It's simple, if you're gonna be a piece of shit I'm not going to rematch you

It's simple, if you're gonna be a piece of shit I'm not going to rematch you.
If you don't skip the intro poses after I skipped mine, no runback.
If you don't skip the win pose, no runback. You are wasting time. I don't wanna see your faggot rainbow haired Asuka calling me weak, you stupid fuck.
If you play Paul and you deathfist me more than once per round, no rematch, dumbass.
If you play Jack or Kazumi I won't even consider a rematch.
If you play King, and you command grab me, guess what, no runback.
If you play Akuma or Eliza I will just leave the game. I want to play TEKKEN. Not zone fighter. You fucking faggot.
If you play Bryan, and you use his faggot ass snake edge, you can bet I'm not only denying the runback, but I'm sending a complaint to Harada. Get fucked.
If you play Josie don't even think about a runback, you unga spamming retard.
If you play Asuka, I dodge. It's that simple. Play a real character then maybe I'll consider it.
If you play Nina, and spam strings, I absolutely will not be giving a runback. Go fuck yourself. Jerk off to more OnlyPractice videos you cocksucker.
If you play Eddy, I don't even consider you a real player. We both know why you play Eddy. You will stay a scrub forever. No runback, dipshit.

And most importantly, if you hit me after the round is over, we are done. I'm writing your name down and blacklisting you, permanently. You dumb cocksucker. You won the round, don't rub it in. Show some fucking sportsmanship.
It's simple, don't be a faggot and I'll give you the runback.


>he never got good

What's the matter, user? The games been out for a while now, have you been left behind?


Whiny bitch.

why do i play eddy?

Is that you, LTG?

Look at all these fake rules nobody will follow.


The fact that you took the time to write this pretending to be actually upset is more funny than the asshurt itself

Post this in /tekgen/ and you might get some bites


ah I see so your b8ing.


So this is the power of Tekken players? No wonder they're so upset NetherRealm blew Namco out of the fucking water this year with the massive success of Injustice 2 compared to the disappointment that was cuckken 7

keep crying babby

Most of these aren't even that unreasonable desu

Yo OnlyPractice is great. Don't be sullying his name with your bait.

I enjoy this brand of pasta

I'm getting flashbacks of SF2 Hyper Fighting with all these rules

I aint reading all that shit.

Low Tier Bait


>If you play Eddy, I don't even consider you a real player. We both know why you play Eddy. You will stay a scrub forever. No runback, dipshit.
This, but unironically.

>If you don't skip the intro poses after I skipped mine, no runback.
>If you don't skip the win pose, no runback. You are wasting time. I don't wanna see your faggot rainbow haired Asuka calling me weak, you stupid fuck.
I agree with these man skip these intros or fuck off. Only exception is in a long set its alright every now and again, people have shit to do.

cool b8 tho

What if I hit you with an item move?

talk shit in Tekken 3 not 7 and see what happens bitch

+-2 rank setting



>play king
>ask me not to grab
yeah... no honey

gotta play the whole time with no grabs until you get to a 2-2 situation

then hit em with the burning hammer

You seem lost. This isn't GameFAQs.