Monster Hunter World Amazon Rankings 12/21

>Amazon.JP - #11

> - not in top 100

> - not in top 100

> - not in top 100

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>>Amazon.JP - #11


HAHAHAHAH Dead on Arrival

This is honestly a sad day.

2m worldwide sales incoming

>Wii sells well
>Wii U gets raped by PS4
>S-Sales don’t matter
>Switch sells well
>Seitch gets crushed by PS4 on black friday
>S-SALES DON’t matter
>MHW flops in Japan

Why do Nintenbros have such a low IQ?

>game is casualized to fuck for western appeal
>the west still doesn't give a fuck

you can't make this up

looks like its sold out on jp amazon
doesnt excuse the rest though, its bombing in the west

Are switchtoddler fags so desperate and butthurt for a game they dont have?

Jesus for $100 I wouldn't preorder the fucker either.

it'll still do well, capcom will gladly sacrifice all their IPs at the altar of baphomet to ensure MHW hits sales expectations

it's ok when nintendoodoo does this

>G-gimme MH exclusivity!
MHTri fucking bombed on Wii.
NMH & NMH2 fucking bombed on Wii. MH3U fucking bombed on WiiU. Bayonetta 2 fucking bombed on WiiU.

What makes you assblasted Nintenretards think that there is an audience for ARPG on Nintenbabby home console?

If you retards really are that desperate to play the game, you would have built your own PC or get a PS4 / XBOne. Oh right, you retards only play exclusively on Nintendo consoles and never give a shit about MH / other ARPGs in the first place.

>people seriously believe there are people on this board who own one device for video games

Fucking underage stop with the fucking shitflinging console war threads already!!!

Obviously not casualized enough

ugh.....this isn't good..


>Buying on Amazon

Everyone got it at a store or PSN because everyone wants to play it midnight you soft cunt.

By and large the greatest amount of Monster Hunter fans are on Nintendo/handheld, not playstation, not PC, not xbox. All the console Monster Hunters barely got any support or sales, that' s why they went to Nintendo and handhelds in the first place. Sony just paid well for them to come back. No console Monster Hunter game will ever do better than a handheld Monster Hunter game, even if you want to pretend it's a completely new thing. World is still a Monster Hunter game, just watered down.

Tá bom, noob.

Damn deceptive covers. I was hoping this was available in English.

you know you can walk to a store right? Normies aren't buying it off amazon. Not trying to say ITS RUINED or ITS SAVED but that's just -one- retailer.