'s


t. redditor

hating fallout 3 is super redditcore
liking all fallout games for different reasons is the awakened choice


I equally love Fallout 1, 2, 3 and Vegas.

I hate Fallout 4.

>dude ur from reddit lmao
Get fucked nerd. Fallout NV and Fallout 3 are both overrated as fuck.
Fallout 3 is shit as its a barebones shooter without ironsights

Literally who?
>Fallout 2
Literally who?
>Fallout 3
Kino of the year
>Fallout 4
Kino 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Fallout Tactics
Literally who?
>Fallout Brotherhood of Steel
Literally who?
>Fallout New Vegas
Played like 30 mins and it was already shit.

>Using kino even for ironic funposting


Summer is forever now


Traffic doesn't really increase during the summer.

Tactics and BOS are absolute pile of shit!What are you talking about?They are way worst then 3rd and 4th

Because everyone is phoneposting

good taste



>No MGS4

Currently playing Romancing SaGa 2 so I really can't put it up here at the moment.

I really hope they make a new trilogy but this time without tying it into a movie and cutting out half the fucking plot to try make people go watch it

I had it on there with a note of "watched an LP" which does not count.

but it was okay, not great but not bad. Props for trying to make sense of the nonsense known as MGS2's ending

How do you make this meme?


fuck man i was like 12 when rachet and clank came out and i fucking fell in love with that fucking game. Played up to deadlocked and it was a fucking masterpiece, never played the others though

MS paint

What the hell is your last one supposed to be?

>this thread

By the great way, is there a compilation of those anywhere? They are great to learn a bit about game series (for me at least).

Who has a template

You mean this:

Never saw someone enjoying P1 over P2

It's easily the worst Fallout game though. That's objective. It can be played and it's not terrible, but it's the worst in the series.

The thing is it's really lacking in the RPG elements compared to the other ones, New Vegas for example shares the same combat of F3 but while preserving the legacy of the older ones

>t. new redditor


>That reaction to X6 and X7
If anything this thread shows how bad taste most people have.

If you ever can afford to, buy a cheap PS3 and the Future trilogy plus Into The Nexus.

I kinda shit-talk the first two in that image but they're still decent games and hold up well - and ItN ends the series in a really heartfelt manner

What can I say, P2 didn't grab me like everyone else. Also the dungeon crawling in P1 is fantastic

Nice reddit opinion there, OP.

Explain, mainly the difference between 1 and 2. I'm trying to get into 1 right now and I have no idea what I'm doing.


Fallout 2 is much less linear, has better controls, and has more of everything.

>People rating New Vegas above 1 and 2

No they're fucking not

Nobody likes Resident Evil more than me, not hyperbole- literally, nobody

basically, i made a contrarian version of your pic, but then i noticed i still had this furry vore picture on my hard drive so i posted it instead
and that's how you do it

You're allowed to like one of the two games. The typical contrarian choice is to pick 1 and complain about pop culture references in 2. That's becoming a bit old hat, so you might want to say you actually prefer 2 since most people aren't expecting that these days.

>rating any FO above 4
Soyboys get off my Sup Forums

X7 is not that bad


and then i deleted it as the cherry on top

I know you're baiting but still, """""""people"" like you shouldn't be allowed to live.


correct opinion here

1 was always bland except for the raider ending with the gore perk.
Atleast 2 let you play as a drugged up prostitute with a house cat as an only friend.

Also, FNV had better factions and more speech checks then 1&2 combined.

It's not a bait, it's legit. Fuck you bunghole.

>it's legit

Noooo it kind of is. If you like it, what makes it so good to you?


>actually played the games
>didn't fall for the reddit-tier meme of saying the best ones are remake 4 and 2
>actually watch 4d executer
>didn't say gaiden was shit just because it's non-canon
>didn't give orc a pass because it was 'fun with friends'
>made a deep cut silent hill hd collection reference
Fuck you too buddy

>Hates Resident Evil Vendetta, 6, 5 and 4

Shit taste alert

Shit movie. The previous 3 CG films were much, much better
Not my kind of RE game
Not my kind of RE game
Not my kind of RE game


DaS1 was worse than DeS in every way, even the movement was somehow worse. Also, half of the game was unfinished content.

reddit fag

BOS is, Tactics isn't that good and it's still unironically better than all the 3D fallouts


hella shit taste my dude, you need to go back

pretty good, would friend


nice reddit thread


Fallout BoS is fun when you dont approach it as a fallout game, but as a wasteland flavoured champions of norrath/baldurs gate dark alliance clone, like it is.
Not a very good one, mind you, but still fun.
The fallout name was simply slapped on, and like CoN and BG:DA, it was never supposed to be an RPG.

Bloodborne is objectively the best though.

never played a persona game because the style threw me off at a young age. Hell i dont really know what it is besides kids shooting themselves to summon monsters either that or something else, pretty sure this series had the suicide shit

Someone care to give me their totally unbiased run down of the series and which one to start with?

That whole suicide motif only applies to Persona 3, which was a turning point for the franchise

Persona can be broken into two parts, the first being Persona 1, Persona 2:IS, and Persona 2:EP and the other half being Persona 3 onward. Persona 1-2 are standard JRPGs, similar to the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games where you fight demons in turn-based combat. The idea behind the game play is you summon Persona's which are like your characters power, in Persona 1-2 every character can swap out their personas for different ones which gives it a more tactical feel in combat

Persona 3 is where the series introduced social sim elements, where half the game is dungeon crawling JRPG stuff and the other half is going to high school, making friends, and pretending to be japanese. The social sim stuffs play into the dungeon crawling through social links, basically the stronger the friendships you make the stronger your personas can be. This is important because unlike the last games, only the MC can change his persona, so making him OP is the goal

If you can stand real old school JRPGs then start with Persona 1, if you can stand some archaic JRPG stuff start with Persona 3, and if you want modern polish start with 5. None of the games are connected except through references and side characters, so you're aren't missing anything by playing whatever persona you want (except 2:IS and 2:EP. EP is a sequel to IS). Fair warning, going backwards after you start with the modern games can be a fight, it's a 20 year old franchise and it really shows

reddit related comment

Anyone who thinks fallout 2 is better than 1 I'm pretty sure hasn't played the games. It's one of the most repeated claims by people who haven't played either or just number 2

Gonna add on to this.

Definite versions for each game are the PSP remake of Persona 1, Persona 2:IS on PSP, Persona 3 FES which has the DLC, and Persona 4 Golden but it's only on Vita so you can play regular 4 if you don't want to fork over the money. I personally loved Persona 4 the most but each game is so wildly different in tones and story approach you might love one more than another, don't give up on the series if you bounce off one of the games. Hope you enjoy user

I played both. Fallout 2 simply has better gameplay and funnier dialogue, especially if you play as a low IQ character.