All I know about tohou is Chen.
>Only one actually NEW playable character
For fuck sake.
>The little shrimp is in
>Not Seija
I hate this series.
No Baka no buy
Yoooo when did Tenshi get announced?
Pretty shit roster
There is still two unannounced characters on the cover.
Also this is a new engine entirely, they won't play anything like they did before. Just because your hu doesn't get in doesn't mean it's bad.
Is it really? They finally dumped the shitty HM engine?
Nah, it's the same engine from ULiL.
I was referring to the characters who've been in a fighter before, y'know, from Soku. Unless you think they're going to put in two Mokous or some shit.
There are three characters from Soku now. Will Sokufags finally be satisfied?
Honestly I think Yukari was a great pick.
Less than a week ago. Her uban legend is HAARP!
>2 of my most hated 2hus added in less than a week
>Roster is complete besides the bosses
>There were many hus worthy of being in a fightan and ZUN brings back a womanchild and a granny with one billion appearances already
>This is your 2hu fighter for this year
I'll choose my lovable retard Koishi again since the new 2hus added to this entry are shit
The one with the best armpits.
>ZUN brings back two fanfavorites
I see nothing wrong here.
Yukari hasn't been in a game for a while and she's a major character.
Moe is fantastic. I hope we get her back for FS 2 : Electric Boogaloo one day
>Pandering to fans
If I were in my PC you'd get the entire set of reclining.png dumped in this thread right now
Why is Mamizou so chuuni?
I choose the crown prince.
>smugmouth doremy looking maximum smug
>yukari's idle stance has her sitting in a gap
>useless bunny is here from the beginning this time for maximum sex appeal
it's perfect except for tenshi
She's smug because she has plot armor and can't fall off irrelevance for being based on ZUN's irl wife
>FS 2
I hope not, that ending retroactively made the whole manga bad. WaHH is the superior long-running 2hu manga.
loli tenko is cute tho
Get in line pal she's with me
t. Kasenfag
I want to see 'suzer going full demon while preaching Youkai supremacy and fighting with Raymoo.
WaHH is fucking boring besides some snarky remarks from Kasen, who views everyone as a retard or a child for being old and wise as fuck
Byakuren pls go
>preaching Youkai supremacy
So will this one actually have netplay that works if you try to play with someone outside of your neighborhood?
No one knows. I'm more hopeful because it's being distributed on Steam
Go away Akyuu. Don't you have some liquid manhood to gather before the fae take it away from you?
The only reason Soku did is because Fireseal wrote Sokuroll.
Still, it *mostly* worked in ULiL so long as you don't try to play with someone a thousand miles away.
what game is that?
The new Touhou fighting game, Antinomy of Common Flowers, releasing in about a week.
Tasofro is clearly cutting corners like a motherfucker, they were too lazy to even make proper portraits and just copypasted over previous ones, you can see Reimu in Yukari's picture. However you would have to be a retard to mess up netplay if your putting it on steam, but once again it's Tasofro. I would give like a 60% chance of netplay working.
Why are they all women? I'm a dude, I don't want to play as no chick.
You can play as a dude tho
Play as the Crown Prince then.
>This confuses the secondaries
This fucking guy
I want Doremy just because she has a fucking book. There's always the one character carrying a book.
I'm more interested in her pink onahole blob.
I know, but Soku didn't have something that prevented a rollback program, unlike ULiL I believe but I'm not sure of the specifics.
Unfortunately with the small player base size on these games, being restricted even to less than a thousand miles is not great. Me and a friend tried playing it with a much smaller distance than 1000 miles and we suffered some nasty slowdowns.
They don't count, this is their debut game that happens to be a fighting game where everyone is playable.
PC? PS4?
Make me
>Tenshi and yukari
I am mad they aren't actual New playbale characters but they aren't hatred by everyone.
I played ULiL with some folks within my state and it was more or less flawless.
Then I played with a guy half the country away and it had a few hiccups but was mostly fine - until he started going to school and using the school's internet, at which point it became garbage.
It's a very YMMV thing, but the lack of rollback does really hurt it. I will be very surprised if they did anything to improve it, however, as in Japan these problems simply don't exist.
Yes. Steam release now, PS4 gets the definitive edition later
It's on steam, Antimony of Common Flowers
Oh boy, can't wait for sub 100 playerbase and terrible netcode.
It's just two of the site portraits, but I don't understand why it got fucked up, Shinmyoumaru's portrait has been there for months, but Doremy and Tenshi are fine for some reason.
Absolute cancer
I said mine because it's a personal opinion, dude.
The only positive about this is that I can beat them up with hus I actually like
All Sokuroll does is add rollback, and yet it made the game's netplay much, much more functional. It meant people could play across continents. Before Sokuroll, US vs EU matches were absolutely not possible.
Yeah, Tasofro so far don't seem to care that people outside of Japan may want to play their games.
A steam release might mean it's different this time but I'm not hopeful.
Who's looking forward to Soku at Evo Japan?
I can't imagine the dev possibly coming up with a decent net code. All weeb fightans suffer the same fate. Hell, for melty blood, the fanmade programme is actually better than steam.
>no Sanae Kotiya
>no Aya Syameimaru
CCCaster is really good though. I legitimately don't understand why they didn't just make a deal with the coder and bundle it with the Steam version. Makes zero sense.
It has Huziwara no Mokou, at least.
I'm hoping that eventually this won't be the case. As flawed as it currently is, I never thought the Umineko fighter would ever get netcode.
>Miko will probably still be the worst character by far that can only muster a 20% win rate at best
Fuck ULiL for what it did to her.
It has Hiziri Byakuren too
she was buffed several times throughout ULiL's life and will likely be again in AoCF
also marisa was nerfed into the ground
>No Ran Yakumo
Shit game.
She'll be in there
As some sort of skill for Yukarin.
Fighting games are all about the roster, tard.
>no Sakuya
it's not fair bros
>no Seiga
>no Shou
>no Kogasa
>no Eiki
>no Seiga
>the girl that already has her own spinoff
>no Shou
>an irrelevant character
>no Kogasa
>an irrelevant character
>no Eiki
>a character who's been in one game and has one manga appearance
Tough shit faggot, have Reisen, Tenshi and Yukari AGAIN
Wrong Seiga.
the names flipped in my mind
Ran and Chen will both be included with Yukari, likely as spellcards.
Sweet dreams, user.
where do i find the data for winrates?
Why does everyone say 2hu, anyway? That's not how you spell Touhou.
To ho
2 ho
Touhou fighters have never been balanced anyways
Hecatia when?
PS4 version with Clownpiece assist.
Never ever. She wasn't poplar enough
Hopefully not this time, the only person I want Hecatia slaved to is ____me____.
I wanna faku the baku.
I want her to guarantee my sweet dreams sexually
I'm actually real surprised there wasn't a single HSiFS rep, and Doremy was certainly not who I expected from LoLK(not that I'm complaining).
Well, it is 15.5 and not 16.5, after all.
And yet it's coming out after TH16.