Post good SRPGs. All platforms welcome

Post good SRPGs. All platforms welcome.


It was meh, the animu cutscenes were pretty good tho but I couldn't finish it

>"muh too easy!"
I never got this criticism of Jeanne D'arc.

Sure it's not bleeding-edge grind-your-ass-off difficult like most SPRGs, but it isn't designed to be.

It's not hard, sure, but some of the levels can and will kick your ass because if you do the story missions ONLY you will always find yourself slightly underleveled, which adds some challenge. It's just an SRPG not built around your going out grinding and that doesn't make it easy. That makes it balanced.

The cutscenes were surprisingly well done IMO. I never understood why the Japs have a tendency to romanticize the French though.

And honestly the game could have cut down on the monsters and shit.

Tactics Ogre
Yggdra Union
Knights in the Nightmare?

>Yggdra Union

I think I might be too casual for this. The story never captivated me and the mechanics were either too poorly explained or I'm just too stupid to get them.

Regalia is really fun, and fucking hard as balls.

I was looking at this game
Is it more final fantasy tactics, Banner Saga, or Fire Emblem?

It's pretty simple, just a hard game. Cards have movement and some sort of effect. There's a weapon "triangle". Morale is basically persistent health. For probably the first half of the game, that's all there is to it. I like that even at that point, they still add new mechanics once you get used to the basics.

Final Fantasy tactics with a twist of Fire Emblem. There's a big focus on customization (see FFT) but a distinct lack of focus on grinding (see FE).

It does it's own thing nicely with the town building and charming story too. Really solid mechanics all around, and the fact that you can't actually heal people in combat (just "shield") is a really neat twist.

>weebshit SRPGs
LMAO, how about you play an actually challenging SRPG where you cannot savescum and overcome any and all challenge via grind? Pretty much every weeb SRPG is literally a babby's first tactics game and I've played all the meme ones. Play Mordheim, you fucking casul shitters. Warmachine Tactics also got a story content patch today, but you weebshitters are probably so casual you won't even be able to finish the tutorial.

Alternatively, if you're too casual for actually deep and chalenging SRPGs, just play XCOM2 with War of the Chosen, it's great.

Ogre Battle could have been better if it just fucked off a little with the real-time strategy thing.

>muh RNG simulators!

God Wars was pretty great

>wants superior srpg
>posts math test
That screen looks messier than a pay2win korean mmo

Ogre Battle 64 was close to perfection in gameplay

Tactics Ogre is one of my favorite games, so I wanted to play this too. It's got some retarded mechanics (alignment AND charisma needed for character promotions), and the final boss is... I just stopped playing at that point. There are 255 of each type of enemy on the final map, of which there about 10 types of enemies. If you manage to force your way through all of that, you have three boss fights in a row. Fuck that game. Thankfully, OB64 seemed to have done away with charisma.

So weebshit SRPGs are not "RNG simulators"? Even dumb dumbed kiddie shit like Mario Rabbids is a RNG simulator, you fuckwit, even though it has only two states of accuracy: 50% and 100%. Risk management skills are part of the equation, even fucking chess has a degree of randomness.

Go play Rabbids, shitter.

OB64 is literally why I went N64 over PS1. I don't know if it was the right choice but at least I got to play OB64.

>dumb dumbed
*dumbed down

>genre where success is decided by how well you use the unit's statistics and capabilities

upset at having to do math

You out'ed yourself as a casual of the highest order. It would be like someone claiming they like FPS but don't like aiming.

Shit was too easy for my taste.

Tactics Ogre was such a disappointment to me. I remember really enjoying the look and feel of it on my PSP, but it fell sharply once you realized that your brand new [awesomeClassHere] starts at level 1 and needs to be babysat through a fight against level 25s who will one-shot him if they get within range.

And they always hunt him above all others. Fuck I get mad just thinking about it.

>your brand new [awesomeClassHere] starts at level 1
The game wants you to """train""" your new character aka grind xp in staged battles with zero risk where you hit your own troops for free infinite xp. TO is retarded like that.

Yeah I actually heard that in the original PS1 game there was some sort of weird "training mode"? I never played it but in the PSP version there was no such function meaning I had to wheel my level 3 beastmaster into combat against 8 level 827 enemies who would kill him if they as much as looked at him wrong.

Especially infuriating when you were aaalmost done with the battle and then without you realizing it, the enemy has now gotten into range with an incredibly weak ranged-attack. Usually the attack wouldn't even hurt, but against that level 3 it's an insta-kill.

Fuck that was so annoying.

Growlanser is pretty good if a bit too easy.

>It's not hard
fuck you

You can still hit your own units, right? Just give your new unit a ranged weapon, kill everyone but one enemy in a random battle and let your newbie shoot your own guys in the ass for free infinite XP while delaying the battle's end.

>NIS' furthest departure from it's dumb Disgaea styled SRPG
>is their best game by far
>won't make another one
It was outstanding both gameplay and storywise, literally why, NIS.

I remember playing Wayfarer of Time a while back and finding the combat system pretty entertaining if a little (a """little""") magic-heavy.

It was also dragged down by some truly mediocre meme-tier combat objectives which made it feel like it didn't actually have any faith in it's battle system. Instead of just "kill the enemy before they kill you" there was always some stupid gimmick like "pull all the levers" or "find the right door" or something.

Good story, fun and hot characters and solid setting, and the general gameplay had a strong foundation but fell back on poor mission-design decisions. Which sucked.

I didn't find it that hard most of the time. That being said I got my asshole ripped apart there too.

waifu srpgs are the best srpgs.

Time > Fire > Wind > Water > Earth

Fucking fight me.

>Literal retard cowgirl and edgy semi-protag

Could have fooled me

Wayfarer is the best game in the series. The other games are way easier and lack there objectives for the most part.

Maybe that's what makes them so easy because fuck that mission where you have to stall the angel for a few rounds.

I gave this game a lot of slack and got to chapter whateverdoctor but I couldn't fucking deal with the awful and disgustingly slow combat. Plus I hated just about every character (except rusty), especially the "antagonist who totally isn't going to join your party after revealing the actual big bad."

I've never actually tried (every instinct tells you that you DON'T want to start wailing on your own guys so I never thought of it I guess). What you say does make sense though, from a gameplay perspective.

And hell it's not like FFT for example didn't beg your to cheese the "Gain JP" (or whatever it was called) skill.

Is it really that fucking difficult to balance a SRPG without having to refer to these stupid design choices?

For example, giving the player a training mode:
>allow one character to train another character, the one with the highest level will always train the one with the lowest
>the trainee cannot become higher level than the trainer during training mode
>while the two train they will not be usable in combat, and a certain number of battles need to be cleared and won before the training produces a level (to simulate the flow of time)
>training is incredibly expensive and the costs scales with level, meaning the feature to train should be used sparingly and only to make low-level or new classes slightly competitive

There, I just fixed TO.

>edgy semi-protag
You only know about Soul Nomad from the evil mode playthrough threads, huh?

Like I said, I enjoyed Wayfarer, and but I still felt a good story, likable characters and a unique combat system was wasted on shit mission-designs.

The best missions were the few where you were left to "kill all enemies". That's when your combat prowess and decisions made relating to your character's growth clearly stood out.

Instead we got a million variations of "le find the beholder hiding behind a bush xD" which I absolutely hated.

You don't need any "training mode" nonsense. Just allow the player to fight optional battles that scale with player party level. This means you can make a team of newbs and go fight a bunch of rats to level up while technically being near the end of the game. This way you get to level new characters, but without excluding risk from the equation.

This was pretty good.

TO just felt like a worse FFT: WotL to me.

Ni way. FFT is like the most basic srpg ever. You get to control what? 4 units?

>deep and chalenging SRPGs
Reboot babies please leave.

Pretty sure TO already does that for random battles. They scale to your highest level deployed unit.

>that scale with player party level

Except this wouldn't work. When you get a new Pink Mage or whatever, that starts at level 1, it still get destroyed if the enemies scale to your level 72 party.

In your example, I should either send in a party of Pink Mages or send the Pink Mage in with a bunch of other level 1 classes to set the average enemy level lower, which would mean I would have to keep X amount of level 1 classes around JUST so I could make a party out of them and fight level 1 enemies.

What could work on the other hand would be allowing the player to CHOSE what level the enemies he went up against were. For example I could bring my party of level 70+s and my level 1 Pink Mage into a battle filled with level 10 enemies. Sure the level 70s won't get any experience or anything of value, but at least it feels like they're showing the new guy the ropes.

I could've sworn it was more than that.

I think it peaks at 6? But it's been years so I don't remember.

>Is it really that fucking difficult to balance a SRPG without having to refer to these stupid design choices

There are two models of SRPGS. The first is the tactical model, the abilities, classes, stats, and there are for you to think tactically. Every unit or option has purpose or function. Grinding is often impossible, or at least restricted or unproductive. There are not a lot of cheese tactics and you can't just win through sheer stats. X-com, home-console fire emblem, front mission. Are such examples

The other mode is the casual model. The abilities, classes, and stats are there for you to just play around with. There's way more options or units than in the tactical game many of them which are useless or just superior to the other so you have more toys to play with. You are often given many tools to faciliate grinding and are greatly rewarded for it. Cheese is everywhere and all you need is a few units with the right stats or abilities to obliterate everyhting. Every game that Nippon Ichi and Square has made fits into this category (which also happens to the be the games that Sup Forums talks about the most: as Sup Forums is the most casual gaming community on the planet).

>that UI

We aren't discussing the same genre. You're talking about turn-based tactics games. We're talking about SRPGs.

PSP was great for srpg's

Can you emulate this shit on android yet? I remember the tutorial being all fucked up a few months back.

Why must you be this way user?

I remember this! It felt like "Final Fantasy Tactics: Wild West and Weird Class Names Edition". That being said it had some pretty stupid missions every now and then that had a very hard requirement for X amount of Y classes (and no other combination would work).

It wasn't bad by any means, and I downright liked that the main characters all had "signature" class which only they could be.

Japs can't balance their games same with jrpgs

Runs well on my old Note 4, yeah. I was actually going to take you a picture and upload with this post until I realized I can't take a picture of my phone with my phone. I'm having a slow day.

Beat FFT 1.3 and come back, faggot.

J'eanne D'arc was okay.
Never got really far enough because story missions fuck you up so bad sometimes.

>not hard

Someone's going to have to explain this one to me. I got my ass murdered plenty of times in the game (mainly because I just don't grind unless I have to), but arguing this game as "super easy" is just downright lying.

>play TO: LUCT
>realize that all the objectives are "kill boss"
>mass archers and just shoot the boss
>cheese the game with minimal effort

I mean it was a neat game when I couldn't do that, at least.

>map where there's some chick in the middle of enemy group
>she dies so fast it feels like it's essentially a plot death
>build a team specifically for rescuing her
>manage to beat the map without her dying
>she doesn't join

Daily reminder that Jeanne with long hair was top-tier waifu. And that this game looked surprisingly good for a PSP game.

I actually really enjoyed the fuck out of this game. It was super weird but lots of fun

>No mention of Super Robot Wars at all

You disappoint me Sup Forums

OP said good SRPGS though.

I remember this part. She was some spear-slut, right? Fuck, you didn't even HAVE to defend her, it was some optional shit, but white-knight lawfags like myself wanted to come to the maiden in need.
>"Okay, thanks, bye!"

Eat shit whore.

I tried Generation of Chaos and I hated it. But there's so many on there that one of them has to be good.

>that game

I think its partly because my expectations were so low but my god was it good. So damn good.

I agree. Strange beast, wasn't it? I really liked the early game when Jeanne thought God was talking to her.

Something about weaving the Christian faith that the real Joan of Arc was known for into Jeanne's character really sat well with me!

Probably Cressida. She didn't join because you didn't Death March.

SOrry, I don't have time to play shitty mods by literally whos, I have actual games to play. Besides, 1.3 offers nothing I haven't already seen or faced in other actually good SRPGs.

So where's your ironman achievement?

Maybe develop better taste

I don't remember what weapon she used, but probably. It was definitely optional, when I played through I let her die but later on I did that thing where you could rewind time and play from different parts of the story and thought "maybe I could save her and she'd join." There was a big ass cliff in front of you and going around took too long, so I had a bunch of ninjas with that ability to go up any height so they could rush and block the enemy.

Me too. Very positively surprised. I picked it up after Tactics Ogre lost my interest (no I'm not starting to level that class from level fucking 1, fuck you) and found myself quite blown away.

Looked great, ran great, and even thought the cartoony graphics felt silly, the plot had a few really dark elements.

Does anyone remember the black guy who tried to sound as French as he could with every single line? That man was a gold mine.

Yes, you should consider it.

I was able to manage through the game without grinding until the final boss. I tried 6 times and gave up.

>I don't have time to play shitty mods by literally whos
You're shitposting on Sup Forums. You definitely have time to play it.

Exactly, you didn't feel like you HAD to grind, and the optional crap was just there if you wanted to DO optional crap. Thanks to the level scaling it didn't even really get easier if you decided to grind.

>1.3 offers nothing I haven't already seen or faced in other actually good SRPGs.
You know, except for being harder than anything you've played.

>Literal I know you are but what am I come back
Ah yes, the brainlet retort. Please try harder next time good lad

Convince me without posting animations.

Retards like him can't be saved user.

>home-console fire emblem

anyway tactics should be the name for the games with grinding, since you never have to think about long term planning. tactics=short term plans in war, Strategy=long term plans.

This was the last Fire Emblem I played before it turned to waifu-bait shit.

Really great game with the perfect amount of challenge versus reward.

Weapon durability is such a fucking stupid concept, holy shit it makes some of these games downright unplayable and is as far as I acknowledge one of the only reasons to even consider playing the newer games.

I only remember some of the stories key plot points, its been so long, but it does deal with some unexpectedly serious shit. Guess that means I'd better give this gem another play through and dust off the ol' portable.

>being harder
It's not, at least not theoretically. All you have to do is know the minimal unit levels for each story map and have all of your party members have exactly the same level. This completely eliminates the difficulty spike introduced via level scaling and the original FFT encounter design is such a joke that you need to literally redesign each and every encounter to make the game challenging. Again, the mod offers NOTHING unseen, there's no point in even playing it when I have a backlog of actual SRPGs to play.

>Path of Radiance
>Perfect amount of challenge

isn't it considered one of the easiest fire emblems? Also i'll take weapon durability any day over fates "lul silver weapons are shit" system. Only thing weapon durability games need is a way to spend gold to repair weapons between maps.

>the perfect amount of challenge
what the fuck are you talking about Ike can beat the game singlehandedly
>before it turned to waifu-bait shit.
go play Conquest so I can laugh at you for getting your shit pushed in by 'waifu-bait shit'

I like the concept of weapon durability, but only if it's very limited. Like say, you don't even have enough durability to kill everything on the map. I know everybody shits on Revelation, but I loved the beginning of it when you only had 2-3 units against 10 or so enemies. That sort of limited resources can lead to interesting results. I think weapon durability could do the same thing, but it's never done right.

I was doing a little research and I think it MIGHT have been Cerya. But I see in one route it's pretty easy to recruit her but I was under the impression she wasn't recruitable. It was a long time ago when I played this, so I guess I might have just screwed up.

I love this game, but I wouldn't say it was the perfect amount of challenge versus reward; it was way way way too easy. Once you get up to chapters 15 or so, your characters are just too powerful and 17 just turned into a slog.

I know, but I'm not very good at SRPGs,
so I enjoyed it.

>All you have to do is know the minimal unit levels for each story map and have all of your party members have exactly the same level.
If you think that gives you an easy win, you have no idea what you're talking about. You can grind your entire party JP off of a level 1 character to get ahead of the curve and still get fucked constantly.

I think durability is just fine; let's the game give you fun toys earlier on once in a while without breaking the game or having to resort to garbage like Fates' silver weapons. You just have to drop the hoarding mindset... and they need to make things tough enough for you to not just mass iron weapons and call it a day.

I know how you feel, Radiant dawn was my first fire emblem and i never would've beaten it without excessive abuse of the battle save feature

that looks worse than a lot of DS games though, psp could do way better.

I consider you brother. Doesn't stop me from having fun though. It's weird, I like SPRGs but I'm miles from any good at them.

SRPG are tactical games. It's squad level tactics done in a turn based fashion with an emphasis on movement.

>a non-Fire Emblem TRPG thread
Yes please
Devil Survivor and Shining Force are nice if a little easy.

>. I was actually going to take you a picture and upload with this post until I realized I can't take a picture of my phone with my phone
You know most phones can screenshot right?
You should be able to press the volume down button and power button at the same time to do it.

>full 3D game with anime cutscenes rendered at 480p
>good AA in most scenes and tons of units on-screen at once
>every map and object on it is in 3D
>tons of effects like the confetti raining down in my screenshot was all 3D

The current 3DS can't "do better", and except maybe Daxter I can't think of a single PSP game that can either.