Whats the last fun game you played?

whats the last fun game you played?

Path of Exile

Divinity 2 The Dragon Knight Saga

Ive actually been having a lot of fun playing skyrim

Cyber Sluts

gta online

Rocket League 5 minutes ago

Quern - Undying Thoughts

cod ww2 is actually a fun shooter

once you figure out the garbage maps


Player Unknown Battlegrounds

>playing unfun games

Divinity OS2 last night. Gonna boot up Shadow Tactics soon.

Came here to say this. I am playing it for the first time and i am having fun



Binding of Isaac. It was fun till it pissed me off and I stopped playing.

Mario Odyssey
>mfw darker side

What do you think about Shadow Tactics?

nothing beats popping off in that game. Highest of highs, the lows aren't even that terrible because of how individual skill can sway. Sure if nobody else on your team does anything you'll lose for sure but there's always the CHANCE of you getting an ace. You're never out of the round as long as you have bullets left and a dream.

Compare this to overwatch which i've played recently and it's fucking TERRIBLE as a single player. Anyone on your team decides "lul i'm gonna throw" and you might as well give up because you can't outdps healers and there's so many crutch abillities that require no aim that numbers are all that matters. Doesn't matter how good movement you have as genji if they have a winston and your team is picking their nose.
It's a game where if the skill disparity is high enough between the people on the other team and yours, even you not included, no individual play you can do is enough to win.

2nd this. Tm8 did a double touch pinch off our own crossbar and the ball ricocheted into the other team's net.

I just started really, but so far so good.