Sip Thread

>what are you playing?
>What are you sipping?

thinking to jump on street fighter v

water is better

I can drink other energy drinks but whenever I have Monster I get a tight chest for some reason.

Out of zero ultra, so I'm sipping on some ripper which is fucking terrible, but was all my paki shop had at the time.
Not sure. Siege, GGXRDR2, SFV maybe? I want to be infuriated.

The blood and tears of Vampire_Lab_Girl. Bitch thought I wouldn't target her the entire game.


She thought wrong.

It's all that soy in your diet.



Oblivion and Dr. Pepper.

spotted the manlet

Sup Forums - Video Games

um excuse me this is a /fit/ meme you cant have it

playing bloodborne, also
>that first sip of the day

Go back to /ck/ faggot. It's bad enough you fags constantly have that thread there

Modern Wow
Homemade covefe

>v-video games!!!
you need to go back

>b-but Sup Forums is for funposting xD
you need to go back

Total Warhammer 2: Waiting for Kangz to Drop Boogaloo

Sipping two of these as my daily morning dose.

doki doki

I don't consume soy, actually. The pain might just be a placebo affect. Picrelated is what I drink

I'm 5'7" but have a stocky build

If it's not water or tea, you're a fucking degenerate

How did that turn out anyway>

>having reddit images saved
wow, nice point you're driving there buddy

Woops here it is.

>Sup Forums filename

Black coffee.


It's either the sodium (180 mg) or the caffiene (140 mg).

For comparison, a cup of coffee has 80-90 mg of caffiene and no sodium unless you sprinkle in a pinch of salt (some do for bitterness)

She ended the match 2-6. I was 13-4.

Why people drink energetic drinks if they arent gonna study or do sports. Its literally poison

I don't get the appeal of energy drinks.
I'd rather enjoy coffee for caffeine, water to quench my thirst or soda/ice tea/lemonade for something sweet.



>That first sip of the day

that's a big can

Because some soyboys decided to make playing competitive video games a "sport"

>That first sip of the day

because it tastes good nigga

>there are faggots that are unaware of based /fit/ memes

Who wouldn't enjoy Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™? From that first sip of the day to that last late night study sip, Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™ has all the energy you need to "crush it" in the classroom, the boardroom, and (wink) the bedroom! And with the classic 2 for $4 deal at your local 7-Eleven,* you can sip with a friend! Nothing says friendship like 140mg of caffeine, 200% of your daily value of four B-vitamins, zero calories, and a vague quantity of taurine, ginseng, and L-carnitine! That's what you get in the patented Monster Energy™ blend! Try Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™ today! It's rad!

* prices and participation may vary

140mg really isn't that much caffeine. the recommended limit for daily caffeine intake is between 300mg to 400mg. also i can tell you it's the other crap in energy drinks that make you feel weird. i use caffeine powder mixed in regular soda and i don't get the weird effects energy drinks can give you

I stopped drinking Monster once I started getting heart palpitations all the time and it made me feel sick all the time.

>the ultimate combo

The palpitations are how you know it's working. The heart is letting you know it's getting its necessary energy

scotch and the okami re-release, johnny walker black

Pic related

I like the taste of Redbull every now and then. If I could find an decaffeinated beverage that tastes like it that would be cool

This and some Eternal

Where did this sip shit come from?

Cheers cunt

I only ever drink this shit and V when I'm drinking cancer. Redbull is alrighg but the most expensive for no reason and monster and rockstar dont taste right.


Anyone drinking energy drinks here will eventually notice cognitive problems due to caffeine constricting blood flow to the brain, insomnia caused by caffeine will also ruin your brain, for more detailed information see Memory Rescue by Daniel G. Amen MD. Anyone suffering from anxiety in any form or memory problems cut out caffeine completely. Drink filtered water (through reverse osmosis) from a non-plastic container (ex. glass), drink 1 gallon a day, if you can't stand water drink fresh homemade juice (use a slow juicer), green apples + carrots + greens and orange juice will taste better than anything else and make you feel better too, you'll be happy you did.

I mean, supplement juice don't use it to replace the 1 gallon water.

Monster, and energy drinks in general are pretty close.

I absolutely love Rehabs, though. The half and half ones are delicious. Not being able to just drink them for the taste pains me.


Is black coffee bad for me? I have like 3 cups a day

eternal energy bro?

>energy drink
>zero calories
nice "energy" drink shitfucks

Only one correct answer

spotted the manlet

Skyrim on switch (yes I know it’s trash without mods, I have over 1000 hours on pc Skyrim) and mike’s hard

That show is such an eyesore

that's kinda the point


Oblivion and this "Seagram's Escape" pina colada malt crap that was in my fridge forever and I'm out of normal alcohol.

Runtoid can't handle the nectar of the gods


Energy drinks do all three of those things in one.

There's also some weird shit they mix in that supposedly makes it "energy" e.g. guyana and taurine or whatever, but I don't know whether that actually does anything or if it's just a placebo effect. Either way it seems to hit me much harder than caffeine alone.

>somehow thinks he's immune to being a manlet

Water and Roscato
I'm not playing anything. I should change that.

>playing video games
LMAO manchild