Hi guys

Hi guys


What's poppin', [B]?

Is there anything in the series that fucks you over more than getting cursed in the depths?

i'm playing DS for the first time and I just got to Sen's Fortress. My weapon seems to do nothing against the snakemen, I have to hit them like 15 times. I have a longsword +5. How do i upgrade it further, or which weapon should I switch to?

>Is there anything in the series that fucks you over more than getting cursed in the depths?
Getting cursed before they patched it so Purging Stones were easy to get

You weapon is fine. A +6 wouldn't hurt, but +5 is plenty for Sen's. The snakes are tough. Learn to adjust, because the next place has even worse standard enemies.

never happened to anyone

Join the forest guardians covenant and buy a demon's spear from their merchant. Enemies in Sen's fortress are weak against lightning.

That's what you get for not running claymore

what? you should have close to a +9 or 10 by the time sens. You get a chunk or two in sens which could get you 11 or 12

how do i get a +6? the blacksmith won't seem to level it any higher. I have some shards.

>what? you should have close to a +9 or 10 by the time sens.
Only if you're minmaxing and have played the game lots before. Don't be a fucking moron. You can get + 10 REALLY early in Dark Souls 2, but nobody runs around telling people they should be +10 as they enter the mid-game.

He's clearly on his first run. +6 is a plenty good level for Quelaag and it's not fair to expect him to get better than that on his way to Sen's.

Search the Depths, there's an item there you missed that the Smith will be able to use to let you go higher. It's near one of the Butcher enemies.

parry them m8

there's literally a lightning spear within Sen's, just use that

or you could get good and

Literally 200 hours in the game and never been cursed.

I guess I'm just a fucking god.

Snake Men are a bit of a filter enemy. They're one of the first where being a bit more tactical and going for parries and backstabs is really advisable. I've always felt like they're preparation for Silver Knights.

I got cursed on my first playthrough and was fucking horrified when I revived and saw my reduced health bar.

I had it happen on unpatched dark souls for 360. Y'know, with significantly reduced soul drops from enemies and all that? Yeah. That was also when the Pardoner was the only viable source of Purging Stones AND they costed like 40k or some shit.

Getting cursed is only an issue in NG, because 4k souls is a hefty amount when you've only reached the depths. In NG+, you only need to kill 4 undead soldiers to save up that much.

(moves to the side of you)

That was sure fucking difficult.

>First encounter with Seath
>Don't die to attack
>Get cursed instead
>No purging stones
>Can't escape
>Do entire duke's archives with half hp

Why did they nerf him on dark souls 3? why was dark souls 3 so casualized?

I). Locate the Large Ember directly behind the left bloodied table in the Cannibal's Den at the beginning of the Depths.

II). Bring it to Andre of Astora, give it to him.

III). Click on "Modify Equipment" and select your weapon to ascend.

IV). git gud casul

why does Nito like their fake eyes?

haha his fake eyes look like boobies

i went to the chest in the depths and it was open already and empty but I don't have it in my inventory wtf

It happened to me