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Video Games #4007
Video Games
What would you do Sup Forums if you were transported to the Pokemon World?
A2 > 9S > 2B
Yrel is stated to possess a dark secret that Velen sensed, and believed she had a larger role to play...
Post technically demanding fighting game characters only people with 300 iqs can play
Well, ya got me. Im buying a switch. To those who own one, what games/ accessories do you all reccomend?
Whats the last fun game you played?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
The AVGN has to script a rant for the last video game you played, Sup Forums
Since Nintendo is kissing up to hardcore fans with Breath of the Wild and Odyssey...
Games that made you cry
Why did blizzard turn alexstraza into a mommy semen demon ?
Big ALttP vibes
How did this game blow up? What about it made it a monster success?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Persona 3
What were they thinking?
You are tasked with creating the coziest game of all time
Hey Sup Forums
Sup Forums plays Choice of the Dragon
Iv been eyeing Nioh for sometime now, is this worth getting on PC? Or should I just get it on PS4...
Catherine Full Body thread
Fallout 3 > New Vegas
ITT: Characters that have the same name as you
Will Tifa be attractive in the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Which video games let me play as bimbos?
ITT: Post your personal GOTY
Now time for the milk
Apologize, Sup Forums. Apologize RIGHT NOW
What is your favourite Iori costume?
What's your favorite alignment to play as?
Oh boy I can't wait to try this new multiplayer gam-
I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that New Vegas Thread...
Post fedoracore games
I'm about to play Secret of Mana again
Congratulations, user. You've won Twisted Metal
How the heck can a 16 years old hack phone conversations and TV signals?!
Why does everybody I meet in this game talk in puzzles? Nobody talks like this
Why does every Italian gamer I met love Nintendo...
IMO the Switch is going to have the best Nintendo console library every by 2020
This is Fire Emblem now
Code Vein
Why do people hate Smash?
Heroes of the Storm - Firebat officially announced as next Hero
It's up
Sonybros in rage
Anyone else miss this era of gaming?
Post your best Elder Scrolls images
Giant Bomb Game of the Year thread
Can this game and Capcom unJUST themselves, or are they fucked beyond belief?
We all know the REAL cancer that's killing games
I bet you can't even name one good thing about her
Re4 is the best survival horror ga-
Someone please explain to me why this game is good...
Did he deserve having his heart changed Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums, are you a faggot or not?
*makes a funny noise*
Are we gonna wait another decade
Greatest vn ever?
Winter Steam Sale Megathread
How do I git gud?
Why haven't you bought this yet? DD thread
Top 10 PC Games
Why has Steam not updated their UI in years?
So this game along with Legend of Korra got removed from Steam today, anybody know why?
Bloodstained update
Whats the rarest game you own?
Rimworld thread
The power
Since console manufacturers seem to want to mimic the phone business, how soon before this shit starts?
TFW all you wanted for the winter sale was Nier: Automata
This is Nier:Automata
Is The Long Dark any good?
Singleplayer games
We need a gun for the big bad ass character to let everyone know how big and bad ass he is
You will take your responsabilities for this, user!
Greatest Castlevania ever made
Super Sonic is now PAID CONTENT that needs to be purchased in a separate add-on content
Crusader Kings 2
He's dead, Jim
How good are you at fighting games
This is your strongest unit
Where is he now Sup Forums? Does he still work on Platform Masters? He hasn't uploaded to his dailymotion in two years...
BOTW development finished
It's a "Treasure Hunt in Lei Elgona episode
Playing game with a standard fantasy setting
It's a "girl joins the guild and ruins everything" episode
Game is more than $5 while on sale
Falcom Sale thread
Its finally here bros
54 GOTY awards and counting
Hello, I´m the best videogame of all time
Manlets, when will they learn?
Steam sales thread - garbage edition
How come Hyper Sonic never showed up again?
Romancing Saga 2
I love my Vita!
Oh yeah this is still a thing
This is a joke right?
Describe this video game-related boat in one word or less
Ports require literally no effort and don't take away from developer resources, there's nothing wrong with wanting them
Are you guys ready for a stupid casual experience while REAL fans play XX? Fucking casual idiots playing this trash
One copy of Mario Odyssey please
Western character design
No ga
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
PUBG cross 30 millions across PC & Xbox one
Alright boys, post your recommendations
Why is Sakurai so horny
Steam sale
No R6 thread... Here let's make one
Dark Souls 1 still isn't on sale
Your genuine thoughts on this mechanic? Do you think it helped or hindered the game?
Is there any reason to use anything other than a Straight Sword or Curved Sword in this game...
Sexy Serial Killer
Elite: Dangerous is a mere 6.25 Eurodollars right now. I heard that it's boring and a chore to play...
Well, Sup Forums? What are you voting for?
9/10 times I play a game that Sup Forums hates it turns out to be good
You cannot refute this
Secret Santa thread
SFV on sale now
What chair does Sup Forums play games on?
3DS selling more units than last year in USA
ITT: best stages
Thinking Gta V is not the best game to have ever existed
Sup Forums contrarians hating this cutie
Why should I buy The Evil Within 2 instead of Resident Evil 7?? Defend this game
Hey guys, Tiny Metal is out today. Anybody buying it? I'm about to get it now...
BotW is winning GOTY awards everywhere
Why don't you like DRPGs?
What games were you playing in 2010?
You jelly?
ITT: Post the vaporware that hurts the most
Who's ready to help a few girls fulfill their dreams of no longer having disgusting flat chests in the upcoming...
I beat dead rising 1 with melee only and didn't save once
Is this babby's first VN?
It's up
Xenoblade X Thread
Fully finished Star Citizen WILL bring your "enthusiast e-peen" hardware to it's knees!
A deal is a deal, user. You said you'd buy Gundam Versus if they added G Gundam units...
What is the best NON ZELDA GAME of the year in your opinion?
Gog winter sale
Sonic Forces: Super Sonic – free until January 23; regularly €1.99
What's a nice co-op game for 2 players? Platform doesn't matter
DotA vs LoL
What's your hopes and expectations about upcoming Love Live game?
Sup Forums gets worse the more it hates anime
Legend of Zelda
I don't even like Pokemon that much, but this is really fucking fun
Apps Must Disclose Odds For LootBoxes
Hello, Modder, I am going into battle and I want your strongest mods
At what age should everyone stop playing vidya at?
Find a flaw
Do you think merging kino and ludo as Kojima and Del Toro do will produce better narrative experiences?
What type of armor do you prefer?
What Kingkiller kind of video game would you like to see? The TV series will reportedly me prequel/spin-off
Tell me Elrond, if the Fellowship is so great, why are there no good Lord of the Rings games?
Games that look comfy, but aren't comfy
Release an unfinished game with barely any content and promise to finish it later
IT BEGINS: Apps Must Disclose Odds For LootBoxes
Name a game with better sound design that wasnt made by team silent
Now that the dust has settled, was he in the right?
10 days baby! Who's fucking ready for Todd and Aaron!!
Fallout New Vegas has to be the buggiest, most 'crashiest' game I've ever played...
So how does one even go about enjoying Dark Souls II? Like what is the ideal set up for an enjoyable experience?
What do you think about media bias?
What do health potions taste like? It has to be blood
Today is the day we get news!
What games can I play that take place in china?
Why don't you like Mythra?
Your reaction when Valve's The Artifact was revealed
Be honest, do you still play Tumblrwatch?
Itt: cancer that is killing the video game
Is it worth it to get Switch to use only in handheld mode...
Limbo Commodore64 demake
Im trying to not be so shit at this game. Any tips?
Every fucking day on Sup Forums
Top 5 ps1 games?
You can't play shin megami tensei V on PS4
Game industry in a nutshell
Why did Sup Forums hate on the 360 so much for being a dudebro console but love the PS4 for it?
How do we save this game?
Sup Forums is a wizard
Do you get your consoles in white or black?
Comes in
Steam Avatar Thread
Okami HD
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition: 4GB
So we're gonna just pretend to not be hype about this shit?
Dragonball FighterZ
Risk buying Early Access games because steam lets you refund them on release
Catherine FULL BODY
Find a flaw
Big if true
Higher difficulties do nothing but increase the damage enemies do to you and decrease the damage you do to them
Why no PS4 version?
Vermintide 2 thread
Am I the only one who prefers the original text font?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on speedrunning?
The Souls Series has run its course for now...
Literally unplayable
Ni no Kuni II
What kind of games do your pets, family, husbands/wives, friends etc. play, Sup Forums?
Steam Avatars
*doesnt get the potg because the junkrat cancer killed 3 people with his ultimate*
Sup Forums shills Horizon ZD non-stop
As I'm getting older, I'm increasingly valuing story in video games...
Monster Hunter World Amazon Rankings 12/21
The absolute state of PC "gaming"
Childhood scares
Why is it bad, Sup Forums?
Emulation is piracy
Why doesn't anyone point out how fucked up it was that Snake was 33 when he fucked her, and she was 18?
Was it really that bad?
This needs to end
Dokkan Battle
>yfw accidentally clicked /vr/
Skyrim Thread?
Make this Sup Forumsidya related
Daily reminder that once you go blue nothing else will do
Battlestations thread
"Lol, newfags will NEVER get to experience the golden age of gaming!"
So now that Monster Hunter has been casualized are Souls games our only hope for proper action RPGs...
Which is the better Jrpg?
STOP: You have exactly 15 seconds to post your personal GOTY and why or this loli gets it
Is GTA IV the red-headed stepchild of the series?
What was their end goal?
Game has anime intro
Let's have a Buyer's Remorse thread
Which one should I buy?
ITT: games only (you) played
When's this fucking sale gonna start? I have nothing else to live for
Why such an horrible game is popular?
Has Sup Forums FINALLY accepted it?
What Sup Forums related items are you buying people for Christmas?
What are your hopes for this game?
DOTAfags and CSfags literally BTFO
What do?
This is Mia. She has your back, and is trying to save her little brother from becoming a vampire...
Tank Games
What are some games with a literal retard as the main character?
Tfw just bought a 70 inch 4k TV to replace my shitty older 51 inch TV
Why did they dogpile him so hard? Just an easy target?
So if i already have a PC why should i get a XBOX over a PS4 or Nintendo Switch
How do I get into Fate shit? Do I start with the VNs?
I legit feel bad about Persona 5 not winning any GOTY and awards in general. I thought it would devastate in the awards...
How do I get good as Dante in DMC4? I was overwhelmed when it was time to play as him...
ITT: Useless party memebers
Just bought pic-related, what am I in for?
First quest giver was the main villain
How do we save Twitch?
Why am I so terrible at this game?
Don't worry guys i'll be right back
Tell me why I shouldn't buy it
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What are the best time travel vidya?
Gap heg is back
Phantasy Star Online
Games that looked good but turned out mediocre
Can we all appreciate what Konami is doing with the Metal Gear franchise?
Just got done watching Alien, wanted to know if this any good...
Be me
ITT: christmas stories that involve vidya
Putting all personal opinions aside, is it the game of the decade?
Is /vg/ right?
Webm thread, post videogame webms
I'm quitting this piece of shit game after a year and a half of Riot's bumbling ineptitude...
"One copy of VRchat, and one extra pack of Hyperdimension Neptunia skins please"
Should I give it a second chance?
Ice level
What am i in for?
What are some examples of games/features changed last minute?
Game set in Europe
First time playing Morrowind, 55 hours in how am I doing so far?
RE7 has taught Kizuna AI the F word, how does that make you feel?
Sup Forums hates persona 5 now
Ambrosia shipment arriving any moment now
Which one Sup Forums?
You have 10 seconds to convince me to become a PC player before I blow your fuckings brains out! And don't try anything...
Absolutely impossible
Tfw too autistic to speak in voice chat
So (almost) 2 months later
Killing floor 2
There can be only one. Who is, truly, /ourpon/?
Game has 100 hours main story
What games have the best horses?
Has Blizzard finally lost it?
What games allow me to play as a vulnerable t-girl?
Games women will never understand
I just pirated all the expansions + dlcs for Crusader Kings 2
Both Mario Odyssey and Sonic Forces are considered "Easy games"
Can Yacht Club Games strike gold a third time?
Is XIV a good MMO?
MMO Thread
Walking down the street
Final boss is a clown
Dragonslayer0219: How do i get to varrock
Can we all just admit that the shitty graphics were without a doubt the absolute biggest reason this game flopped?
Which game should occupy the third position? :3
Reminder to stop putting this game off and play it RIGHT NOW because there's less than one month left before the online...
What does Sup Forums say during sex?
As a former competitive Halo player who doesn't want to get burned by 343i anymore in the future...
"I'll have one copy of _______ please"
Why do so many people on Sup Forums have such a boner for rap music...
Reasons to buy a PS4
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Street Fighter V is 100% saved
FF ranking
I know I’m not the only one who has a renewed appreciation for this game and the treatment of Snake’s character...
Who's the coolest video game character ever?
Did he kill Fate series or was it actually never good?
Finally try Overwatch because it's discounted
This is work
Find a flaw
Whatcha eatin' Sup Forums?
How do i get my girlfriend to play more video games?
ITT: Games others roasted you for liking
Dengeki "over 80% of switch software sales are from Nintendo. anxiety material for the switch"
60 fps
What's the appeal of JRPGs?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Why are people like this so fond of Nintendo?
I feel like playing some PS2 games since I installed CFW on my PS3
These are your Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC characters
Are you ready PC fags??
Anyone looking forward to the new Tomb Kings dlc for Total War?
What boards do you think she browses?
Unpopular opinions
Twitch tv/_____ has joined the server
Do you think Capcom made the right call going back to 3D considering how well they did with 9 & 10 and how Mania did...
So... No winter sale this year? Is xbox really that dead that they don't care about the xbox digital store?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this game?
In your opinion which super smash bros game has the best menu design?
In the top three KH games, easy
What's the most autistic thing you do in video games?
Which Star wars game should I buy?
The best shooter is finally out
Slowly becomes a niche, otaku pandering mobage where mons aren't really the focus anymore
What genre is this game?
Best game trailers
Watch Dogs
About to play Battle for Bikini Bottom for the first time
Credits are a minigame
Show those collections
Recent Vidya Purchases
What does Sup Forums think of Journey?
The best Fire Emblem?
Got this game today
Why you love your favourite class in TF2?
Good video game
Should I wait on buying a Switch until this problem is fixed?
Holy fuck
Xenoblade Chronicles X is better than XBC2
Name a more vile piece of shit in all of vidya. Protip: you cant
He cares about achievements
Just bought SW Battlefront 2 Deluxe
Nintendo Power is back, as a podcast
Should Zero Suit Samus stay out of the main games?
Is he the worst thing to happen to gaming?
How did THIS manage to be the best game in the whole series, Sup Forums?
Let's pretend that Visual Novels don't pander to weeaboos
Hi guys, I live in a third world shit hole, I have no consoles and only own a pretty shitty laptop
Has Kiryu-san ever really killed anyone in a fight?
Switch thread? I just went full idort and got one
Blacks are violent
Servers are too busy, please try again later
Have you bowed to your gasha masters for this amazing ui goku banner?
Good western action games doesn't exis-
Whats your opinion of this game, Sup Forums?
Top 5 favourite games
That supposedly easy part of the game you had trouble with
So we are all in agreement that this is pretty handily the GOTY right
The sun was shining as Ash reached the town of Vermilion.It had been years since he had returned to the city...
Port Begging
How is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
Hey guys so I'm getting PlayStation virtual reality and what's a good game I could get...
Why is it such a piece of shit...
UNIST Thread
This kills the Nintendo
Is he the best vidya streamer?
Me and this girl i like to have stupid mindless fun... i think things are falling threw, however
Castle level
Update tomorrow
Why are so many gamers gatekeepers who try to exclude groups from their hobby for dubious reasons?
SoulCalibur VI
This is one of the best KOF games and the best fight game of PS4/Xbox/WiiU/Switch era
Why did Valve slowly make TF2 look like shit?
Post good SRPGs. All platforms welcome
Is Silent Hill 2 a good example of video games being art?
ITT: Post your favorite single player game and your favorite multiplayer game that you've played this year
So this is what the creator of pubg looks like
Who did you choose, Sup Forums?
New protagonist faces old protagonist
Leveling up has a visual changes
Sway me from Evil or tempt me towards it
Are you looking forward to Weiss’ game?
Legacy XP - Smash Bros. Bazinga!!
What went wrong?
The Institute is putting chemicals in the water that turn the Mirelurks into Synths
Can Resident Evil 8 and Remake 2 Save the franchise?
Tfw games just don't hold my attention anymore
What games have the largest boss battles? I mean truly gargantuan compared to the playable character...
Am I about to install Oblivion and start a new character, Sup Forums?
What's next for the Mario series?
Why is no one here complaining about how insanely fucked up the site is since hiroshima introduced the 3 malicious...
What are you doing that's so important that you're not playing Quake Champions?
Pet Peeves in video games
Are these, dare I say, THE holy trinity of definitive JRPGs for 2017, and dare i say, for the entire current gen?
ITT: we post characters that saved their game from being complete trash
Everyone always treats me like that... Always... "It's all her fault..." "Sh-She's the one with the problem..." I...
Why have so many retarded theories spawned about this game when it’s obviously just a simple deconstruction?
The story in FFXII is fine. Heck, I dare say it was flawless...
Would you take her to Elysium?
Playerunknow™, the man who invented video game, The pioneer of a genre who spams multiple versions in book...
How is your games coming along, Sup Forums?
Just got a new controller for my pc
Is this a character from a game? What's her name?
It's a lie
Miss! user has a gameboy in his fanny pack!
ITT: Satisfying weapons in games
Was he right?
When the Nvidia driver notes outright lie to you
ITT: we see what our animals do with our Consoles/PC’s
Play this as a kid many years ago
Is there fun to be had? Is it a waste of time?
Does anyone actually own this thing?
1 or 2?
Hang over your lunch money, nerd
Put a game (GTA5) on my new SSD. I heard if you fill up an SSD this much it ends up going to shit very quickly...
Well go on and throw it Sup Forums, or are you taking your coffee BLACK?
Did you like BotW?
Why is he such a boring edgelord in Zero series? He never smiles or make witty commentary like he used to do in X games
Game looks a few years outdated graphically
I don't care what anyone says, this game is great
This was a good year
Open game
If all of SOLDIER, at least the 1st class ones, had jenova cells injected into them...
What games are you going to grab for the steam sale tomorrow?
Name a edgier villain
Walk into the room
What is the game you have bought the most copies of in your life, either from buying the originals, ports, remakes...
What's the one game Sup Forums can agree is good ?
Who's ready for Marie 2.0?
ITT: we are old Sup Forums
Sup Forumsidya comics
These are your Newcomers for Sma5h
Less than 24 hours for the next Steam sale, what are you buying?
Dragon's Dogma
Anything good for $25 or less on the PS store? Perhaps any hidden gems in the holiday sale...
Best game in the series is a side game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
This is Mei. Say something nice to her
ITT: vidya soundtrack that gets you fucking pumped
Enjoy the game but don't really understand the combat
This game is impossible to watch on twitch, because the fanbase is so bad.(Yes, I know watching video games is lame...
You can trick your enemy
What is your ideal Fallout 5?
Why aren't these games ported to pc yet
League of Degeneracy
Poor ronery kojima ;_;
Buy a pc
What games did you play today homies?
Is Kojima just an ideas guy?
Collect all moons
Sephiroth vs Vergil
Sip Thread
Are you excited for the announcement tomorrow?
Fallout 4 was the Morrowind of the Fallout series
Fate Grand Order
Would mgs4 be the same if kojima worked with m$ instead?
E.V.O search for eden vs Spore
Would you play a Yugioh game with a Persona 5 style during duels and VN side gameplay?
Name some good non-violent games at once
Serious question, what's the point of turn based combat in modern AAA games?
What are some of the worst Remakes ever made?
Gamespot's top 10 games of the year
Assassin's Creed Origins is a bad gam-
Armored Core / Mecha Game Thread
Why is Makoto Persona 5's best girl?
Sup Forums BTFO
Filename Thread
It's simple, if you're gonna be a piece of shit I'm not going to rematch you
I just found this fire emblem advance wars looking ass game, what do you guys think?
People will fall for thr arcsystem meme
This is the best video game character
Before she deleted said tweet due to harassment...
Okami HD
That one guy good on the opposing team
What is the Opie of video games?
Spend missions just blasting faggots with guns
How do mirrors work?
Winner of over 200 Game of the Year awards
Give me the comfiest game you've ever played
Sonic Heroes HD Remastered when?
*blocks your screen*
This is madotsuki, please say something nice about her game
Hollow knight
Hat kid!
Just installed this game. What should I expect? Do people still play this game?
How do you go from this
The scope is on backwards
What are some games I can dress up in? I want to be pretty!
Who is the publisher?
Just played P5 for the first time
Hi guys
Name a cuter vidya girl in 2017
Hurrrr human bad! i hate human. a-altmer suprememcy is footur! talos not god. saying talos god make u heretic...
Announcing the Steam Awards 2017 Nominees
This is not MonHun. This is not the series that I grew up with. It's a sham, a pale imitation...
Is Morag cute?
Let's have a buyer's remorse thread. What vidya purchases do you regret?
Welp the ban wave has started. My nintendo account just been banned, cant access online on my switch...
You WILL buy Miriam's game, right Sup Forums?
LOL thread!
Fallout 3 VS New Vegas
What does your fighting game main say about you?
How good are you at fighting games?
Why aren't you playing fighting games RIGHT NOW?
Where is it, ultima?
Bayonetta is now a more iconic, successful and challenging franchise than Devil May Cry ever was
DigitalFoundry's video on Rocket League Switch version
How does Sup Forums feel about Italian stereotypes in games?
Why is there no crossplay between PC players and Xbox players?
How do we fix it?
CHUNNERS: What makes her design so timeless? 16 years and counting with minimum design change
47 GOTYs and counting
I... I... I didn't like it
Why is this game objectively perfect? I literally can't think of a single thing I dislike about it
Where is he now?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
When games were magical
Is Bayonetta better than Devil May Cry games?
Amiibos are just for kid-
Lets uh ... make thread out of this
He picked dementia
Post kino vidya moments
Hello, we are the best eighth gen multiplayer shooters, say something nice about us!
Did anyone else get themselves games because you don't have anyone to get you presents? What did you get?
Hi. I'm the most underrated game of 2017
Choose your fate
Thinking about dropping $1300 on an eGPU, 1070 and HTC vive
Realistic female armor
Enemy AI is shit
Nazi scout of TF2
PC is the biggest gaming platform in the world, more than 12 larger than all other platforms combined
Hello Sup Forums I'm from two years in the future and will answer any questions you may game...
How must Sony fans feel knowing the 3 best JRPG's of the last decade will never come to their weab box? It must sting
Who else got scammed?
Post a pic
Why don't you like Etrian Odyssey?
Any games where I can bully people and feign amnesty whenever I feel like I haven't extorted enough out of my clients?
Playing as female character
What did he mean by this?
Post an image and others recommend a game based off it
Which is the best game, Sup Forums?
Which version of the game is best? I dont care about fem-u
Why does new pokemons always get a bad reception?
Rimworld Thread
Battlestation thread
Freedom Planet 2
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...