Singleplayer games

I'm alone and want to stay alone for a while.
For that I need singleplayer games, what does Sup Forums recommend so I have something to do over the holidays?

what platforms do you have?

The Nippon Ichi Software games where you control a lonely loli

KizunaAI thread?

Find a good RPG that you can sink days into. I personally recommend Morrowind.

Why would anything other than the PC masterrace even post here?

All the classic snes jrpgs. Breath of Fire, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, Paladin"s Quest, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer, all that jazz

As a child I played the first Fable game
I've played it several times since.
Does anybody know a similar game that captures the magic of Fable?

>thought it was a real AI at first
>damn this is fucking cool
>find out it's just some fucker with a voice changer >the magic is gone
ACTUAL AI streamer when

>thought it was a real AI at first

What a stupid cunt.

OP, play Strange Journey.

She's extremely cute irl tho

Crusader Kings 2, Victoria 2

You are a mental defective if you thought that.



I've basically played hours of every 4x title worth mentioning except that fantasy one and I'm keeping that to play it together with somebody later.

Niether of those is 4x.
Just make sure you get the HIP and HPM mods or else it will get boring fast.

>voice changer

Let me rephrase that then
I have about 150 hours of crusader kings and can't find a challenge or new nation I'd want to play as.


I would suggest Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Saving that to play with my gf 2bqh


Prey (2017)

its literally system shock 3, amazing singleplayer

Dude thought it was a real AI, don't be stupid to believe anything he says.

It's probably a not so good looking actress/voice actress and some other people to manage the assets and editing.

Thanks bruv, bought it

dont forget to get the dismantle neuromod

>dont forget to get the dismantle neuromod
Who in the wwat?

for spare parts to repair and fortify bots if you're going down that playstyle

But I don't even know anything yet, user :


ok go in blind, but its an amazing game, I wonder if the upcoming system shock 3 will be as good

Listen here pal, if you're going to be playing a single player game, you might as well play the best single player game out there. That's right, I'm talking about Deus Ex. Play it.

I liked playing deus ex human revolution, but only because I listened to infowars while doing so.
Is the original improved by Alex Jones as well?