Game industry in a nutshell
Game industry in a nutshell
*western video game industry
Probably liberals too. Or as I like to call them, useful idiots.
What's wrong with these people exactly? They look like regular introverted people
>a fucking leaf
How can you tell that they're liberals? :-)
>Seasons greetings?
Not sure I see the problem. Is it the pink hair?
Why are you so jealous, because those people achieved their dreams and you're here shitposting as a worthless NEET?
Are they not allowed to say Merry Christmas?
>Probably liberals too. Or as I like to call them, useful idiots.
Are you islamophob or what? pls respect other (only islam) religions. Do you want to someones feelings?
Shitty dreams desu.
>self hating white people?
What kind of backwards podunk place do you live that actually celebrates Christmas?
A happy and responsible white family house
Me on the left
>translates your game
It's a crime to be pleased with modern western civilization these days according to LARPing fags.
Why is that plumber wearing pink shirt?
Wouldn't your normie faggot family be disgusted that you post on Sup Forums? Go back to facebook where you belong with the rest of the plebs.
I've seen men who look like a meatball before, but I have never seen a man who looked like a handful of meatballs
What the fuck is this He/Him shit?
It's his preferred pronouns
People who worship Jesus Christ and not some warmongering pedophile?
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? How is it that people these days are such think-skinned bitches to be pissed off if they're called "ma'am" or "sir"?
I know, right?
>not celebrating Ramadan and actively lecturing anyone who DARES mention a 'white christmas'
Funny how the "christian" conservative running for senate in Alabama was a racist homophobic pedophile.
artsy fartsy people and ... this boring clothes
>4 fat chicks
>2 witrh dyed hair
Yup, that's Canada for you
Some serious soy going on in this pic
People have been putting "Season's Greetings" on cards for about a million years.
This is clearly an "ugly Christmas sweater" photo, I don't see a token menorah or even a Kwanzaa menoruh. Also Quebec HATES muslims, so they should be on your good books anyway fag
>Also Quebec HATES muslims
Quebec is full of pussies, I doubt they're even capable of feeling hatred for anyone except white males.
In countries that matter? Literal jews, commie fedora tippers, and third world shit-holes don't celebrate or hate Christmas.
It's a way of making fun that sensitives literally aren't allowed to call you out on because it's exactly what they tell you to do
Third worlders have a huge Christian population because they're that uneducated and stupid.
>the only females in the group have dyed hair
Women are a mistake.
>5 "men"
>4 women
People virtue signalling how progressive they are by putting their preferred pronouns in their bios even though they're "cis"
My university was actually forced to apologise because they said something along the lines of "dreaming of a white campus" and a few people took it the wrong way (They most likely knew exactly what they meant and just wanted to be offended) so my university had to then make another pathetic post apologising for their language and explaining themselves.
You have no idea what you're talking about
Quebec hates Muslims so much that they were willing to ban scarves, sunglasses and face masks for ANYONE using public services just so they could ban the 50-60 women in Quebec who wear burkas. Yes, Canadians passed a scarf ban. They also had a massacre at a mosque recently.
They're French nationalists, and French nationalists hate Jews and Muslims more than Americans do. UbiSoft doesn't disclaim profusely just because they're weenies, it's because the topics are even more controversial in Quebec than in the US.
Why are all the women fat?
the devolver digital girl is based though, she shouldn't be on that list
They're not fat they're body positive you bigot
Would absolutely smash
Trump is a bad president.
>dreaming of a white campus
I can honestly understand why that would rub people the wrong way.
Same, it's a nice moustache.
I could have maybe understood it too if they didn't clearly reference snow several times in the tweet
Quebec was actually close to being their own country inside of Canada. But most kids here don't remember that.
I like that.
How do you mean close? And how recently was that? I know that independence is perpetual issue for them, and they hold polls and stuff, but like Catalonia they don't really have a mechanism for enacting it anyway.
>soy's greetings
>soynta claus is getting my wife's son a year-long soylent subscription this year!
>*celebratory snapping of fingers, but carefully to prevent triggering*
So glad I avoided a career in professional triple A gamedev companies. Imagine being surrounded by radfems with arts degrees occupying jobs they're not qualified before, and the fellow males remaining are all nu-male face weaklings with zero backbone?
>western gamers in a nutshell
>zieg heil
You UCL bro?
Oh fuck off cunt. I hate cunts like you. Go jump into traffic piece of fucking shit
Would you rather work in an Eastern or Western game development office?
At least he has a lot of people that like to spend time with him..
I dont need other people. Fuck you.
hahahah holy fuckin shit my thoughts exactly
is that cliffyB with phil fish?
Whatever makes you feel better, user
Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too.
98% of all entertainment is made by liberals because the most "entertaining" media conservatives have ever created was The Birth of a Nation.
If you consistently suck at an industry, maybe you should get the hint that it's you, not them.
Do not insult introverted people with these liberal abominations
That girl in the doggo sweater is cute. I'd bang ger and eat out her ass
>they're employed doing something they love
>and you aren't