Got this game today

Got this game today.
Anything I really need to know before starting it?
Which DLC should I get?
English or JP dub?

Enjoy your film that isn't a game.

Cutscenes and an overhyped "IM ANGRY" MC.

Oh forgot sbout this game. Guess thats another game ill pirate for my ps3


The story is really good. The gameplay not so much, bosses can get hard as fuck.

>Anything I really need to know before starting it?
Just expect a lot of button presses and a lot of credits and openings.

>Which DLC should I get?
The DLC ending because otherwise it's unfinished.

>English or JP dub?
English is more than fine, but I don't know if JP is better or not.


I guess I'll call it an anime. Anyway, thanks for the answers anons. I've been looking for this game for just over a year. Words just can't describe my excitement.

English definitely. pretty sure even the japs were impressed with liam o'brien's yelling as asura because i think the jap voice track still uses liam's yelling in rage-filled scenes

Get the FUCK out of this thread. Now

>Anything I really need to know before starting it?

Firstly, if you got the PS3 version, I would return it for the 360 one, if you can: The 360 one has less screen tearing. Beyond that that, make sure you DON'T skip the aftter mission text sections, since they flesh out thecharacters and narrattive, but DO skip the "next episode on" previews after that to avoid spoilers.

Lastly, and I think you probably already know this, but you need to go in with the expectation this is an interactive anime, not so much a game.

>Which DLC should I get?
The Part 4 Nirvana DLC is absolutely mandatory, it concludes the story and has one of the hypest endings of anything i've EVER seen. Blows W101 out of the water, approachs gurren lagann level insanity.

The two lost episodes with street fighter crossovers are fun, so iif you liked the base game and Part 4, give them a shot. Do NOT buy the 11.5 and 15.5 episode DLC. These are just 2d animated anime episodes basically with QTE's over them. Watch them on youtube instead.

>English or JP dub?
English sounds far better, it fits the lip sncyiing more too. I actually think the english dub might be the native track, with the jap one being done afterwards.

The sole possible exception here is the JP track uses vocals in some of the songs that are instrumental in the english track, which IMO sounds nicer. Once you beat the game go look up the differences.

Is the Akuma stuff DLC because if it is then get that because its awesome.

>anything I should know
>Which DLC should I get
The actual ending.
>english or jap
One of Liam's best performances. Right up there with Lezard Valeth. Go english

If you are looking for a game that its main focus is the story rather than the gameplay, then you are going to have a great time playing it.

It's one of the few games that describe correctly the concept of "epic".

from what I've heard even the weebs say ENG is better for this one.

Why is the father/daughter trope the most appealing of all?

>press O to extend hand
God I love this game.

Get the ending DLC and ignore the street fighter ones.

It really is not, and I am a huge daughterfag.
Its a really cheap move to get the viewer invested and to give the character motivation.

I don't know, but I like how it was presented in Asura's Wrath.

It makes me think what Asura would've done if they weren't assholes and actually had a non-shit reason for kidnapping his daughter. Especially since dude was willing to kill his teacher and best friend/brother-in-law without remorse.

gee I dont know I would choose my loving kid over some dicks who betrayed me and left me to rot

the only dlc that matters which is the ending

other than that you are left a unfinished game that has a god shit ending